Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft)

Discus and support Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft) in XBoX Sales and Promo to solve the problem; Me habeis engañado. Un compañero vuestro mediante chat, me dijo que pagase xbox game pass debido a que no habia quitado la actualización automatica por... Discussion in 'XBoX Sales and Promo' started by aalcaide45, Jul 9, 2019.

  1. aalcaide45
    aalcaide45 Guest

    Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft)

    Me habeis engañado. Un compañero vuestro mediante chat, me dijo que pagase xbox game pass debido a que no habia quitado la actualización automatica por error. Y que luego pidiese el reembolso. Ahora me dicen que no me lo devuelven. TENGO POR ESCRITO QUE

    Ahi lo teneis pegado.

    Voy a llegar donde tenga que llegar para que me devuelvan mi dinero. Y ya han perdido a un cliente por su incompetencia.

    Hablar con un agente

    Carlos A se ha unido al chat

    Microsoft Answer Tech


    Bienvenido al Soporte de Microsoft para Xbox. ¿Cómo podemos ayudarte?

    Por favor tenga en cuenta que, si usted se cambia el enfoque a otro programa mientras está en Chat con nosotros, es posible que se desconecte su sesión del Chat. Para proveerle un soporte óptimo, por favor cerciórese de que la ventana
    del Chat siempre esté activa.


    ¡Hola Alfonso!

    ¿Cómo te puedo ayudar?

    buenos dias Carlos

    me están llegando cargos a la tarjeta

    compre una suscripción de 1 mes de Xbox pass y no se anula

    no se porque si compro un mes, me quieren cargar otro mes

    Entiendo, con gusto revisaré la situación con la facturación de tu cuenta Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft) :) Para confirmar ¿Tu correo es


    Perfecto ¿Me regalas dos minutos para revisar a detalle tu cuenta?


    ¡No tardo!


    Agradezco tu amable tiempo en espera, Alfonso.

    Revisando tu cuenta puedo ver que hay una membresía de GamePass para consola que tiene el cargo recurrente mensual activo desde el 09 de abril, solo que con la renovación del 09 de mayo no se pudo cobrar y ha quedado suspendida
    debido al cargo pendiente de 9.99 euros. ¿Es ese el cargo que mencionas?


    yo compre solo 1 mes

    no quiero que se renueve

    cada ciertos dias, me sale que intentáis cobrarme otro mes

    Entiendo. Lo que sucede es que cuando se adquiere cualquier membresía que no sea mediante código prepagado de Gold, tiene activa por defecto la auto renovación, en caso de no desear que se renueve solamente tienes que contactarnos
    para que la retiremos (tardamos un par de minutos) o puedes hacerlo por ti mismo en

    pero ese sistema está muy mal

    yo compro un mes y no tiene que activarse renovación automática

    si yo quiero que se renueve automáticamente, lo tengo que decidir yo

    Esto es parte de el servicio que se ofrece, de hecho está aclarado en los términos de uso que se aceptan al comenzar a usar el servicio de Xbox Live. En este caso como bien lo has mencionado el cargo no está siendo procesado y actualmente
    la membresía se encuentra suspendida, por lo que el sistema no muestra la opción de cancelación. Para resolverlo es necesario ya sea realizar el pago correspondiente (si no deseas conservar el servicio puedes solicitar una revisión para reembolso en )
    o puedes no realizar el pago y tras unos 45 días desde la suspensión, la membresía se cancelará por no pago y con ello se eliminará el adeudo, con la desventaja de que el método de pago quedaría marcado como declinado en el sistema

    anulalo por favor

    no voy a pagar una cosa que no quiero y no voy a utilizar

    Con gusto podría anularlo sin embargo para ello sería necesario primeramente realizar el pago lo que reactivaría el servicio, otorgando los días restantes de la mensualidad y permitiéndome realizar modificaciones en la membresía,
    Alfonso. Pero tomando en cuenta lo anteriormente mencionado, el sistema no muestra la opción de realizar este cambio en estos momentos debido al estatus de suspensión actual. De lo contrario créeme que con mucho gusto te ayudaría a realizarlo en este momento!

