IR Blaster Xbox One - Please help. Spent 3 hours with tech support and they couldn't even ...

Discus and support IR Blaster Xbox One - Please help. Spent 3 hours with tech support and they couldn't even ... in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; I pre-ordered the Sunset Overdrive bundle. It got here and I re. ized I needed an IR cable to use some of the features. I live in Alabama and no one... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by Michael Staggs, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. IR Blaster Xbox One - Please help. Spent 3 hours with tech support and they couldn't even ...

    I pre-ordered the Sunset Overdrive bundle. It got here and I re. ized I needed an IR cable to use some of the features. I live in Alabama and no one has them in stock around me. So, I ordered one online. It didn't work and holding my Samsung S3 camera
    up to it, I couldn't see a light (I can if I do that with remotes). So, I ordered a different style from a different place. It got here and the same thing happened. Both were single emitters. Both have 3.5 mm jacks with two bands. Please help. I don't want
    to send it back because I love it, but if I can't get tech support and can't use all the features, I'm going to have to. I just need a cable that works or to know the console is broken.

    Michael Staggs, Nov 13, 2014
  2. Strict NAT type, Australia

    I spent about 3 hours with the xbox tech this morning and we tried everything. He was really patient and I appreciated the support.
    JetPacK Man1aC, Nov 13, 2014
  3. Kroll1
    Kroll1 Guest
    Child's account verification not possible on

    Torgun, I haven't tried that yet... but I do use two-factor authentication.

    Thanks a lot for sharing your solution! (I spent over 3 hours with Tech Support on chat and they were not able to help!)
    Kroll1, Nov 13, 2014
  4. IR Blaster Xbox One - Please help. Spent 3 hours with tech support and they couldn't even ...

    Here is the 2hr and 45 minute chat:

    General Info

    Chat start time Nov 12, 2014 8:54:00 PM EST

    Chat end time Nov 12, 2014 11:43:08 PM EST

    Duration (actual chatting time) 02:49:08

    Operator Ira

    Chat Transcript

    info: Please wait for an agent to respond. The current average wait time is 7 minutes. Thank you for your patience.

    info: All agents are currently assisting others. The current average wait time is 4 minutes. Thank you for your patience.

    info: All agents are currently assisting others. The current average wait time is 2 minutes. Thank you for your patience.

    info: All agents are currently assisting others. The current average wait time is 2 minutes. Thank you for your patience.

    info: All agents are currently assisting others. The current average wait time is 1 minutes. Thank you for your patience.

    info: Privacy Statement

    You are now chatting with 'Ira'.

    Ira: Hello, thank you for contacting Xbox Customer Support. My name is Ira. Please give me a moment to review your question.

    Michael: Ok. Basically, I go into setup oneguide and select satellite box. I try to send the power off, but holding the camera up, I do not see the infrared signal being sent. I've bought two different styles from two different places and neither work when
    plugged into my xbox

    Michael: I can view the infrared from the regular tv remote holding my camera up

    Ira: Thank you for that information Michael and just to verify, you are having an issue with your console and TV connection, right?

    Michael: with changing the channels using an IR emitter cable

    Ira: Alright, can you please explain further regarding this concern?

    Michael: I just did. I plug the IR extension cable in, I go into setup. It tries to send a power off to the box, but holding a camera up and I can't see an IR signal being sent. I've tried two different cables from two different places

    Ira: Thank you for that information, please give me a moment to review my resources here regarding your concern.

    Ira: Thank you for waiting Michael, can you please try to apply these steps with your console ?

    Michael: ok

    Ira: Please go to Settings>>Disc & Blu-ray >> Persistent Storage >> Clear Persistent Storage.

    Michael: Even though this has nothing to do with the discs at all?

    Ira: Yes Michael, this is like a clearing of unwated files which may affect the connection of this set up.

    Michael: sec

    Ira: Oh sure Michael.

