Need help with raids? I'm your guy

Discus and support Need help with raids? I'm your guy in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Hello all! My name is Jeff and I am an avid destiny player. I run a clan called Arc II and help everyone and anyone with strikes, raids(vault of glass... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by og Trainwrek, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. og Trainwrek
    og Trainwrek Guest

    Need help with raids? I'm your guy

    Hello all!

    My name is Jeff and I am an avid destiny player. I run a clan called Arc II and help everyone and anyone with strikes, raids(vault of glass and crota) and give out Free exotic chest every day/week. I have over 1000 hours logged into destiny and would consider
    myself a pro gamer.

    I also stream on twitch and would appreciate if you all would follow my stream and help me get my name out there!

    I am on the road to getting partnered and i do FREE giveaways every 150 followers so please get the word out and check the stream.

    if you every need assistance with anything add me on xbox or stop by my twitch.

    Thanks, have a nice day

    og Trainwrek, Apr 1, 2015
  2. Need help with the crew

    This guy isn't an expert. Call xbox support first. It does not sound like your console needs to go in for repair, as it is only The Crew that is the problem.

    Posters shouldn't give advice if they don't know what they are doing.
    Fembot-D0A580E6-4607-4D1C-9293-8F2CC6467B41, Apr 1, 2015
  3. brandy123
    brandy123 Guest
    Help needed ?

    Not a good read at all,whoever the guy who posted in that thread saying the problem is fixed hasn't a clue as he stated after to try and make sure your xbox is flat,turn of and retry otherwise return to where you bought it.
    If it was fixed "why isn't my sons xbox not updating a patch to solve the problem"
    brandy123, Apr 1, 2015
  4. KurtUKz Win User


    We have a clan who need 2 guys for the raid were all 25 and above, if your interested let me know through message ""
  5. Dr Body Dropper Win User


    I'm in for a raid tonight. although I don't want to play with anyone below a 26. I myself am a 27 hunter and need some more shards to upgrade to a 28. I'll add you guys. ChainedScylla...i want more info on your clan. would love to join one.
  6. GrimmxKid Win User

    Friends, Strikes and Raids Xbox One

    I'm in need of raiding buddies :) GT is
  7. xROSEx Win User

    Need team for vault of glass 26+

    I have a total of 5 people just need one more for raid. If any of you guys are interested message me.
  8. TH3 J0K3R 789 Win User


    Need help doing crota raid add Shayde751 or plz need help

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