Looks like Scalebound has been cancelled

Discus and support Looks like Scalebound has been cancelled in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Thought Crackdown 3 was a Scorpio launch title. Be a bit embarrassing if it does get cancelled. i didn't hear that, but it makes sense. They'll... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by brandiesel1, Jan 9, 2017.

  1. brandiesel1
    brandiesel1 Guest

    Looks like Scalebound has been cancelled

    i didn't hear that, but it makes sense. They'll need a few decent games at launch. It sounds like the environmental destruction they want to do is too taxing on the XO hardware.
    brandiesel1, Jan 10, 2017
  2. BluSwirl
    BluSwirl Guest
    Note to self: The game was actually called BOUND BY FLAME, and it released in 2014 - likewise for the SCALEBOUND reveal trailer @ E3. How time flies! Notwithstanding, it just proves that after all is said and done, Scalebound (or "Failbound" by any other
    name) joins a very long list of overhyped titles that have amounted to little more than vaporware. Such is the way of a billion dollar industry!
    BluSwirl, Jan 10, 2017
  3. BluSwirl
    BluSwirl Guest
    For all we know, Crackdown 3 could very well be a Scorpio launch title! Plus, now that Microsoft have pulled the plug on a *very* high-profile platform exclusive, there *must* be something to fill the void! E3 can't come soon enough! With each aggravated
    and baleful post relating to the Scalebound saga, my hype level rises! 2017 is gathering steam and it's only January! Woop!
    BluSwirl, Jan 11, 2017
  4. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest

    Looks like Scalebound has been cancelled

    Bound by Flame was alright.Got repetitive quite early on though & was bloody hard at times
    Daft Badger, Jan 11, 2017
  5. A couple of things concern me if your thoughts are true.

    1) Isn't the environmental destruction being offloaded to the Cloud? Wasn't Azure meant to boost the Xbox One's processing power for such things.

    2) Didn't Microsoft state that every game that runs on the Scorpio will also be playable on the base Xbox One? So the developers are going to have to make sure the destruction can be turned off anyway.

    I've always believed that the strength of the console market is clearly defined generations. The experience that one player gets is the same as any other. By doing half generation leaps all Microsoft will do is end up fracturing their user-base.
    LodgedBonsai923, Jan 11, 2017
  6. brandiesel1
    brandiesel1 Guest
    I see what you're saying LodgedBonsai, but I still have concerns for it. We haven't really seen anything offloaded to the cloud to make games awesome like they said they were. We haven't even heard anything else about it since like 2013. If that feature
    was as good as they said it was they'd be shouting it from the rooftops, but they're not.

    We haven't seen anything new on Crackdown 3 in way more than a year. They were saying something about the environmental destruction only being available in singleplayer which pretty much shows doing it in MP is not possible even with the cloud on current

    I think it'll be a launch title on Scorpio. It'll be available on the One as well unless something bad happens and the game gets scrapped altogether.

    They need to show something on that game soon as consumers confidence goes down when a highly anticipated game gets cancelled after being in production for so long. Cancelling Scalebound hurts them a bit. When you're competing with a different company you
    need your product to stand out. Having less and less games only hurts. Having all new games available on PC hurts as well. Simply having a more powerful console, and maybe keeping the games dumbed down to be able to run on the One doesn't give people much
    interest in the Scorpio. It can me the most powerful console in the world, but without interesting games, who cares?

    Having said that I'll still get it and I can't wait, but I do have some doubts that I didn't have before.
    brandiesel1, Jan 11, 2017
  7. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest
    Can't find the article I read that said Crackdown would be a Scorpio launch title but it wasn't from that long ago.

    I was thinking the same thing about the whole cloud/destruction thing as I thought games were meant to be playable on the xbox one & scorpio.

    Like you said,they made a big thing about games using the cloud to run better etc. but they've not really used it yet.

    If it is a launch title it doesn't mean it wont be on the xbox one or run any differently,it's a game a lot of people are looking forward to & it makes sense to have it as a launch title with a new console.

    I guess if it doesn't show at E3 this year then it's time to get worried about it.
    Daft Badger, Oct 31, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Looks like Scalebound has been cancelled