Discus and support NEW UPDATE 6 WHEELER in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Patience padawan it will come, by then half of us will be too busy playing other games Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by Z4ZonE, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. Darth Arbys
    Darth Arbys Guest


    Patience padawan it will come, by then half of us will be too busy playing other games
    Darth Arbys, Jun 19, 2014
  2. LegendOfGta
    LegendOfGta Guest
    You guys left out the part where this vehicle is available from Warstock Cache & Carry, and it costs $249,000.
    LegendOfGta, Jun 19, 2014
  3. Z4ZonE
    Z4ZonE Guest
    Legend, Im sorry I didn't mention that, but $249,000 is pocket change to me bro. for those who need the money, add me, I do missions all the time, and I am getting to the point to where I will die 1 percent of the time now. I am a great partner, and team
    player, so join me
    Z4ZonE, Jun 19, 2014
  4. LegendOfGta
    LegendOfGta Guest


    Please tell me you are a free-aimer, right?
    LegendOfGta, Jun 19, 2014
  5. I use to do free aim. There wasn't ever any lobbies so I switched back recently. Also got tired of spawning AI killing me instantly.
    Grymm of Astora, Jun 19, 2014
  6. Z4ZonE
    Z4ZonE Guest
    Free aimer? in fallout 3, last of us, and defiance, I am a free aimer, but gta5 heck no. when the AIs spawn, they sometimes spawn right in the back of me and kill me before I even know they are there. and forgive me for being a sore loser but I don't like
    to lose.
    Z4ZonE, Jun 19, 2014
  7. Time to grind dat rooftop rumble.
    Ser Ricky Bobby, Jun 20, 2014
  8. BAD 2020
    BAD 2020 Guest


    Why such an emphasis on free aim Legend? This game is not a shooter. It has shooting but its not a shooter. Most lobbies are lock on. I mean all you have is a little white dot. Its not a great reticule. GTA has and always will be an auto aim game. If you
    want a shooter there is always COD, Halo, Battlefield, and many, many more. Personally im a crack shot in free aim 1st person or 3rd person shooters but GTA not so much. Many aspects of this game has free aim like all heavy weapons and MG's, car against car,
    etc. Thats enough for me. If you like it Legend then thats cool but dont judge someones ability based on free or auto aim even if its Zone. LOL. Some might even call a person who insists on free aim a "try hard".
    BAD 2020, Jun 20, 2014
  9. BAD you can change the Reticle FYI.

    I don't know what it is but free aim just isn't as natural as it is in other games.
    Grymm of Astora, Jun 20, 2014
  10. Z4ZonE
    Z4ZonE Guest
    What do you mean by "even if its Zone"?? the heck you mean by that bro?
    Z4ZonE, Jun 20, 2014
  11. LegendOfGta
    LegendOfGta Guest
    @Everyone because I ONLY play Free Aim! I don't see the problem with it, honestly (except that sometimes shots won't recognize even though you KNOW they connect). Other than that, I can take down most of the enemies I encounter within missions and a decent
    amount of FR players. Play most missions on HARD and dominate with 24 enemy kills and up. If you aim for headshots and use cover ALOT, then you can pass most missions using Free Aim on HARD. Use of snacks and Body Armor are HIGHLY recommended. I like having
    the ability to go one-on-one with the enemy AI in pure skill rather than rely on the game to do the aiming for me. Yes; I'm aware that the AI have hyper-marksmanship aim but I've been able to overcome that obstacle through the use of a combination of tactics.


    It's more of a personal preference but I can't stand AUTO AIM!
    LegendOfGta, Jun 25, 2014
  12. Foregotten1
    Foregotten1 Guest
    I would free aim a lot more if the missions were less bugged with all these insta spawning AI. AI cars. An if those same AI didnt have hyper targeting and curving bullets.
    Foregotten1, Jun 25, 2014
  13. Z4ZonE
    Z4ZonE Guest


    some times the auto aim sucks, like youll be looking right at a guy to shoot, and the auto aim takes you to someone that is like in a different spot. I have died 2 times already because of this. other than that, auto aim is a gta thing for me.
    Z4ZonE, Jun 25, 2014
  14. Mafivee
    Mafivee Guest
    for me, auto-aim vs AI and free-aim vs people.
    Mafivee, Jun 25, 2014
  15. ^This.

    I can't stand people who think they're "good" at GTA:O because they can press two buttons at the same time.
    Beef McLargeBig, Jun 26, 2014