Discus and support MAD DASH in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; PLZ bring mad dash racing back, it was the most fun game ever. So underrated. Bring it back for the Xbox One and make it so we can play online with a... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by QuietFlounder73, Aug 4, 2014.


    PLZ bring mad dash racing back, it was the most fun game ever. So underrated. Bring it back for the Xbox One and make it so we can play online with a ranking system. Please, please, please. Mad dash was so awesome.... Am I the only one that remember this
    epic racing game?

    QuietFlounder73, Aug 4, 2014
  2. Mad dash to 50

    If someone could be kind enough to help boost my character a little bit that would be totally rad MAD DASH :)

    I'm only like a level 12 currently but would like access to some of the higher level weapons. I'm not expecting anyone to boost me all the way to lvl 50 though, that would be cool but I remember how long that took on BL1 haha!

    But maybe to about 20 or so would be great!
    MoshedBrotatoe, Aug 4, 2014
  3. Knight Noku
    Knight Noku Guest
    Mad dash to 50

    Hey I've been playing this non stop since it came out; and I must say it has rekindled my hope in gaming. I've done almost all that can be done on pandora and now I'm looking for someone to boost me to level 50. Usually I don't condone boosting or speed
    anything but with wanting to play as the other three characters (with a new on on the way), and dlc I would like to have at least one maxed to be my go to class. I'll just sit in a corner if I have too lol. I'm a level 34 commando and I'm on right now. Thanks
    in advance!
    Knight Noku, Aug 4, 2014
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