Microsoft: both PS4 and Xbox One will "sell a ton", online hate "NEEDS TO GO ...

Discus and support Microsoft: both PS4 and Xbox One will "sell a ton", online hate "NEEDS TO GO ... in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; When growing up I had PS. It's not that I hate sony, it's that I prefer Microsoft. When it comes to specs there is little difference. I don't let... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by TW1ST3D N00B, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. TW1ST3D N00B
    TW1ST3D N00B Guest

    Microsoft: both PS4 and Xbox One will "sell a ton", online hate "NEEDS TO GO ...

    When growing up I had PS. It's not that I hate sony, it's that I prefer Microsoft. When it comes to specs there is little difference. I don't let myself get upset over a few extra pixels. I agree with the article, we should celebrate a healthy industry and
    look forward to the future!

    TW1ST3D N00B, Jan 18, 2014
  2. MS, PR-regarding XB1

    [quote user="Rebel Yelling"]Either sell Kinect seperate and charge $349 for the X1 to gain ground on PS4.[/quote]

    The xbox one will not work without kinect.

    microsoft know what they need to do,they just won`t.
    THEOWENKILLER, Jan 18, 2014
  3. IceStorm III
    IceStorm III Guest
    A New X Box in 2014 ?

    [quote user="Mikewarrior"]One of the main reasons Microsoft rushed out the 360 was to beat Sony's Ps3 to market, and influence gamers to support the Xbox brand over the Playstation. It greatly helped Microsoft sell more systems,[/quote]Really? Last time
    I checked the PS3 and 360 were effectively tied in global sales.

    Microsoft caters well to the USA. Sony, to the rest of the world.
    I expect both the PS4 and next gen MS consoles to be in short supply for months, assuming both stick to reasonable
    price points.
    No, anything from MS will be out this Holiday or early 2014. It won't be out later than that. The hardware for the two is effectively identical.
    They have at least two other choices: Buy nothing. Buy a Steam box.
    IceStorm III, Jan 18, 2014
  4. Microsoft: both PS4 and Xbox One will "sell a ton", online hate "NEEDS TO GO ...

    [quote user="Pyramid Head15"]You're confusing it with IP rights[/quote]

    IP=Intellectual "Property".

    No confusion in the slightest.

    You have restrictions in place for any digital content you buy as it stands today, what's the difference other than the physical media you use to install content?

    In essence it's no different to playing on the PC using Steam or any other digital service, except you can actually trade and share you games digitally which, as it stands, you cannot do currently on a PC until the system has been put in place by Valve.

    What people don't see is that this was an attempt to push the digital market on consoles forward. There are many good reasons for this other than "DRM". It's going to happen sooner or later whether people like it or not.

    The system Microsoft had originally would have been a good digital system, but people were too scared of change and too afraid to give it a chance.
    Unreal Warfare, Jan 18, 2014
  5. Online hate needs to remain. These companies need to know when they are doing it wrong. I mean, can you believe people were supporting things like DRM and saying that companies like Steam do it and they give great offers. Well, unlike consoles, Steam has
    a lot of competition and if consoles were to DRM you can expect to get very little discount due to the fact that they have no competition on their system; if a game is popular you can expect to never get a discount. That why the hate should remain.
    USMC BEEF PATTY, Jan 18, 2014
  6. [quote user="Unreal Warfare"]

    IP=Intellectual "Property".

    No confusion in the slightest.

    [/quote] Really? So if I buy a Final Fantasy shirt do I not own it? Ah, but I do not own the right to make and sell FF shirts? I own the shirt, not the IP. I own the game, but not the the actual IP itself. [quote user="Unreal Warfare"]You have restrictions
    in place for any digital content you buy as it stands today, what's the difference other than the physical media you use to install content?

    [/quote] Physical. The reason why I dont buy digital and or play on PC is exactly this. I can let my friends borrow my games, I play offline, and I can seel my games to whoever I want without any restrictions in place.

    [quote user="Unreal Warfare"]In essence it's no different to playing on the PC using Steam or any other digital service, except you can actually trade and share you games digitally which, as it stands, you cannot do currently on a PC until the system has been
    put in place by Valve.[/quote] I can already do that as, with my Physical copies of games. Gasp! [quote user="Unreal Warfare"]What people don't see is that this was an attempt to push the digital market on consoles forward[/quote] Please do. But If you're
    selling me a disc I by at retail, I;m gonig to treat as a Physical copy and not a digital copy.
    Pyramid Head15, Jan 18, 2014
  7. Randver
    Randver Guest
    [quote user="Unreal Warfare"]

    [quote user=""]I'm not sure how this turned into a DRM thread but....[/quote]

    It's not a DRM thread. I gave my opinion on someone else's comment on the subject of Microsofts originally proposed service because I believe his comments out be out of focus on the subject.

    Valve have actually already got a trading system working already on their service, including with cash, just not with games (though the system could quite easily be applied to games). I do not believe anyone stated anything about who was first to introduce

    The reason you haven't seen it with games on Steam yet, I believe, is because of publishers that push their own DRM "services" on top, and also because they need to develop the infrastructure on their systems to handle the activation side of things. You can
    however gift games to each other, just not games you have already activated.

