Need help on raid

Discus and support Need help on raid in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Heed help on the raids I can help lv 30 Titan just add me 6435766e-0fc1-4b99-894a-20a2f474de42 Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by WereKatana, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. WereKatana
    WereKatana Guest

    Need help on raid

    Heed help on the raids I can help lv 30 Titan just add me

    WereKatana, Dec 18, 2014
  2. StrayElf
    StrayElf Guest
    Destiny: need help (NOT for raid)

    I need the help of two level 26+ players for a mission, and only this mission (although if you'd want to do the raid afterwards, I wouldn't say no). My gamertag is StonedMagicianX. Please, I don't have enough XBL friends who are high enough level.
    StrayElf, Dec 18, 2014
  3. RavenRek
    RavenRek Guest
    Looking to do raid on hard (lvl 29 titan)

    Need to do the raid on hard! Please help!
    RavenRek, Dec 18, 2014
  4. TH3 J0K3R 789 Win User


    Need help doing crota raid add Shayde751 or plz need help
  5. PsychoticRaptor Win User


    you need to do the crota raid and get raid gear that can be upgraged to lvl 32, you will either need 3 pieces of legendary raid gear or 1 piece of exotic gear and 2 pieces of legendary, either way will get you to lvl 32, if you need help with the crota
    raid hmu on the weekends or every night at midnight CST
  6. MatthewMorse-CC15ED1 Win User

    Anyone need Raid help?

    Looking to do the raid on hard. Message me if interested.
  7. DR MC81 Win User

    Crota Raid need help

    Count me in man. add me () I'll add you too.

    Have one of each guardian all lvl. 25 at the moment. Hate playing solo too, takes forever to get stuff done!

    I have group/clan that I just created on the Destiny app. Called 'Exotic Bounty Junkies' I could use some co-leaders as they say in Clash of Clans. lol

    I'm trying to get at least 3 members so the clan tag [EBJC] and bonus rewards can appear in-game.

    I would appreciate the help in return for helping you.

    Hey, this game is gonna be out for a while. Might as well be a part of a clan now than to keep raiding on your own.

    Here's the link to my Destiny clan. Sign up anyone is welcome!
  8. DrxDot Win User

    Crota raid

    Level 30 normal crota raid. Join me, need help!

Need help on raid

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