My Xbox One lasted One year and four months before breaking. Now I have a 500 dollar paper ...

Discus and support My Xbox One lasted One year and four months before breaking. Now I have a 500 dollar paper ... in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I will start this by saying I have owned every Xbox Console since MS got into the console market and have been very happy, until now. Not one laps on... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by ELECT OF DEATH, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. My Xbox One lasted One year and four months before breaking. Now I have a 500 dollar paper ...

    I will start this by saying I have owned every Xbox Console since MS got into the console market and have been very happy, until now. Not one laps on my live account since I bought my old 360. I bought my Xbox One day one and have stuck with it when a
    lot of people ditched them. The first three months I owned it the kenict sensor went bad so I had to send it to them for a new one which took over a month. No big deal, at least I could still play games. Today, however seems like it will be the day that
    I am no longer going to support the Xbox.

    In recent times I have been getting a system error while playing games telling me that there is something wrong with my local saved games and that I need to go to system settings to clear them. Usually when I do its OK and everything works fine. Today
    this happened as well and as I went to clear them the system shuts down on its own and never came back up. It will go the green Xbox splash screen and no further. So now I'm *** because there is only a one year warranty on the unit. You think I would have
    learned me lesson when I went though this with the red ring crap with the 360 years ago. I expected more from Microsoft on this system. I will not speend another 400 on a new system as it will worry me to much about it breaking again. What really makes
    me mad is now I will lose my hard earned achievement and all my friends who are Xbox exclusive people. I know Noone will really care about my issue, especially Microsoft but I really needed to vent this out before kick out of the piece of crap. Guess I
    will have to cancel my Xbox live account tomorrow.

    ELECT OF DEATH, Mar 17, 2015
  2. NewFudge1013
    NewFudge1013 Guest
    Can't Add Any Profiles Error 0x80a40002

    Nope, but I do have a 500 dollar paper weight, because I cant sign in...
    NewFudge1013, Mar 17, 2015
  3. Xbox One error code: 0X87DD0019

    Amazing it says all services up and running but still can't sign in or use profile offline 500 dollar paper weight
    BioTek Godzilla, Mar 17, 2015
  4. My Xbox One lasted One year and four months before breaking. Now I have a 500 dollar paper ...

    DigitalAssassin, Mar 17, 2015
  5. PICK 34
    PICK 34 Guest
    To add to what DigitalAssassin said, if you can get the dashboard to come up, you could probably trade it in to gamestop or somewhere, it'll lessen the blow of getting a new system. I did this with the 360 a couple times due to the RROD.
    PICK 34, Mar 17, 2015
  6. Lofty Who
    Lofty Who Guest
    Sorry to hear about your troubles OP.

    If I was you I'd phone Xbox Support. As Digital said try a power cycle first as I'd imagine it will be one of the first things Support suggest.

    My experience with Xbox Support has always been very good. Obviously I can't say they will solve your issue over the phone but you never know, it could end up being something quite simple to fix.

    Good luck and let us know how you get on.
    Lofty Who, Mar 17, 2015
    W1LD SEVEN Guest
    Sorry for what happened but at the same time why did you not buy a extended warranty. I see it as common sense when I'm buying any product above a certain price range and especially unproven new hardware that will get alot of use.

    Could have saved yourself alot if hassle for the price of one game.
    W1LD SEVEN, Mar 17, 2015
  8. My Xbox One lasted One year and four months before breaking. Now I have a 500 dollar paper ...