    I am pretty sure Steam are looking at implementing this service for games at some point in the very near future. From what I remember the content trading was the first step,

    There is also EA's Origin who have introduced a new system that allows you to effectively demo and return digital content. The sharing and trading of games is very closely upon us because, as you can see, companies are already testing the waters with numerous

    See my last paragraph regarding Microsofts poor presentation.


    If I fall into any category I'm a PC gamer, I spend more time on Steam than any platform and own 600 plus games there. That's just to give you my background.

    Steam does not have a trading system for digital games, it's for "items" in games like Dota2, TF, etc. There is also a market for trading "trading cards" that Steam introduced last year which can be bought with cash. Steam charges a fee so that's their angle.

    Most games on Steam don't have any other DRM other than the license being bound to your account, Ubisoft is one of the few exceptions and they are removing most of it because of the complaints.

    Steam already looked into trading/sharing and we have the results. The Family Sharing Program. They were very open on why we had the limitations and it came down to lack of developer/publisher support. If you go to Steam and read the features of the family
    share program you'll see why people were concerned about what Microsoft would be able to do. No one was impressed when it was released.

    The last two paragraphs here should be very concerning to anyone how followed Valves attempt....How Games Licensing Works on Xbox One - Xbox Wire
    Randver, Jan 18, 2014
  8. Microsoft: both PS4 and Xbox One will "sell a ton", online hate "NEEDS TO GO ...

    I was tempted to post this on the forums, but I thought it would attract the fanboys. I totally agree with Major Nelson, both consoles will sell a ton and the hate needs to go away. I have no interest in the Wii U, but I don't
    want Nintendo to call it quits because competition is good!
    BHC Bluez n 2z, Jan 18, 2014
  9. I am sorry to break this to you. But Microsoft never said anyone would be able to trade digital games before the release of Xbox One.


    Please provide a Microsoft certified link link anywhere that says you would be able to trade your digital game, Physical yes, in the license so kindly put in the link 2 posts above me. But not digital.


    So NO..... They were not treating digital and physical the same. Sorry, They just wanted to remove you law given rights, (dependant upon country) to sell/gift/trade/barter to do what you want with your physical copy, and lay down their own rules.


    From the License Microsoft page


    • Trade-in and resell your disc-based games: Today, some gamers choose to sell their old disc-based games back for cash and credit. We designed Xbox One so game publishers can enable you to trade in your
      games at participating retailers. Microsoft does not charge a platform fee to retailers, publishers, or consumers for enabling transfer of these games.
    • Give your games to friends: Xbox One is designed so game publishers can enable you to give your
      disc-based games to your friends. There are no fees charged as part of these transfers. There are two requirements: you can only give them to people who have been on your friends list for at least 30 days and each game can
      only be given once.
    As you can tell, Microsoft were allowing you to give your disc based games to your friends. Like you were not able to do that since the beginning of disc based media, and by law, i may hasten to add
    HairyLoveSpuds, Jan 18, 2014
  10. [quote user="Randver"]

    I'm not sure how this turned into a DRM thread but....

    [/quote]*Points finger at Pyramid Head15*
    Galactic Geek, Jan 18, 2014
  11. Randver
    Randver Guest
    [quote user="Galactic Geek"]

    [quote user=""]

    I'm not sure how this turned into a DRM thread but....

    [/quote]*Points finger at Pyramid Head15*


    Since were already off topic......

    Anyone else picking up Fable Anniversary on 2-4-14? ( lets see if I can take this back to a non-conflict thread, can't be any Fable haters )
    Randver, Jan 18, 2014
  12. Yes Randver, with my new X1, when all the little issues are ironed out. I am hoping they do a special edition pack.......


    Oh how i would love a Fable Controller, and X1.
    HairyLoveSpuds, Jan 18, 2014
  13. Microsoft: both PS4 and Xbox One will "sell a ton", online hate "NEEDS TO GO ...

    @x24hrs2livex Hey so true my friend, the old augment goes right back to the 16 bit computers the Atari ST vs the Commodore Amiga. The only big difference between now and then is the birth of the internet. People take to the internet to voice their concerns
    from consoles to tvs even Dr Who. I think HATE is a very strong word personally, i don't hate the XBOne or Microsoft particular. I don't agree where there going but that's my opinion and mine only. The internet can get very boring and i like to come on
    here to read stuff and throw my hat into the ring etc. A good debate is good at the end of the day. Major Nelson wants the dust to settle, take a bit of heat of the One etc. But remember this what would have happened if no one had took to the internet to
    voice their concern over DRM,a Always connected XBOne ?
    WildChameleon, Jan 18, 2014
  14. x24hrs2livex
    x24hrs2livex Guest
    So true, but in all honesty my One has never not been connected to the internet. I think that how thing was more people upset with not having the option
    x24hrs2livex, Jan 18, 2014
  15. Nope, I gave Sony hell for their arrogance in releasing a $600 console and their attitude towards the whole situation and I will give MS hell for their arrogant attitude and attempt to enforce anti-consumer policies.
    Sunburst Univox, Jan 18, 2014

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