Looking for some UK players to donate animals etc

Discus and support Looking for some UK players to donate animals etc in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Hi, I'm working my way through the campaigns and would like to enlist a couple of couple players to help me with donating animals and the multi-player... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by Anonymous1212121DSSDFSD, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Looking for some UK players to donate animals etc


    I'm working my way through the campaigns and would like to enlist a couple of couple players to help me with donating animals and the multi-player scenarios.

    I tend to play XBOX for an hour or two most days but the nature of this game means we don't actually have to hook-up at the same times as its all cloud based.

    Let me know if you'd be interest in swapping few lions/tigers/elephants etc.



    P.S - this should not be important but I am a mature gamer (i.e: I am 42, and happily married) - I'm not looking for a new love interest, or even people to chat with - just some virtual identities to help with what I consider a reasonably addictive cute
    game Looking for some UK players to donate animals etc :)

    Anonymous1212121DSSDFSD, Aug 6, 2014
  2. My guilty Zoo Tycoon shame

    I'm getting zoo tycoon. It looks very fun not to mention that if u rehabilitate animals in game ms will donate real money to rehabilitating real animals. Win win. I like animals.
    StudBllJckHammr, Aug 6, 2014
  3. Selling vs Donating an Animal

    The donate option is for sending animals to your friends. If they use it to breed, they will get an achievement.
    ThankOurTroops, Aug 6, 2014
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Looking for some UK players to donate animals etc