    Ok, I'll try to answer everyone's questions and replies. I did try power cycling it several times. I even unplugged my external hard drive and the kenict just to see if one of them was causing an issue since I have most of my games saved on the external
    drive. I have not called customer support yet mainly because the warranty is out. I did read somewhere on the Internet last night that MS charges a flat repair rate for out of warranty repairs. I will call them today and let everyone know what the outcome

    As far as the warranty comment goes, Your one hundred and ten percent right.
    ELECT OF DEATH, Mar 18, 2015
  9. Zero Divided
    Zero Divided Guest
    you can try
    , looks like some are having luck getting the system back up and going from the green screen of death.
    Zero Divided, Mar 18, 2015
  10. iBakez
    iBakez Guest
    hold your finger on the power button for approx 10 seconds and let the system shut down.. this will reset the machines cache completely and seems to fix any lingering issues ive had over time.. it will load up the green splash screen and the rings will go
    across underneath it and then it should get into the dashboard
    iBakez, Mar 18, 2015
  11. I have tried the ten second deal. Turning it off and unplugging it for ten minutes and no go. It gets past the green screen after about three minutes and just goes to a black screen. Odd thing is, if I press the Xbox on the console to turn it off it
    will turn my TV and my uverse receiver off like normal. It will turn on using the the controller and turn my TV and receiver on like normal just doest ever get to the dashboard. I worked super late today but I'm off tomorrow so I'm gonna Cal Xbox support
    and see what they can or cannot do for me. Depending on what they say I may try that link that Zero Divided provided to me. I def think that this is a software related issues. What sucks about this is I just as of last week sold my old Xbox 360 on eBay and
    since I have been so busy with work and life I have a huge back log of Xbox one games that I am halfway through or haven't opened yet and I will have a ton of free time coming up soon. Just don't get a chance that play like I used to.

    I really appreciate everyone's great replies. It's not ofton you receive decent responses to issues on the net anymore. So thanks to everyone who replied. if I get myself back going again I hope non of you guys mind if I add you to my friends list!
    My Xbox One lasted One year and four months before breaking.  Now I have a 500 dollar paper ... :)
    ELECT OF DEATH, Mar 18, 2015
  12. I've got to admit that I nearly posted a very different response, but when you said 'I know Noone will really care about my issue, especially Microsoft but I really needed to vent this out before kick out of the piece of crap.' I realised you're a rational
    human being with emotions, like me, haha, plus we at the xbox forums do care for our fellow gamer.... most of the time, haha.

    Others have come and nearly made a post exactly like yours, but the tone was different and there is usually threats of leaving Xbox for another system and we REALLY don't care for that. If you want to go, go, no ones stopping you is the general feeling.

    Sucks that none of the suggestions have helped thus far though, hopefully on your day off you will have more success or at least an outcome you can live with! =)
    DigitalAssassin, Mar 18, 2015
  13. My Xbox One lasted One year and four months before breaking. Now I have a 500 dollar paper ...

    Well sorry about coming off like that. I'm usually pretty open minded. I did try two things today. I called customer service and they went through the basic trouble shooting steps which were no help and then verified that my warranty had expired. It's
    going to cost me 150.00 dollars to get it fixed out of warranty which I guess is better than buying a new console. The rep on the phone didn't really seem to care if I fixed it or not. Second thing I tried was the "green screen of death" fix which uses
    a previously released version of the factory hard drive image and requires a USB flash drive. I get an error 101 when I tried to load it to my console. My personal belief is the hard drive went bad. I guess I have no choice but to send it to them. It makes
    more sense time and money wise anyway.

    ELECT OF DEATH, Mar 19, 2015
  14. Ok so new update. I got it all back up and working again. I found a downloadable file on Xbox one support pages that you copy to a flash drive and then it will reset the Xbox one back to factory defaults. Worked like a champ. Lucky for me I didn't loose
    out on my due to the fact most of my installed games and apps were on an 1gb external drive. If anyone else runs into this problem go to Xbox support and find the section that describes how to install offline updates. At the bottom of the page there is a
    file that is for factory reseting the console in the event you cannot get into the home screen.

    Again thanks for all the help everyone.
    ELECT OF DEATH, Mar 19, 2015
  15. ^ That's great news! Is this what you used?

    I just wanted to leave the think here in case someone else stumbles across your thread and could use the help. Also don't worry about it, you were frustrated and I can completely empathise. I'm just glad you got the old girl operational again! Game on my
    friend and don't hesitate to come back if you need help working through an issue again!
    DigitalAssassin, Mar 19, 2015

My Xbox One lasted One year and four months before breaking. Now I have a 500 dollar paper ...