Microsoft: Microsoft policies need to be rewritten to accommodate users/gamers.

Discus and support Microsoft: Microsoft policies need to be rewritten to accommodate users/gamers. in XboX Networking Hardware to solve the problem; Microsoft (Routers): Microsoft policies need to be rewritten to accommodate users/gamers. After losing the 'Entitlements' to 2 of my games, I have... Discussion in 'XboX Networking Hardware' started by Maganon1981, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. Maganon1981
    Maganon1981 Guest

    Microsoft: Microsoft policies need to be rewritten to accommodate users/gamers.

    Microsoft (Routers): Microsoft policies need to be rewritten to accommodate users/gamers.
    After losing the 'Entitlements' to 2 of my games, I have discovered that Xbox support is lacking the ability to help their clients properly.

    1) If you lose a game that you have acquired on Gold free download, you wont be able to get it back unless it is re-posted as a free game again in the future.

    2) Gold free games have a single point of failure in how Xbox keep track of it and that is only through the 'Entitlement' you have to a game when you buy it or download it (free or paid). There needs to be a second way to track if you have downloaded a free
    game similar to how they check you paid purchases for a game and can reimburse you.

    3) Instead of having to monetarily reimburse someone for a lost 'Entitlement', Xbox needs to give the representatives access to the authorization side of the server that will enable to game to be downloaded/played on the user side Xbox. This isn't a hard
    thing to do, it is strictly a permissions that needs to be assigned to the employees of Microsoft supporting Xbox.

    4) There needs to be an improved tracking method of the games/apps/music etc... that has been purchased on a separate file than the 'Entitlement' itself. This removes the single point of failure that is the "ALL MIGHTY ENTITLEMENT". A separate file needs
    to keep track of what has been added and removed to the account itself, and the 'Entitlements' would be separate.

    After having spend over 6 hours on the phone with 5 different reps in a period of 24 hours, and getting my call dropped 4 of those times and hung up on 2 other times just trying to get to a representative, the system needs an overhaul. The supervisors don't
    even have the authority to reapply the basic right to reinstall a game or gain access again without giving you credits (which are apparently strictly prohibited except for strict conditions being met) to buy the game AGAIN. My only options were to contact
    the legal department and file a legal complaint; post on this forum in hopes they see it and change some things and still not get access to my lost games; or suck it up and accept the fact that the higher ups who make the stupid policies that screw over their
    clients, have the last call.

    So if others have been in this situation, please post and emphasis how UTTERLY UPSET AND FRUSTRATED you are about the fact that Microsoft policy makers just don't care to protect their clients. Maybe, just MAYBE they will change how they treat their game

    Maganon1981, Oct 21, 2016
  2. POLL - What will drive your buying decision?

    Think Microsoft made big mistakes with the "ONE". They left out the young gamers that have their 360's in the bedrooms which in most cases are to small to accommodate a system that uses the Kinect. I think many gamers will either stay with their 360's for
    the time being and then like myself eventually jump to the PS4 if Xbox doesn't make some drastic changes to its forthcoming policies.
    SILVER SAVAGE, Oct 21, 2016
  3. The Xbox One is a good console, but has Microsoft's early mistakes left a permanent scar?

    Microsoft just needs to keep providing updates and adding features. It sucks that their early decisions and telling gamers to deal with their policies screwed them over this much, but eh.
    xSasuke_Uchiha, Oct 21, 2016
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Microsoft: Microsoft policies need to be rewritten to accommodate users/gamers.