    Si no deseas realizar el pago es completamente comprensible, y quedaría esperar solamente a que se cancele de forma atomática Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft) :)


    oks, lo veo muy mal

    aunque venga escrito en las condiciones, esta muy mal, este tema os va a generar muchos problemas

    mucha gente tendrá el mismo problema

    si realizo el pago cuando lo reembolsais?

    De hecho la auto renovación es una característica que las membresías de Xbox han tenido desde la creación del servicio, no me gustaría que tuvieras la impresión de que es algo recientemente implementado.. Por otra parte, el depto.
    de facturación tarda unas 72 horas en revisar el caso y los reembolsos se aplican en la cuenta de banco en un plazo aproximado de 5 días (mas lo que tarde el banco en reflearlo)

    entonces si pago como hago o como solicito el reembolso?

    Una vez realizado el pago solo tienes que ir a y
    seguir los pasos para solicitarlo Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft) :)

    espera voy a ver

    no te vayas por si algo sale mal


    No te preocupes yo aquí sigo Alfonso Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft) :)

    no me sale

    Si acabas de realizar el pago puede tardar un poco en aparecer el cargo. Si gustas esperemos un par de minutos.

    le doy a reembolso

    y luego me sale, adquiri un articulo por accidente... el contenido que compre no funciona... y salen mas

    cual cojo?

    En este caso podrías tomar el de accidental ya que no tenías conocimiento de la auto renovación.

    titulo del reembolso?

    Podrías escribir "cargo por auto renovación"

    Y explicar que no estabas consiente de que se iba a renovar hasta que se te aplicó el cargo

    ya lo tengo

    puedes revisar si esta correcto?

    me ha dado un numero de solicitud

    Con gusto, permíteme solamente dos minutos para revisarlo

    oks gracias

    Excelente, ya vi el reporte y está todo correcto, en unos minutos recibirás un correo con la confirmación de que fue asignado a un compañero del depto. correspondiente y en unas 72 horas serás contactado por ellos Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft) :) Como consejo,
    ante cualquier duda o comentario sobre ese proceso puedes responder directamente los emails que te envíen para que esa persona los vea directamente!

    ok. gracias

    voy a comer

    espero que me devuelvan el dinero


    You cheated on me A companion of yours through chat, told me to pay xbox game pass because he had not removed the automatic update by mistake.
    And then ask for the refund. Now they tell me that they do not return it to me.

    There you have it stuck.

    I will get where I have to go to get my money back. And they have already lost a client because of their incompetence.

    Talk to an agent

    Carlos A has joined the chat

    Microsoft Answer Tech


    Welcome to Microsoft Support for Xbox. how can we help you?

    Please keep in mind that if you change the focus to another program while you are in Chat with us, your Chat session may be disconnected. To provide optimal support, please make sure that the Chat window is always active.


    Hello Alfonso!

    How can I help you?

    good morning Carlos

    charges are coming to the card

    buy a 1-month subscription to Xbox pass and do not cancel

    I do not know why if I buy a month, they want to charge me another month

    I understand, I will gladly review the situation with the billing of your account Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft) :) To confirm Your email is


    Perfect Will you give me two minutes to review your account in detail?


    I'm not late!


    I appreciate your kind waiting time, Alfonso.

    Checking your account I can see that there is a GamePass membership for console that has the recurring monthly charge active since April 9, only with the renewal of May 9 could not be charged and has been suspended due to the pending charge of 9.99 euros
    . Is that the position you mention?


    I only buy 1 month

    I do not want it to be renewed

    every few days, I get it that you try to charge me another month

    I get it. What happens is that when you acquire any membership other than by Gold prepaid code, it has the default auto-renewal activated, in case you do not want to renew it you just have to contact us to remove it (it takes a couple of minutes) or you
    can do it by yourself at

    but that system is very bad

    I buy a month and do not have to activate automatic renewal

    If I want it to be renewed automatically, I have to decide

    This is part of the service offered, in fact it is clarified in the terms of use that are accepted when you start using the Xbox Live service. In this case, as you mentioned, the charge is not being processed and currently the membership is suspended,
    so the system does not show the cancellation option. To resolve it, it is necessary to make the corresponding payment (if you do not want to keep the service you can request a review for reimbursement at
    refund) or you may not make the payment and after about 45 days from the suspension, the membership will be canceled for non-payment and with it the debit will be eliminated, with the disadvantage that the payment method would be marked as declined in the

