Discus and support MGS HD COLLECTION in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Hello! What's wrong with MGS HD collection? I can't understand this situation, and both company ( Microsoft and Konami) still think that's ok. I'm... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by Эмиль Нуртдинов, Nov 2, 2023.


    Hello! What's wrong with MGS HD collection? I can't understand this situation, and both company ( Microsoft and Konami) still think that's ok. I'm already buy this game, and then Konami delete this game. Some problems with license, and promises about bring back game to gamers. And I'm talking about game in library, not in store, I'm already buy this product! And what we have here? We have NEW collection for BIGGER price, they begin selling this games AGAIN, so there no problem with license anymore... and what?? where is already mine HD collection? Why I can't install it? What's problem? they promise to fix that problem two years ago, and now I must buy it - that's solution?? I think it's very very disgraceful for both companies, total disrespect to gamers who buying products in their systems

    Эмиль Нуртдинов, Nov 2, 2023
  2. SickboyWPG Win User

    What did I just watch?

    I just can't wait for MGS HD Collection and the Silent Hill HD Collection.
  3. Lactos292 Win User

    What Games Are You Hoping Santa Will Bring You Christmas Day? :0p

    Dark Souls


    MGS HD Collection
  4. Mark Sherwood Win User

    Metal Gear Looks A Bit Pants

    HD Collection is pretty good! I finished up MGS Liberty on the HD collection. Well worth the price and there doesn't seem to be any problems with the port, unlike other HD collections *looks at Silent Hill HD*
  5. ReckZzY Win User

    Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

    Finally a MGS game for xbox, not counting HD collection. I'm siked for this.
  6. Mark Sherwood Win User

    Xbox Deals

    I think I have owned the HD collections aside from Hitman. I have had MGS HD and DmC HD and Silent Hill HD. Now whilst I wont approve of the quality of SH HD I can say that DmC and MGS were pretty good. A great deal none the less :)



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