    Michael: no

    Michael: It did nothing

    Ira: As long as you followed my instruction, it's alright.

    Ira: Now, please go to Settings>> Network>>Advanced Settings>> Alternate MAC address>> Clear and restart.

    Michael: Ok...but these have nothing to do with the IR cable

    Ira: Alright, can you please try to set up the oneguide again?

    Michael: Did nothing different

    Ira: Alright, you are trying to set up Oneguide, right?

    Michael: I'm trying to set up the xbox to control the set top box

    Ira: What do you mean to control the set top box?

    Michael: the satellite be able to change channels using an IR cable

    Ira: Oh thanks for that Michael. so your satellite box is not listed on the screen?

    Michael: Can you give me your supervisor?

    Michael: or next tier tech support

    Michael: or somebody?

    Ira: I apologize for this Michael but please give me a couple of minute to review this with my resources here.

    Ira: Thank you for waiting Michael , upon reviewing my resources here that it is possible that this is not recommended with Xbox device that is why we cannot set this up successfully.

    Michael: Can you give me next tier tech support or a supervisor?

    Michael: Please connect me with the next tier technical support or a supervisor who may be able to understand the problem I'm having and help me solve it. I've been in here for 30 minutes and you've not been able to understand my problem. So, please hand
    me off to someone who may be able to help me. Thank you.

    Ira: Alright, I understand you Michael and please give me a moment to connect you with our supervisor.

    Michael: Thank you

    info: Your chat transcript will be sent to [Mod Removed - Please don't post personal information] at the end of your chat.

    Ira: Sorry for the long wait and I have now the supervisor and I will be connecting you for a moment.

    Michael: ok

    Michael: anyone yet?

    Ira: I'm now connecting you to our supervisor this may take for a while.

    Michael: Am I really going to have to send it back to the store because I can't get tech support for it after I bought it?

    Ira: Alright, I am currently finding another manager for you because my manager is current engage to another customer. Thank you for understanding.

    Ira: Thank you for waiting Michael and while I am finding another manager for you I just need you to go to

    Ira: Please log in your account and register your Xbox Console first so that we can also check it here on our end.

    Ira: Tell me if you're successfully registered your device.

    Michael: yes

    Ira: Thank you for that Michael and thank you for that it really helps.

    Ira: Alright, can you please click to this link that I will provide.

    Ira: Click Here

    Michael: I've seen that link. That is what I've used from the beginning

    Ira: I've exhausted everything here in my end and as I checked, you need to connect this cable at the back of your console on the port "IR out".

    Michael: One hour ago, you told me that you'd give me a manager. I asked to escalate this call to an upper level tech support or a manager

    Michael: I've been waiting one hour for that to happen

    Ira: Yes Michael, I am still waiting for the manager for you and I am pulling up information regarding this issue as well. Don't worry, you will be connected to our manager for a while.

    Francis: Sorry to keep you waiting Michael. This is Francis, one of the managers on the floor.

    Michael: Hi

    Francis: Hi Michael.

    Francis: Sorry if it took as a while. We've been receiving a lot of volume today

    Francis: us*

    Michael: I'm hoping the problem I'm having is a simple one, but I've been in chat for 1 1/2 hours and the last person could not understand my problem or do anything other than read the website to me

    Michael: I didn't know I needed an IR cable when I bought the Xbox One, but after I bought it, I purchased an IR cable. I plugged it in and it couldn't send a power off during setup. I held a camera up to it and couldn't see an IR beam. I bought another
    IR cable and the same thing is happening

    Michael: On this website:
    It says What kind of IR extension cable can I use with Xbox One? Almost any off-the-shelf IR extension cable will work with your Xbox One, as long as it meets the following requirements: It connects using
    a 3.5mm jack (similar to a pair of standard headphones). It has three or fewer emitters.

    Michael: I've purchased two. Both were single emitters and neither have worked when plugged in to the xbox one

    Francis: Just to confirm, you were trying to setup your cable/satellite box with the console and your remote is not sending a signal or is not being detected.

