
Discus and support *Microsoft in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; lokin for ppl to strt new world on hrd send me msg if u wanna ply f45636d1-d2bc-4411-b3ac-39f823bc8646 Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by R41N1NGxP13K1NG, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. *Microsoft

    lokin for ppl to strt new world on hrd send me msg if u wanna ply

    R41N1NGxP13K1NG, Jan 5, 2014
  2. BraveTyger
    BraveTyger Guest
    High Street Shops, what gives?

    I asked at my local GAME in Nottingham about 'Rock Band' about a week and a half ago. The staff there seemed to think that they should be stocking the solus game but probably not the instruments, although 'head office' were in discussions regarding a deal to sell the whole pack at a better price, so ask again in a few weeks time...

    This lack of interest in 'Rock Band' in the high-street stores does seem strange, especially as Guitar Hero seems to be even more popular now than a year ago, and Singstar goes from strength to strength (HMV in particular now seem to devote large sections of aisle space to both games).

    Also, regardless of any rumoured falling out between EA and GAME, considering that Microsoft probably spent a fair amount of money securing 'Rock Band' as a very short term exclusive, you'd think that they would be keen to make sure the game is on display and selling on the high street

    What's the point of promoting a game like 'Rock Band' that might appeal to the Wii-loving 'casual' gaming market if it can't be bought 'casually' from a shop? Bizarre... *Microsoft :rolleyes:
    BraveTyger, Jan 5, 2014
  3. BraveTyger
    BraveTyger Guest
    High Street Shops, what gives?

    Both branches of HMV in Nottingham are advertising 'Rock Band' in their windows (and displaying the BiaB) and on those 'manager's special' flip charts they stand outside.

    As MB mentioned, they are selling the BiaB and the solus game for £150 combined. The branch i ordered from were also offering free Microsoft Points with a pre-order - about 2100 i think.

    They already had the BiaB in stock (over three dozen boxes apparently - health and safety nightmare in the stock room! *Microsoft :eek: ) and were expecting the game in for Friday.

    So, i've cancelled my order with Amazon (which was just under £150 with delivery) and ordered with HMV; i'm more confident now of getting it on the day, and with extra song-buying MS points! :thumbsup:
    BraveTyger, Jan 5, 2014
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