More recording options for Xbox Game DVR?

Discus and support More recording options for Xbox Game DVR? in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; I'd like to start off by saying that Game DVR is an AMAZING program. It records full 1080p video with virtually no lag/slowdowns and it does much... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by Robertium, Oct 26, 2018.

  1. Robertium
    Robertium Guest

    More recording options for Xbox Game DVR?

    I'd like to start off by saying that Game DVR is an AMAZING program. It records full 1080p video with virtually no lag/slowdowns and it does much better than any 3rd party recorders such as OBS and Screencast O Matic. However, there is one thing I
    wanted to add/change, and that is more options for the video it records. Right now, the settings you can adjust are basic but ok. You can adjust framerate, audio bitrate, recording length and the "video quality" which is apparently the video bitrate. There
    are two settings- Normal, which is about 10 MBPS, and High, about 20MBPS. For me, the only flaw of the entire program is that with these settings, the resulting file sizes are huge, so I wanted to see if more bitrate options can be added, such as 2.5 MBPS,
    5 MBPS or 7.5 MBPS. Lower settings like these will provide a much smaller file size while still retaining good video quality. I don't actually use it much, but when I do then it would be more convenient to have smaller file sizes like these.

    Comenzaré por decir que el Game DVR es un programa BUENISIMO. Puede grabar video en 1080p sin ningun problema, y lo hace mucho mejor que cualquier otro programa para capturar la pantalla, como OBS o Screencast O Matic. Aún así, hay una cosa que se
    puede canbiar, esas son más opciones para lo que graba. Ahorita, solo puedes editar un par de cosas, como tasa de fotogramas por segundo, velocidad de bits de audio, duración maxima de las grabaciones, y la "calidad de video" que aparentemente es la velocidad
    de bits de video. Ahorita hay dos configuraciones- Normal, que equivale a 10 MBPS, y Alta, como 20 MBPS. He aquí la unica falta del programa- los tamaños de los archivos resultan muy grandes, así que queria ver si se pueden añadir mas opciones para la velocidad
    de bits de video, como 2.5 MBPS, 5 MBPS o 7.5 MBPS. Configuraciones como esas pueden resultar en archivos mucho más pequeños sin reducción de calidad de video ninguna. Aunque no use el programa tanto, seria mas conviniente tener esto.

    Eu vou começar por dizer que o Game DVR e um programa INCREIVEL. Pode gravar video de 1080p sem nemgum problema e o faz muito melhor que outros gravadores de pantalha como OBS o Screencast O Matic. Mas ainda assím, tem umas coisas que podem-se cambiar,
    essas são mais opções para as gravaçoes. Agora, so se podem editar algumas coisas, como taxa de imagenes por segundo, taxas de bits de audio, duração massima das gravações e a "qualidade de video", isso é as taxas de bits de video. Agora tem dois configurações-
    Normal, aprossimadamente 10 MBPS, e alta, 20 MBPS. Para mim, o unico problema com o programa é que o tamanho das gravações é demasiado grande, então queria ver se podem-se adicionar mais opções para a taxa de bits de video, como 2.5 MBPS, 5 MBPS o 7.5 MBPS.
    Configuraçoes como essas podem utilizar muito menos espaço mais a qualidade do video é a mesma. (perdão se o meu Português tem erros, eu não sou muito bom nele)

    Robertium, Oct 26, 2018
  2. BobMcFly247
    BobMcFly247 Guest
    Can I stop games from auto recording clips?

    That's what it's doing. If you disable this checkbox in the settings, there will be no more automatic recording, but you are still able to start recording by saying "Xbox record that!".

    There is no option to have it disabled only for certain games.
    BobMcFly247, Oct 26, 2018
  3. toonarmy206
    toonarmy206 Guest
    Random recordings of clips?

    I can only find the option that turns off dvr recording altogether, there is no option for auto recording!
    toonarmy206, Oct 26, 2018
  4. LegoNinja187
    LegoNinja187 Guest

    More recording options for Xbox Game DVR?

    LegoNinja187, Oct 26, 2018
  5. Hey Robertium,

    Those are definitely some great ideas and you can propose this idea here, Xbox Ideas.

    While there DVR feature has a new concept to this generation as a built-in feature. I'm sure with time more option will be created to give users more control over what they want DVR wise.


    Nozzle More recording options for Xbox Game DVR? :)
    At the Nozzle, Oct 26, 2018
  6. kardevil2
    kardevil2 Guest
    Seria muito bom isso só esperar ver se fica assim....
    kardevil2, Oct 26, 2018
  7. Robertium
    Robertium Guest
    alrighty I can speak Spanish and some portuguese so I tried translating what it says as I see my question is already attracting more people...
    Robertium, Oct 26, 2018
  8. More recording options for Xbox Game DVR?

    Maybe one day we get better tools integrated on the console
    HyperVenom523, Oct 26, 2018
  9. I assume that you are just looking for more ways to edit the content of the clips? Then why not just upload them to the one drive , download the file onto your computer and use any editing software you want
    Itilianm0nst0r, Oct 26, 2018
  10. Robertium
    Robertium Guest
    I'm merely suggesting this for the convenience of people who don't have much storage space left. By default, the recordings just take up a lot of space. Of course, I can simply compress them later with Handbrake, but that takes time, and it's just more
    convenient to have a smaller file size to begin with.
    Robertium, Nov 2, 2018
  11. kardevil2 Win User

    More recording options for Xbox Game DVR?

    Seria muito bom isso só esperar ver se fica assim....
  12. ITILIANM0NST0R Win User

    More recording options for Xbox Game DVR?

    I assume that you are just looking for more ways to edit the content of the clips? Then why not just upload them to the one drive , download the file onto your computer and use any editing software you want
  13. LegoNinja187 Win User

    More recording options for Xbox Game DVR?

  14. Robertium Win User

    More recording options for Xbox Game DVR?

    I'm merely suggesting this for the convenience of people who don't have much storage space left. By default, the recordings just take up a lot of space. Of course, I can simply compress them later with Handbrake, but that takes time, and it's just more
    convenient to have a smaller file size to begin with.
  15. HyperVenom523 Win User

    More recording options for Xbox Game DVR?

    Maybe one day we get better tools integrated on the console

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