Microsoft needs to revamp the report/ban system

Discus and support Microsoft needs to revamp the report/ban system in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; So yesterday my friend was given a TEMPORARY communication ban, the next day he was perma banned. He had called some annoying kid cancer (to be fair he... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by GoofiestWheat76, Feb 26, 2017.

  1. Microsoft needs to revamp the report/ban system

    So yesterday my friend was given a TEMPORARY communication ban, the next day he was perma banned. He had called some annoying kid cancer (to be fair he was pretty damn cancerous) and because little kids cant ignore a message he decided to report the message
    and write a paragraph about how his dad has cancer as a comment. This system seems to be designed around little kids, Microsoft acting like the overly protective big brother. Xbox Live is extremely PC so trigger words like cancer and retard are ABSOLUTELY

    Remember how on the 360 you could say pretty much anything and not be banned? The only thing you could do was ignore them. I'm not saying we should let everyone freak out and curse people out all day but why do so many people get permanent bans over small
    (in some cases only after 1 or 2 offenses)? I had a 4 year account with 40,0000+ gamer score and maybe 40 games all gone. Even more insulting is the whole ban appeal system no matter what the circumstances, if you said it you're banned.

    This ties into the theory that Microsoft wants to get rid of older players to sell more bad games to kids

    GoofiestWheat76, Feb 26, 2017

    [quote user="Elite Rampant"]

    Must be time consuming to wade through all the false reports.

    [/quote]That's why I think Microsoft should either revamp the whole system of how we file complaints or make it required on every multi-player game to have a unified boot system.
    Windows10XboxOne, Feb 26, 2017
  3. I was false banned because a friend reported me alot "as a joke"

    multiple reports does not result in a ban. The system is not automated. To receive a ban you would need to violate the Code of Conduct.
    Obsessive Power, Feb 26, 2017
  4. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest

    Microsoft needs to revamp the report/ban system

    The rules are exactly the same as they are on the xbox 360 & you certainly couldn't get away with saying anything without being banned.If you said the same thing on the 360 & were reported then the result would be the same.

    Everything you do on xbox live must be rated E for everyone.

    Not sure what this "theory" is but older gamers should know how to follow the rules better than "kids" so that logic makes no sense.

    As the enforcement team don't use the forums you would need to go to their site to find out about any enforcement action on your account & file for a case review if eligible
    Daft Badger, Feb 26, 2017
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Microsoft needs to revamp the report/ban system