
Discus and support messege in XBoX on Mobile to solve the problem; can't send a message to xbox. the method on the website does not work. e2167d30-4b53-48d6-a931-e86b1014a3ef Discussion in 'XBoX on Mobile' started by ArtemiiFrolkov, Oct 22, 2018.

  1. messege

    can't send a message to xbox. the method on the website does not work.

    ArtemiiFrolkov, Oct 22, 2018
  2. Hotdaniel03
    Hotdaniel03 Guest

    *cough**cough*not helpful*cough**cough*
    Hotdaniel03, Oct 22, 2018
  3. mowery30
    mowery30 Guest
    Unable to send messages to my friend / Grayed out

    hello xbox live i wanna know u guys disable me from sending messege to my friends it saying i did something wrong an i didn't can i plz be able to messege my friends to ask to see if i can play with them on warframe i can't even send messege on there either
    u disable it all form me why when i anit the one sending bad messege out to people they sending them 2 me. i am the one who shouldn't be disable from sending messege
    mowery30, Oct 22, 2018
  4. DominumStige
    DominumStige Guest



    Try clearing your browser cache or switching browser (for example Edge).

    Also check your
    . If your reputation is low, you'll not be able to send messages.
    DominumStige, Oct 22, 2018
  5. FreakRoach
    FreakRoach Guest
    Do you mean contacting Xbox Support? Support can be contacted at Contact Us | Xbox Support

    However, you can also post your question here and ambassadors here would be happy to help you out.
    FreakRoach, Oct 22, 2018
  6. If you are talking about sending a message to xbox on your xbox one as in sending message to them like they are one of their friends, it will not work. If you are talking about trying to contact them for support then follow the link posted by the guy above.
    NathanielLarson, Oct 22, 2018
  7. ForzaDrift Girl, Oct 22, 2018
  8. Zatomas
    Zatomas Guest


    Ok maybe we do not got your point. Do you want to add and contact Xbox as a friend and send them messages or are you trying to do something different? The more details the better.
    Zatomas, Oct 24, 2018
  9. I can't send message on my Xbox mobile
    RichardParker7, Oct 27, 2018
  10. Zatomas
    Zatomas Guest
    Hi, have you tried the following?

    - Verify that you have no connection issues

    - Verify that you are not enforced (you can check it out by logging with your credentials at

    If the priblem persists, could you please provide more info about thse topics?

    1) Are you trying to message a person or pisting on a club’s feed?

    2) Is that person one of your friends?
    Zatomas, Oct 27, 2018
  11. caroferreira
    caroferreira Guest
    Please, j’ai aussi le meme ptobleme j’essaie d’envoyer un message sur l’appli xbox ou rechercher des gens rien ne marche. Un message d’erreur me dit que les fonctionnalités m’empechent de faire ce que je veux et qu il faut aller sur xbox.col pour gerer les
    fonctionnalites que je ne trouve nul part !!!! L’appli bloque tout je pzux rien raire !!!!!!

    [Mod Translation: Please, I also have the same ptobleme I try to send a message on the Xbox app or look for people nothing works. An error message tells me that the features prevent me from doing what I want and that you have to go on Xbox. Collar
    for features I can't find anywhere!!!! The app blocks everything I pzux nothing!!!!!!]
    caroferreira, Nov 4, 2018
  12. Zatomas
    Zatomas Guest
    Zatomas, Nov 4, 2018
  13. caroferreira
    caroferreira Guest


    Bonjour ce nest pas ca. Mon dossier est vierge.

    [Mod Translation: Hi, it's not that. My file is blank.]
    caroferreira, Nov 4, 2018
  14. Zatomas
    Zatomas Guest
    Sounds great!

    May I then suggest to do the following?

    1. Check your internet connection
    2. Logout and login again with your account
    Zatomas, Nov 4, 2018
  15. caroferreira
    caroferreira Guest
    Je me suis déconnectée puis reconnectée ca fonctionne merci beaucoup !!!!!!

    [Mod Translation: I disconnected and then reconnected it works thank you very much!!!!!!]
    caroferreira, Nov 4, 2018