    Michael: Not my IR cable

    Francis: Could you provide a link or image for the IR cable that you were using so we could double check the information?

    Michael: Sure...I bought two different styles from two different places

    Michael: Let me get you links

    Francis: No problem

    Michael: This is the first one I tried


    Michael: and this is the one I just tried


    Francis: thanks

    Francis: Did you check the IR by using a camera phone?

    Michael: Yes...and I couldn't see a light on either, but if I aim my camera at a remote, I can see the light in the end, so I know my camera can do it

    Francis: Hmm..

    Francis: Are you using an android phone? I know it did detect the IR signal from the remote so it should also register the IR from the IR cable, but there are some phones that do not show certain levels of IR.

    Michael: Yes. I'm using a samsung galaxy s3

    Francis: That should be good.

    Francis: Does your cable/satellite box have an option for an extension for its own IR? There are third party IR devices that doesn't work on the console so we normally advise to have a kinect setup with it.

    Francis: I'm currently checking for other possible options here.

    Francis: This is the basic guide for IR extensions that we have.


    Michael: No...not that I know of. I saw that page and it says any 3rd party should work as long as it has the right jack and 3 sensors or less

    Michael: so I got single sensors

    Francis: Just to check, the console already recognized the box and the TV, is that correct?

    Michael: no..because it can't get past the IR cable portion of the setup

    Michael: it can't send the original power off

    Francis: Does the box have an HDMI port on it and is it already connected to the console?

    Michael:'s playing TV through it

    Francis: I'm trying to recreate your issue just to be on the same page

    Michael: Ok... If I select tv, it plays my tv...through the hdmi passthrough

    Michael: then when I go to set up my cable box, it asks me if I want guided, I say yes

    Michael: then it asks what I have....directv

    Michael: then it tries different codes to send a power off

    Michael: they don't work and if I hold a camera up to the sensor, I don't see the light

    Francis: The image that you showed me from walmart, does the IR receiver have 2 or 3 black bands on the plug? 3 indicating that it's a 3.5mm jack.

    Michael: let me check

    Francis: I mean the one from the image is just an example.

    Francis: So you might have something different.

    Michael: one sec

    Francis: No problem.

    Francis: Take your time.

    Michael: both look like they have 2 bands

    Francis: I see.

    Francis: That may be the cause of our problem.

    Francis: The console needs the one that has 3 black bands on it which is a 3.5mm jack.

    Michael: I just looked it up and it says 2 bands is 3.5 mm and if it has 3 bands it contains a microphone

    Francis: It's actually similar to a headphone jack.

    Francis: It's the same information we have on the link

    Michael: yes...these are just like a headphone jack

    Michael: So I need one with 3 bands?

    Michael: Do they even make them?

    Francis: I'm double checking any other options for this. You've already spent so much.

    Michael: I just want to make sure it's the cables and not the xbox that is faulty

    Francis: I totally understand. I'd hate to make a pingpong out of you. That's why we're trying your issue on our end as well. Would it be okay if we tried to do a factory reset on the console and make sure that the update installs then setup the cable again?

    Michael: ok...will that delete my games?

    Michael: I've got ryse, sunset overdrive and minecraft downloaded to it....

    Francis: The games are associated to your profile as well, this means that once you download your profile to the console again, you'd be able to queue all your games again.

    Francis: I'm currently double checking the license withIra on your account so we don't encounter any issue.

    Francis: with Ira*

    Michael: I'd rather buy a cable than redownload three games honestly

    Francis: I understand.

    Francis: Another way around this if you're willing to do it, since most retail stores have their own internet. You can bring the console with the IR cables so you can personally test it on the spot.

    Michael: Well, that's another thing..... there are no IR cables in town. I have to buy them over the internet

    Michael: That's why it's taken this long. I have to buy it then wait a week for it

    Francis: Oh.

