NAT Inconsistant

Discus and support NAT Inconsistant in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I ran the network connection test yesterday and it said my NAT was strict. I signed into COD and it listed my NAT as!?!?... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by BANDIT x42x, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. BANDIT x42x
    BANDIT x42x Guest

    NAT Inconsistant

    I ran the network connection test yesterday and it said my NAT was strict. I signed into COD and it listed my NAT as!?!?

    BANDIT x42x, Jan 28, 2014
  2. inconsistant signal

    If i it is not your service provider and it's wired, than it could be the wiring in your house. (bad signal, bad wires, interference)
    spaghettir101, Jan 28, 2014
  3. inconsistant signal

    Why is it that when online during game my signal strength fluctuates and
    I am using a wired connection. also noticed other players bars seem to deminish and return to full strength . This effects my game play and causes the opposing

    guys with all bars full strength get their shots off quicker even when I am waiting for him and have already pulled the trigger. I have even upgraded my internet to give me more strenght on my side but seems to have been a waste of an extra $15.00 a month.
    Have you folks an explanation for me? Thanks. also netflix keeps disconnecting me and asking to change profiles to an xbox live account and reconnect when I am already connected with my profile.
    SatchFranklin, Jan 28, 2014
  4. NAT Inconsistant

    Its glitch..i had moderate, ran test and now open. It changes day to day when i know for a fact nat is open always.
    PrimitiveMeat, Jan 28, 2014
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

NAT Inconsistant