    cancel it please

    I will not pay for something I do not want and I will not use

    I would be happy to cancel it, however, it would be necessary to make the payment, which would reactivate the service, granting the remaining days of the monthly payment and allowing me to make changes to the membership, Alfonso. But taking into account
    the aforementioned, the system does not show the option to make this change at this time due to the current suspension status. Otherwise, believe me I would gladly help you do it right now!

    If you do not want to make the payment it is completely understandable, and we would only wait for it to be canceled in an atomic way Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft) :)

    Automatic *

    Oks, I see it very badly

    although it is written in the conditions, it is very bad, this topic will generate many problems

    many people will have the same problem

    If I make the payment when you reimburse it?

    In fact the self-renewal is a feature that Xbox memberships have had since the creation of the service, I would not like you to have the impression that it is something recently implemented .. On the other hand, the apartment. billing takes about 72 hours
    to review the case and reimbursements are applied to the bank account in about 5 days (but whatever the bank takes to reflect it)

    So if I pay as I do or how do I request a refund?

    Once the payment is made you just have to go to and follow the steps to request it Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft) :)

    wait, I'm going to see

    do not leave in case something goes wrong


    Do not worry, I'm still here Alfonso Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft) :)

    do not leave me

    If you have just made the payment it may take a while for the charge to appear. If you like, let's wait a couple of minutes.

    I give you a refund

    and then I get it, I bought an item by accident ... the content I buy does not work ... and they go out

    what is lame?

    In this case you could take the accidental one since you did not know about the self-renewal.

    title of the refund?

    You could write "charge for self renewal"

    And explain that you were not aware that it was going to be renewed until the charge was applied

    I already have it

    can you check if it is correct?

    has given me an application number

    With pleasure, allow me only two minutes to review it

    OK thanks

    Excellent, I saw the report and it is all correct, in a few minutes you will receive an email with the confirmation that it was assigned to a partner of the apartment. and in about 72 hours you will be contacted by them Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft) :) As advice, if you have any questions
    or comments about that process, you can directly respond to the emails sent to you so that the person can see them directly!

    okay. Thank you

    I will eat

    I hope you give me back the money

    aalcaide45, Jul 9, 2019
  2. XBF Javier R Win User

    Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft)

    Hello aalcaide45,

    We understand that you're experiencing an issue concerning an overdue balance on your Microsoft

    Reading through the posted chat transcript, it seems that the purchase was already made to update the Game Pass subscription as well as the refund for that purchase already being submitted.

    It would be best to continue support with the refund team, which can be found within the email on your account as they should have sent an email explaining the refund progress.

    Best wishes!
  3. Njal the Blue Win User

    Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft)

    Unfortunately nobody in the forums can help with billing issues. The majority of us are fellow gamers and not employees. You will need to go via the official Support site HTTPS://
  4. aalcaide45 Win User

    Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft)

    Muy bien. Que se sepa que me han engañado. Porque no responden a los emails y el chat siempre esta ocupado.


    Very well. Let it be known that I have been deceived.
    Because they do not respond to emails and chat is always busy.
  5. ArabViper Win User

    Are you kidding me Microsoft?

    It's only going to be down for the rest of the year... be patient
  6. Hart Atttack Win User

    Are you kidding me Microsoft?

    Xbox customer service has been reduced to morons sitting in front of a slow computer, insulting customers and wearing them down so that they never call back. I remember back in the 360 days even during the red ring stuff they had semi-competent people talking
    to you that would compensate you if necessary. Now you're lucky to get a month of live (worth 5 bucks) if you sit on the phone for 2 hours (multiple times). It's an absolute insult and it's already coming back to haunt them. I hate to say it but at this point
    cell phone/ cable providers actually have preferable customer service to Xbox right now. That's cringe worthy.

Me habeis engañado Microsoft (You cheated on me Microsoft)

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