Is the Enforcement team at Xbox healthy for the community and overall business?

Discus and support Is the Enforcement team at Xbox healthy for the community and overall business? in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; So once again I got a strike on xbox and received a 4 day suspension. The reason was listed as "harassment", despite only sending an INFORMATIVE... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by DenOfTheLobo, Nov 7, 2023.

  1. DenOfTheLobo
    DenOfTheLobo Guest

    Is the Enforcement team at Xbox healthy for the community and overall business?

    So once again I got a strike on xbox and received a 4 day suspension. The reason was listed as "harassment", despite only sending an INFORMATIVE response on a community comment section involving blood donorship through gaming as a means of incentive. Specifically the D4 blood drive. I challenged the suspension, stating that nothing I said broke TOS or the "community guidelines". Their response; "We looked over your query and found that the suspension was warranted. Even if the reason is not listed, Xbox reserves the right to suspend any account it deems detrimental or unsafe to the xbox community. We feel strongly about our findings". Then they just go on to label bs I can do to "limit" the chances of suspension, as if I haven't been following these guidelines. To be clear, this isn't so much an advice query, so much as a discussion PSA. Enforcement is a hinderance to the xbox community, a sketchy system with no means of scrutiny and a negation of customer considerations. The fact that 70% of suspensions come with no explanation is proof of this. If this continues, it will lead to loss of revenue on xboxs part and the dissemination of the brand. Every other company has parental controls for just this reason and people shouldn't be FORCED to behave a certain way. Now, one could say "well if it's so bad, why not switch to another platform?" Good question; allow me to answer. Many people have a HUGE DIGITAL LIBRARY, with money and time put in. The security measures on other platforms, aren't backed by a big corp like MS and some don't wanna distance themselves from friends. Which brings up another issue. Why the heck are suspensions limiting chat among friends? Why can't suspensions just keep you from interacting with randoms? It makes no friggin sense. What, is it brainwashing? Xbox acts more and more like communist Russia and China with each passing day and it's disgusting.

    DenOfTheLobo, Nov 7, 2023
  2. DenOfTheLobo Win User

    Is the Enforcement team at Xbox healthy for the community and overall business?

    As I stated before; this isn't a query but a discussion therefore, what are you talking about?🤨Btw, that suspension already passed so why would you randomly assume like that?
  3. Darhyl Amizola Win User

    Is the Enforcement team at Xbox healthy for the community and overall business?

    Hi there! My name is Darhyl and I’d be more than happy to help you with your query.

    It's important to note that this is a public user-to-user community forum, and none of us here work for Microsoft.

    Just a gentle reminder that for enforcement actions there is a dedicated team that handles them which is the enforcement team. I’m so sorry but the reason and all details are only available on your end.

    I understand this situation is frustrating for you, however, I would like to let you know that no one in the community forums or someone from Microsoft support is capable of assisting with enforcement actions.

    Thank you for your kindness and understanding.

    Best Regards,
  4. Darkhawk Ninja Win User

    Banned for no reason

    The Enforcement Team are really busy. It's possible that someone reported you months ago and the enforcement team finally got around to the report. Suspensions can come at any time of the enforcement team decides the

    Code of Conduct
    was broken. Violations still need to be punished regardless of time passed since the incident.
  5. Nathan Roberts (Sunk Win User

    Ambassador Access Lost.

    Yep,you can't be an ambassador with any type of enforcement action on your account.

    Mind getting a mod to see why the Halo-5-broken-launch I was banned? I am a noob at forums :p
    Hey there, DeadpoolVSme210

    The Xbox Moderators won't be able to further help either. As they have no connection with the Xbox Live Policy and Enforcement team. They are only Community members like us, and don't work for Xbox. What they do, is they keep the community here healthy and
    make sure the Code of Conduct is followed on the forums.

    If you was banned because you played a game early, when you wasn't supposed to, then this will have to be up with the Enforcement team. Because it was only for one day, you will be unable to submit a case review, not contact them. You could, maybe, try reaching
    out to the Xbox Ambassadors team, however our terms of use is that we have no violations and enforcement actions.

    That been said, you can still help out as a normal community member. These forums are a way for any community member to be able to help each other. Whether they are an Xbox Ambassador, MVP, Moderator, or an average gamer. As long as you follow the rules
    on the forums, you can participate. :) There are also other, Microsoft Community forums in which you can help others on as well. Not just these forums.

    Hope this helps,

  6. OG McMoney III Win User

    Enforcement Team: Communication Ban!

    I NEED HELP TOO! I am a musician, I have been in Europe the last 5 months on tour... I come home to find out my account was banned for a communication function as well. My account must have been hacked, because I dont even have a microphone, nor do I ever
    write messages. I need to talk to somebody with xbox because I have a permanent ban and I just spent $500 dollars for nothing. I barely get to play this, and I get banned for doing nothing. Wasn't even IN THE STATES. HOW DO I GET BANNED! I have had my account
    since I was 13. My Gamertag is BigBostonBen. I NEED HELP ASAP.

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