Discus and support NAT ESTRITO [Translation-STRICT NAT] in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; Olá, comunidade, estou com problemas, já fiz de tudo e mais um pouco para tentar mudar o status do meu NAT de Estrito para Aberto, porém nada me... Discussion in 'XBoX on Windows' started by Wyctor Maia, Oct 9, 2018.

  1. Wyctor Maia
    Wyctor Maia Guest

    NAT ESTRITO [Translation-STRICT NAT]

    Olá, comunidade,

    estou com problemas, já fiz de tudo e mais um pouco para tentar mudar o status do meu NAT de Estrito para Aberto, porém nada me ajudou, nem tutoriais e nem as soluções presentes aqui na comunidade.

    Já mudei as portas, já ativei/desativei o DMZ, já fiz de tudo, preciso de ajuda, alguém tem como me ajudar?

    Estou usando o windows 10

    [Translation-Hello, community,

    I have problems, I have done everything and a little more to try to change the status of my NAT from Strict to Open, but nothing helped me, tutorials and the solutions present here in the community.

    I've already changed the doors, I've activated / deactivated the DMZ, I've done everything, I need help, can anyone help me?

    I'm using windows 10]

    Wyctor Maia, Oct 9, 2018
  2. NAT settings?

    Your NAT ( Network Adress Translation ) is managed by your router, so that is where you would need to look to adjust. Take a look at this article -
    for more info, but your NAT does NOT affect your in game play.

    Hope this helps!
    PowerMacAttack, Oct 9, 2018
  3. DennisVNA
    DennisVNA Guest
    problemi di partecipazione ad un gruppo con alcuni amici [problems of participation in a group with some friends]

    Ciao. Puo cominciare a leggere questo qui per essere sicuro che non e problema con NAT.


    Hello. You can start reading this here to be sure no problem with NATs.
    DennisVNA, Oct 9, 2018
  4. XBF Diego M
    XBF Diego M Guest

    NAT ESTRITO [Translation-STRICT NAT]

    Hey Wyctor,

    I'd be happy to help. Have you checked your router settings to make sure teredo tunneling is enabled and the UPnP is also enabled in the router settings?

    I would suggest looking over this
    for Strict NAT types or teredo IP address issues that usually causes Strict or unavailable NAT types. There are 8 possible solutions on there.

    I hope there is some helpful information on there that can resolve the issue.
    XBF Diego M, Oct 9, 2018
  5. WhiteyBlack2
    WhiteyBlack2 Guest
  6. Wyctor Maia
    Wyctor Maia Guest
    Wyctor Maia, Oct 9, 2018
  7. Wyctor Maia
    Wyctor Maia Guest
    Wyctor Maia, Oct 9, 2018
  8. XBF Javier R
    XBF Javier R Guest

    NAT ESTRITO [Translation-STRICT NAT]

    Hello there!

    One suggestion here, as we understand you mentioned that turning on the DMZ did not assist.

    The DMZ is usually a last resort option, which when switched on opens all ports and leaves the firewall unblocked. If this did not assist, then the next option would be to get in touch with your internet service provider.

    This may come down to the actual hardware's performance, and sometimes its incompatibility.

    Try to reach out to your internet provider, and see what they say in regards to this situation.

    Respond back with any other feedback you may have, best wishes!
    XBF Javier R, Nov 5, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused