Netflix on Xbox sysytems.

Discus and support Netflix on Xbox sysytems. in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I had the pleasure of getting to play with a Xbox One and a Playstation 4 over the holidays. I must say both systems are quite gorgeous! And the... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Foomanchew420, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. Netflix on Xbox sysytems.

    I had the pleasure of getting to play with a Xbox One and a Playstation 4 over the holidays. I must say both systems are quite gorgeous! And the gameplay is awesome! However; with all the console wars, i found out one thing that will stop me from buying
    an Xbox One and buy a Playstation 4 instead. And that is Netflix. I'm not a Microsoft hater but the fact that I would have to purchase a Xbox Live GOLD membership to stream my Netflix movies is what I believe ridiculous. I pay yearly for a Netflix account.
    I can stream movies on my Wii (No extra cost). I can on my Apple TV (No extra cost). I can on my Smart TV (no extra cost). I can stream on a PS3 or PS4 (No extra cost). But here is where i was amazed. To stream on Xbox 360 or Xbox One, I must pay extra for
    the Xbox Live Gold membership. Wow…. Thanks Microsoft for charging us extra fee's to stream movies from Netflix that other game systems allow us to do for free. And Xbox One is the most expensive unit on the market to boot.

    Foomanchew420, Jan 7, 2014
  2. brumhee
    brumhee Guest
    Microsoft reveals Xbox One Entertainment App line-up

    The new Netflix won't be coming to Xbox One either Netflix updates Xbox 360, PS3, Roku and Smart TV apps with unified interface

    I assume this means that because Netflix is deeply integrated with Xbox One its difficult to update to the new platform. From the UI video it looks like Netflix can be added to the TV guide for voice control etc and so may be a bespoke build.
    brumhee, Jan 7, 2014
  3. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest
    Netflix on Xbox

    actually use netflix xbox

    there is more features on netflix xbox then any other device

    kinect netflix voice and gesture commands

    netflix parties

    (would only function with gold anyways)

    netflix search using voice (coming this fall)
    ngocphi, Jan 7, 2014
  4. Netflix on Xbox sysytems.

    So even though you currently own 3-4 devices that you can stream netflix on,you won`t buy an xbox because it can`t??

    Yes its wrong that its hid behind a pay wall,but blame netflix for allowing microsoft to do that.


    Chances are if you buy an xbox one you will buy gold anyway,so it would make no difference.
    THEOWENKILLER, Jan 7, 2014
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Netflix on Xbox sysytems.