NAT type: Restrict

Discus and support NAT type: Restrict in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; How can I solve this problem? I've tried everything and I can not play online. I use a laptop, technically my IP is dynamic, because every time I... Discussion in 'XBoX on Windows' started by Oséias Lopes, Jul 20, 2018.

  1. NAT type: Restrict

    NAT type: Restrict [​IMG]

    Oséias Lopes, Jul 20, 2018
  2. CyrusCannon
    CyrusCannon Guest
    Sudden New Issue: Open Nat, but "your network is behind an address-restricted NAT"

    Bump, it has now shifted to "port-restricted NAT" and Moderate NAT type.
    CyrusCannon, Jul 20, 2018
  3. Zach Roth
    Zach Roth Guest

    could be your NAT type is restrictive.
    Zach Roth, Jul 20, 2018
  4. M3tal Daz3
    M3tal Daz3 Guest

    NAT type: Restrict

    M3tal Daz3, Jul 20, 2018
  5. This is a BOGUS fix. It doesnt fix anything. Windows is a serious shamble of garbage, unstable, made to be hacked code. I can run thru my every network setting in cmd and 3 seconds later windows has destoryed my networking back to its shamble of restrictions
    with no security. M3tal Daz3, you work for the Sith.
    YouAllRlySuck, Jul 26, 2018
  6. LetMe911
    LetMe911 Guest
    I have same problem.

    I play Minecraft windows 10 edition via xbox live.
    LetMe911, Aug 3, 2018
  7. ChiefJoboo
    ChiefJoboo Guest
    The most common ways to fix strict NAT types on Windows is to do the following, and please note that is is advanced and there's no way around that. Please make sure you own your router and are authorized to change its settings.

    1. Enter your router settings/config page (usually by a "default IP" like 192 168 1 1 (spaces as periods)) in a web browser. Look up your router model and maker for info on how to log in. Sometimes the IP (sometimes a website) and username and password are
    located on the bottom of the router on a sticker. Most linksys routers are 192 168 1 1 (spaces as periods) and there's no username and the password is "admin". Some are 192 168 0 1 or 10 0 0 1 (spaces as periods) or even a website that redirects you to your
    router settings.

    2. Look for the MTU size option and change it to manual and to 1492 (in router admin/config settings). Apply.

    3. Type CMD into Start (or press WINDOWS KEY + R and then type CMD then enter) and type "ipconfig" (no quotes) and then hit enter. Look at your IPv4 address, subnet mask and gateway and write those IP addresses down (ignore the really long ones that aren't
    like 192 168 1 1 (spaces as periods)). NOTE that if your IP is not like 192 168 1 101 (the last number can be anywhere from 101 to 255) and it's something totally different like 192 168 0 101 or even 10 0 0 101 (spaces as periods), please use that format but
    change the last number to 149 for the rest of this and use that in place for 192 168 1 149.

    4.. Enter your router settings/config page and look for the DMZ setting and enable it and enter the DMZ IP address as 192 168 1 149 (spaces as periods). Apply.

    5. Set your PC to a static IP address. You will need to go to Start > Type "Network Status" and select that > Click "Ethernet" (or Wifi if you use that) on the left > then "change adapter settings" on the right side > right click your network device (ethernet
    or wifi) and go to Properties > Click "Intenet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPV4)" and then the Properties button. You will then need to click "Use the following IP Address" and change that to 192 168 1 149 (spaces as periods) This is the one we set as the DMZ
    earlier. Enter the same subnet mask and default gateway IP addresses there, don't change those. Then click OK.

    Reboot your PC and router (by power pull for 15 seconds) and you should have Open NAT!
    ChiefJoboo, Nov 5, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

NAT type: Restrict