Microsoft do you have a answer for this question please ?

Discus and support Microsoft do you have a answer for this question please ? in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; "If they had kept Kinect"? You think they've stopped making consoles and games that use Kinect now? That's almost as stupid as the people who were... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by w0r Kid, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. Azrael008uk
    Azrael008uk Guest

    Microsoft do you have a answer for this question please ?

    "If they had kept Kinect"?

    You think they've stopped making consoles and games that use Kinect now?

    That's almost as stupid as the people who were convinced that less functional XBox ONE without the Kinect had 10% more processing power.

    These are my Forums.

    I don't need new ones.

    Though I'd welcome a change to keep moaners who don't own the console they're constantly attempting to slag off in their own little troll pen.
    Azrael008uk, Jun 26, 2014
  2. John Dowding
    John Dowding Guest
    Boas there is no "fanboyism" from me, but you clearly don't understand the difference between a business changing it's strategy due to market forces and someone lying. The concept of MS corporate bigwigs huddling together to form some dastardly plan to
    hoodwink everyone In to buying Kinect whilst having a plan to drop it at a later date is frankly ludicrous. If anyone is being a fanboy here it's you mate with your absurd premise that the whole launch strategy was a deliberate lie. But have it your own
    way if it makes you feel better.
    John Dowding, Jun 26, 2014
  3. Boas BS5
    Boas BS5 Guest
    Whos moaning? just stating an opinion i have no reason to moan as i knew MS were lying.

    No they havnt stopped making games for kinect, where did I say that? now whos saying silly things to try and win a (non existent) argument?

    They havnt kept Kinect as mandatory they have dropped it and they werent really making any games before though now were they. Kinect sports and fighters within are the only ones i can think of.

    I dont get why i have to own the console to have an opinion on if MS were lying so please elaborate?

    And again nobody is slagging off the console in this thread Az, were slagging off MS.

    But your fanboy tinted glasses cant see that. And im meant to be the troll pfffft
    Boas BS5, Jun 27, 2014
  4. Boas BS5
    Boas BS5 Guest

    Microsoft do you have a answer for this question please ?

    @Genchy i get what you mean but whatever way you dress it up it is lying.

    If i tell my son i am taking hiom to the park on sunday but i break my leg and cant i have still lied. No?

    I never said the lie was deliberate. Why does a lie have to be delibrate?
    Boas BS5, Jun 27, 2014
  5. Boas BS5
    Boas BS5 Guest
    just for the record


    1 [lahy] Show IPA


    1. a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. Synonyms: prevarication, falsification. Antonyms: truth.

    2. something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture: His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one.

    3. an inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood.

    4. the charge or accusation of telling a lie: He flung the lie back at his accusers.

    I believe i am refferencing point number 3 when i say MS have lied.

    Still think MS never lied?
    Boas BS5, Jun 27, 2014
  6. John Dowding
    John Dowding Guest
    Boas as far as your example of your son and the park goes, then of course you haven't lied to him. You had a genuine intention to take him to the park but were prevented from doing so by a change in circumstances. Lying would be agreeing to take him to
    the park then telling him you couldn't take him as the park was closed. That's lying there is a difference.

    Going back to MS if the XB1 had outsold Sony from day one and was a runaway success do you think there would be a Kinectless bundle? No there wouldn't be. They had to change the business strategy because of the success of Sony. It's simply a case of reaching
    to the market forces.
    John Dowding, Jun 27, 2014
  7. John Dowding
    John Dowding Guest
    A lie by definition has to deliberate as stated in your definition old chap. Same as an inaccurate or false statement it has to deliberately made with prior knowledge of it's falsehood.
    John Dowding, Jun 27, 2014
  8. Boas BS5
    Boas BS5 Guest

    Microsoft do you have a answer for this question please ?

    @genchy a lie does not have to be deliberate an innacurate or false statement made with honest intentions is still a lie.

    If i go to court and tell them i am 50 years old i am lying even if i truly belive that.

    Guess we could go round in circles all day, what i was getting at really is i dont think MS set out to deceive (well call it that for now) people as you said that would be absurd.

    And yes the reason for them getting rid of kinect was the success of the ps4 doesnt change the fact they stated that x1 would never be sold without kinect.

    Again i even understand their reasons for saying this. Still doesnt change the fact that they deceived people. whether intentional or not.
    Boas BS5, Jun 27, 2014
  9. John Dowding
    John Dowding Guest
    Sorry mate your definition of a lie is wrong. Without deliberate intent it a mistaken belief not a lie. If a four year old tells you the moon is made of cheese they are not lying to you as they genuinely believe it, if I tell you it's made of cheese I'm
    lying to you as I know it's actually made of yoghurt.
    John Dowding, Jun 27, 2014
  10. Boas BS5
    Boas BS5 Guest
    does that mean a corner of the moon is made of fruit puree lol.

    At the end of the day MS said one thing and did another, just like Sony with "every game will be 1080p"

    I call that a lie, maybe your correct and my understanding of the word lie is incorrect?
    Boas BS5, Jun 27, 2014
  11. John Dowding
    John Dowding Guest
    Fruit purée! Lol, I think we disagree on the definition of the word lie, but not the composition of the moon. Let's leave it at that!
    John Dowding, Jun 27, 2014
  12. EnenDaveyBoy
    EnenDaveyBoy Guest
    If your kids ask you if your moving house and you say no your happy where you are, and then 6 months down to line you get a massive job promotion and you end up moving, did you lie to your child?
    EnenDaveyBoy, Jun 27, 2014
  13. Mr Boozyhead
    Mr Boozyhead Guest

    Microsoft do you have a answer for this question please ?

    AZ "I want an Xbox ONE section for these boards that can only be accessed by ONE users."

    This thread was created by a Xbox One owner so what is it you want exactly? Thread after thread saying how great and wonderful the One is ? Nobody allowed to come on and state their opinion?
    Mr Boozyhead, Jun 27, 2014
  14. Azrael008uk
    Azrael008uk Guest
    The OP got 2 posts in.

    The non-XBox One user got 2 pages in trolling people into arguing that Microsoft are liars.

    You're made my point quite eloquently.

    Thank you.

    There's nothing wrong with people stating their opinion.

    It's just not everyone's opinion really matter.
    Azrael008uk, Jun 28, 2014
  15. Zvonareva
    Zvonareva Guest
    Had Microsoft priced the console the same as the PS4, there wouldn't be any of these problems now. The £70 price difference forced Microsoft's hand into a new strategy right from day 1. People aren't stupid, with such
    a large difference in price people were always either going to hold off buying one or buy a PS4.

    Frankly, I'm laughing right now because, despite being very much an Xbox gamer and very much staying one, I knew the price would drop quickly as it was always going to get hammered in the sales war. I shall be getting
    a Kinectless version shortly once it hits £300 and I'll be excited to get my hands on it at last. Patience pays off so always fight that urge to give in! Should I ever decide I want Kinect, I'll bob to CEX and get one for £7-£10, rather than the ridiculous
    value Microsoft give it.
    Zvonareva, Jun 28, 2014

Microsoft do you have a answer for this question please ?