Mój zapis gry po prostu znikl [Edit - Translation] - My save of the game just disappeared

Discus and support Mój zapis gry po prostu znikl [Edit - Translation] - My save of the game just disappeared in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Witam chcialbym zglosic problem z gra forza horizon 4 . Problem polega na zapisie gry . Gdy wchodze do gry mam tylko niewielka ilosc samochodow,... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by ThousandBrush72, Dec 18, 2019.

  1. Mój zapis gry po prostu znikl [Edit - Translation] - My save of the game just disappeared

    Witam chcialbym zglosic problem z gra forza horizon 4 . Problem polega na zapisie gry . Gdy wchodze do gry mam tylko niewielka ilosc samochodow, osiagniec i reszty rzeczy .Po prostu zapis sie usunal do pewnego momentu . posiadalem kolo okolo 200 samochdow
    , teraz mam ich 78 . Prosilbym o naprawienie problemu bo to robi sie juz zenujace . Pozdrawiam

    [Edit - Translation] - Hello, I would like to report a problem with forza horizon 4. The problem is to save the game. When I get into the game I have only a small amount of cars, achievements and the rest of things. I just signed up to a certain
    point. I owned about 200 cars, now I have 78. I would ask you to fix the problem because it is already embarrassing. greetings

    ThousandBrush72, Dec 18, 2019
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Mój zapis gry po prostu znikl [Edit - Translation] - My save of the game just disappeared