Когда будет скидка на игру Red Dead Redemption 2? [Translate] When will the Red Dead...

Discus and support Когда будет скидка на игру Red Dead Redemption 2? [Translate] When will the Red Dead... in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Когда будет скидка на игру Red Dead Redemption 2? [Translate] When will the Red Dead Redemption 2 discount be? be27917b-49d8-4a5c-a7bd-4f80ea743e22 Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by Exele1n, Oct 24, 2019.

  1. Exele1n
    Exele1n Guest

    Когда будет скидка на игру Red Dead Redemption 2? [Translate] When will the Red Dead...

    Когда будет скидка на игру Red Dead Redemption 2?


    When will the Red Dead Redemption 2 discount be?

    Exele1n, Oct 24, 2019
  2. T3chnlgydude Win User

    Когда будет скидка на игру Red Dead Redemption 2? [Translate] When will the Red Dead Redemption 2 discount be?

    Привет Exele1n

    Я уверен, что скоро это будет особенным. Пожалуйста, следите за сайтом майора Нельсона, так как объявляются еженедельные предложения (сделки на этой неделе с золотом). Ссылка ниже:


    -[Translation - Hello Exele1n

    I'm sure it'll be special soon. Please follow Major Nelson's website as weekly offers are announced (this week's gold deals). Link below:]
  3. XBF Felixx P Win User

    Когда будет скидка на игру Red Dead Redemption 2? [Translate] When will the Red Dead Redemption 2 discount be?

    Hey Guys and Gals,

    Thanks for reaching out to Xbox forums support.

    Since there is no further resolution and in an effort to minimize repetitive answers we will be locking this thread, but if you have any further

    questions or concerns feel free to come back to the Xbox forums.

    Happy gaming!


    Xbox forums support
  4. RomkaZzz Win User

    Когда будет скидка на игру Red Dead Redemption 2? [Translate] When will the Red Dead Redemption 2 discount be?

    Привет! Ты можешь добавить игру или конкретную версию в свой список пожеланий и отслеживать изменение цены на нее. Ты получишь уведомление, если цена изменится. Подробнее об этом

    . Скидка была на прошлой неделе на


    -[Translation - Hello! You can add a game or a specific version to your wish list and track the price change. You'll get a notification if the price changes. More on this here. The discount was last week on RDR2.

    Good luck!]
  5. XBF Felixx P Win User

    Когда будет скидка на игру Red Dead Redemption 2? [Translate] When will the Red Dead Redemption 2 discount be?

    Hey Exele1n!

    Feel free to use the Microsoft Wish List feature so that you can receive a notification when the game goes on sale.

    Click on the link below:

    'Microsoft wish List'

    If I had to guess, I'd say that the game will go on sale as we near the holidays / Black Friday.

    I hope this helps! Good luck!


    Xbox forums support
  6. H3adshak3r Win User

    Red Dead Redemption 2 DLC Problem

    I checked this for my and my brothers account and that is the result. Looks a little bit strange or? On My Account the Ultimate Edition is listed twice. I think this is not correct and on my brothers account ultimate edition is missing. Pre-Order Bonus is
    correct, because i have it bought and my brother not.

    My Account:

    Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition

    This Package Contains:

    - Red Dead Redemption 2

    - Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition

    - Red Dead Redemption 2 Special Edition Content

    - Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition Content

    - Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition Content

    - Red Dead Redemption 2 Pre-Order Boni (War Horse)

    - Red Dead Redemption 2 Pre-Order Boni (Treasure Map)

    Brothers Account:

    Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition

    This Package Contains:

    - Red Dead Redemption 2

    - Red Dead Redemption 2 Special Edition Content

    - Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition Content

Когда будет скидка на игру Red Dead Redemption 2? [Translate] When will the Red Dead...

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