Możliwość grania na kierownicy w Forza Horizon 4 [Translation - The ability to play on the ...

Discus and support Możliwość grania na kierownicy w Forza Horizon 4 [Translation - The ability to play on the ... in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; Posiadam kierownice thrustmaster ferrari 458 italia i chcę pograć na niej w Forze Horizon 4 ale nie da się ustawić ustawień (kierownica działa)... Discussion in 'XBoX on Windows' started by Magdalena Wilk, Oct 8, 2018.

  1. Możliwość grania na kierownicy w Forza Horizon 4 [Translation - The ability to play on the ...

    Posiadam kierownice thrustmaster ferrari 458 italia i chcę pograć na niej w Forze Horizon 4 ale nie da się ustawić ustawień (kierownica działa)

    [Translation - I have the handlebars Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Italia and I want to play on it in the Forze Horizon 4 but you can not set the settings (the steering wheel Works) ]

    Magdalena Wilk, Oct 8, 2018
  2. Возврат денежных средств -[Translation - A refund]

    Прошу вернуть деньги , за игру Forza Horizon 4 так как много багов и не оправдала ожидания Покупал Forza Horizon 4: Ultimate-создания

    -[Translation - Please return the money for the game Forza Horizon 4 as many bugs and did not meet expectations bought Forza Horizon 4: Ultimate-creation]
    Cyber Zaicheg, Oct 8, 2018
    REALGUZZ Guest
    Hot Wheels add-on expansion.

    hi just have a question.

    Is the Hot Wheels add-on expansion for the Forza Horizon 3 going to work on the up coming new game (Forza Horizon 4) ???
    REALGUZZ, Oct 8, 2018
  4. XBF Paul M
    XBF Paul M Guest

    Możliwość grania na kierownicy w Forza Horizon 4 [Translation - The ability to play on the ...

    Hiya, Magdalena!

    Paul from the Xbox Forums Team here to assist with the issue, it looks like you can't set the settings for your steering wheel in the game Forza Horizon 4. It looks like this is a known issue on

    Forza Forums
    . What I could suggest doing is going online to the Forza Forums and create a post about the issue to let it be know by the game developers. I hope this information is helpful in resolving the issue.

    Happy Gaming!

    Paul Xbox Forums Team
    XBF Paul M, Oct 8, 2018
  5. XBF Paul M Win User

    Możliwość grania na kierownicy w Forza Horizon 4 [Translation - The ability to play on the wheel in Forza Horizon 4 ]

    Hiya, Magdalena!

    Paul from the Xbox Forums Team here to assist with the issue, it looks like you can't set the settings for your steering wheel in the game Forza Horizon 4. It looks like this is a known issue on

    Forza Forums
    . What I could suggest doing is going online to the Forza Forums and create a post about the issue to let it be know by the game developers. I hope this information is helpful in resolving the issue.

    Happy Gaming!

    Paul Xbox Forums Team
  6. MachoDijos Win User

    Forza horizon 4 dodatki -[Translation - Forza horizon 4 additions]

    W zakładce do instalacji nie mam nic do zainstalowania, zmieniłem filtry, próbowałem na każdy możliwy sposób, zainstalowane mam tylko :

    Forza horizon 4

    Forza horizon 4 1967 sunbeam Tiger i drift car pack, to normalne nie jest …

    -[Translation - In the tab for installation I have nothing to install, I changed the filters, I tried on every possible way, I have only installed:

    Forza horizon 4

    Forza horizon 4 1967 sunbeam Tiger and drift car pack, this is not normal …]
  7. Annai Krystianek : Win User

    Jak zgrać ujęcie gry zapisane na xbox one s na pendrive [Translation - How to rip a game shot saved on Xbox One s on harddrive]

    Mam zainstalowaną grę na xbox i jak gram zapisuje w pamieci xboxa klipy lub zrzuty ekranu. Nie wiem jak mogę zgrać na pendrive takie klipy aby je przenieść na komputer. Czy jest taka możliwość aby skopiować zapisany klip/zrzut ekranu ?


    [Translation - I have installed the game on Xbox and how I play saves in the memory of Xbox clips or screenshots. I do not know how I can rip such clips on the hard drive to move them to the computer. Is there a possibility to copy a saved clip/screenshot?]
  8. Mistress Sara Win User

    Jogos [Games]


    Todos os títulos do Play Anywhere estão listados aqui:

    Forza Horizon 4 não está na lista.


    All the Play Anywhere titles are listed here:

    Forza Horizon 4 is not listed.
  9. OldFunKiller Win User

    Хочу вернуть деньги за продукт но почему не могу вернуть. [Translation-I Want to return the money for the product but why can not return.]

    За набор дополнений forza horizon 4. И там нет кнопки возврата.

    [Translation-For a set of add-ons forza Horizon 4. And There is no return button.]

Możliwość grania na kierownicy w Forza Horizon 4 [Translation - The ability to play on the ...

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