Need help Hacker guy says he will boot us off and he has our IPs he says

Discus and support Need help Hacker guy says he will boot us off and he has our IPs he says in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; The hackers gamer tag is [Mod removed] if any one is reading this report him and hes saying he is gonna boot my friend off for a week and we didn't do... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by PunisherG, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. PunisherG
    PunisherG Guest

    Need help Hacker guy says he will boot us off and he has our IPs he says

    The hackers gamer tag is [Mod removed] if any one is reading this report him and hes saying he is gonna boot my friend off for a week and we didn't do anything to him. Report this guy if hes a wannabe hacker because hes acting like a doucebag help report

    PunisherG, Mar 7, 2015
  2. People who use vulgar language trying to hack people or threaten to. Enforcement team please read

    (MOD REMOVED) is a guy I just played with who is using the "f" word and threatening us on Xbox live in game chat during big team battle post game lobby. Also a man named (MOD REMOVED) has been threatening to hack me and 3 other friends and says he will get
    us all kicked off of Xbox live and would hack my parents credit card and he says he has my IP address. I advise everyone to be careful of him because he claims to know someone at Microsoft who he said he can do whatever he wants to people's accounts if he
    wants to. And I reported him but Xbox live has not done anything about it.
    zOmB x6x NinJa, Mar 7, 2015
  3. Fariko Xenon
    Fariko Xenon Guest
    A Guy is threatening to hack my profile

    This guy on xbox is threataning to hack my xbox profile with out my details, he says he needs to buy a keyvault for his
    [Mod Removed] and then he can hack me
    Fariko Xenon, Mar 7, 2015
  4. PunisherG
    PunisherG Guest

    Need help Hacker guy says he will boot us off and he has our IPs he says

    This guy just hacked my friend right now help report him or something
    PunisherG, Mar 7, 2015
  5. Up1nSpace
    Up1nSpace Guest
    You can not post other gamer tags on these forums contact Microsoft and report this gamertag to them...
    Up1nSpace, Nov 1, 2018
  6. PunisherG Win User

    Need help Hacker guy says he will boot us off and he has our IPs he says

    This guy just hacked my friend right now help report him or something
  7. Up1nSpace Win User

    Need help Hacker guy says he will boot us off and he has our IPs he says

    You can not post other gamer tags on these forums contact Microsoft and report this gamertag to them...
  8. CrystalizedHell Win User


    dude im having the same issue except the guy booting me can shut off my internet for like 2-4 hours he says he has my ip address.
  9. Undeadfire Zero Win User

    Theatened By a Guy That Says Hes a Hacker

    [quote user="EricSS"]

    My account was broken into and NOT phished. I dont even know my log in password because I never ever use it. I also never ever sign into ANY account from a link or similar.

    I never had anyone tell me they were going to hack my account, but it happened and you will feel stupid when it happens to you, although I dont wish this on anyone.


    If they know the accounts email. People will be determined to go for easy passwords to take the account. That isn't hacking.
  10. mysteryentry Win User

    Theatened By a Guy That Says Hes a Hacker

    Threatening language is against the rules anyway.

Need help Hacker guy says he will boot us off and he has our IPs he says

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