mon jeu X box ne passe pas sur ma X box 360 [Translate] my X box game doesn't go on my X...

Discus and support mon jeu X box ne passe pas sur ma X box 360 [Translate] my X box game doesn't go on my X... in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Bonjour, Je viens d'acheter "Shrek super party" (jeu Xbox d'origine) pour y jouer sur ma Xbox 360. Avant de l'acheter, j'ai bien vérifié que ce jeu... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Cisco 1979, Oct 19, 2019.

  1. Cisco 1979
    Cisco 1979 Guest

    mon jeu X box ne passe pas sur ma X box 360 [Translate] my X box game doesn't go on my X...


    Je viens d'acheter "Shrek super party" (jeu Xbox d'origine) pour y jouer sur ma Xbox 360.

    Avant de l'acheter, j'ai bien vérifié que ce jeu faisait parti de la liste de jeux Xbox d'origine pris en charge par la retrocompatibilité.

    Je possède un disque dur sur ma Xbox 360 et le jeu est européen.

    Malheureusement je me retrouve avec ce message.

    Comment puis-je régler ce problème?



    I just bought "Shrek super party" (original Xbox game) to play on my Xbox 360.

    Before Buying It, I made it clear that this game was part of the original Xbox game list supported by retrocompatibility.

    I own a hard drive on my Xbox 360 and the game is European.

    Unfortunately I end up with this message.

    How can I solve this problem?

    mon jeu X box ne passe pas sur ma X box 360  [Translate]  my X box game doesn't go on my X... [​IMG]

    Merci d'avance pour vos retours.


    Cisco 1979, Oct 19, 2019
  2. SebastienDragon Win User

    Carte prépayée qui napparais pas sur les x box [Prepaid card that Napparais not on the X box]

    Vous comprenez pas je peux l'acheter mais ma carte de 50 euro n'a pas été créditer sur mon compte x box


    You understand I can buy it but my 50 euro card was not credited to my Account x box
  3. XBF Ruben D Win User

    mon jeu X box ne passe pas sur ma X box 360 [Translate] my X box game doesn't go on my X box 360

    Hello Cisco 1979,

    Thank you for letting us know that the issue has been fixed. We'll be locking the thread as the issue has been resolved. If you ever require any help with any other issues please feel free to come back to the Xbox Forums for further assistance.
    For those reading this thread and if the troubleshooting steps listed above didn't help resolve the issue, please feel free to create a new thread asking for assistance.

    Thank you again and have a great day!
  4. Cisco 1979 Win User

    mon jeu X box ne passe pas sur ma X box 360 [Translate] my X box game doesn't go on my X box 360

    Merci pour votre aide. Grace votre conseil le jeu fonctionne très bien :)


    [Translation - Thanks for your help. Thanks to your advice the game works very well :)

  5. Itcharoo Win User

    mon jeu X box ne passe pas sur ma X box 360 [Translate] my X box game doesn't go on my X box 360

    Désolé pour les mauvaises Français venir a dû utiliser auto traduire. S'il vous plaît vérifier que vous êtes connecté un réseau et que vous vous assurez d'avoir les dernières mises jour pour votre console et le jeu. Ensuite, nous pouvons aller plus loin
    si cela ne fonctionne pas. Ou bien essayer ceci .


    Sorry for the bad French coming had to use self translate. Please check that you are connected to a network and that you make sure you have the latest updates for your console and game. Then we can go further if it doesn't work. Or try this.
  6. xXNic0l3w0lfyXx Win User

    Xbox One is obsolete?

    I semi agree with the op. X Box One is boring, had more fun on X Box 360. Got so boring that I didn't renew my gold membership last month. My dad has an X Box One X, but he doesn't go on it a lot. My mum watches Netflix with it. I still have my X Box 360
    console tucked in my wardrobe. Well now there's cross platform multiplayer, but over half the people we're on a different platform, not an X Box One console, the long multiplayer loading screens, people with no mics, and not enough people round my age on the
    console, which sucks. My best friend has a Windows 10 laptop which has the X Box Companion App thingy. Welp I won't have to fight over the X Box One console. X Box is still kwl though ^-^.

mon jeu X box ne passe pas sur ma X box 360 [Translate] my X box game doesn't go on my X...

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