    Michael: Walmart, best buy, radio one has them in stock

    Francis: Do you have any friends or family members that also have an Xbox one?

    Michael: Only one....with a kinect

    Francis: That is actually perfect since they have a kinect.

    Francis: You can try to setup the box with the kinect and see if the console works fine with it.

    Francis: That way, we can safely say if it's a console or IR cable issue.

    Francis: Use their kinect with your console. Once the setup completes and your console works.

    Francis: Then it's the IR cables that are not compatible.

    Michael: Ok....he lives an hour away... I'm in Alabama. Can you point me towards a cable that WILL work so I can buy it and know whether it's the console or cable?

    Francis: Microsoft hasn't released any official version of the IR adapter yet. Normally, the setup is done with the cable/ satellite box using an Xbox with Kinect. The Xbox One without Kinect came out only a few months back.

    Francis: By the way

    Francis: Does your box have an option for IR out from it?

    Francis: Like a port where you can stick a cable into it?

    Michael:'s a directv box

    Francis: I get it.

    Francis: I'm currently checking for possible third party devices.

    Michael: Ok thanks

    Michael: If you find one that WILL work I'll buy it and then know for sure

    Francis: Ira and I are checking for possible sources as well.

    Michael: ok thanks

    Francis: Sorry if this is taking forever.

    Michael: thanks

    Francis: If you prefer, we could send an email in a few minutes so that you can be mobile. So far we haven't found any specific brand that has been suggested.

    Michael: ok thanks


    Francis: Thanks.

    Francis: Just to confirm, this is also the email associated with the gamertag, is that correct?

    Michael: yes

    Francis: Sorry for the wait.

    Francis: Your reference number is XXXXX.

    Francis: You'll receive an email from us in about 30 mins regarding a possible retailer or at least a suitable model that has been suggested online by Xbox users.

    Michael: thanks
    Michael Staggs, Nov 13, 2014
  5. Here is their email back to me and my reply:

    It is absolutely insane that I spent almost three hours in chat and now you

    waste my time completely and do nothing to solve the issue.

    1. If you look on that page (which only covers one model of directv boxes), IT


    Known Solution

    1. Change settings from RF to IR


    mine came set for IR because it's not the same model and I use IR remotes with


    Regarding the IR cable that is 3.5mm with 2 bands, BOTH OF THE CABLES I HAVE

    ARE. Your supervisor was claiming that they needed 3 bands, not 2.

    So now it's very possible I will have to return the Xbox One because I can't

    get technical support after buying it.


    On Thursday, November 13, 2014 07:51:28 AM you wrote:

    > Hello Michael,


    > We've exhausted everything regarding this issue and We've gathered some

    > information regarding your Cable box which is DirectTV and it seems

    > that it is not compatible with IR settings, so I suggest to verify this

    > DirectTV box with your cable company if they have an option to set this

    > up with an IR emitter cable because the device is not native IR itself


    > You can check it here:


    > s/directv/f/4445/t/1626337.aspx


    > And regarding the IR cable that is a 3.5mm with 2 bands:



    > But this is still not assured because it is possible that the cable box

    > itself doesn't support the IR emitter cable that is why it can't

    > receive the power on.


    > Xbox Customer Support
    Michael Staggs, Nov 13, 2014
  6. Mister Beep
    Mister Beep Guest
    Hey there Tannhaus93!

    First off, I'm sincerely sorry about the IR issues and any of the inconvenience this may have caused. I can understand how frustrating this can be, and I hope I can provide you with the answers you're looking for.

    I definitely think that trying your family member's Kinect sensor will help us verify if your console is faulty or not. If the Kinect doesn't help with the issue, I recommend submitting a repair quest by contacting our phone support agents through our Contact
    page. Alternatively, you can set up the request yourself by visiting our Online Service center.

    Again, I am sorry to hear about the frustration this may have caused. Please post back and let us know how things go!
    Mister Beep, Nov 13, 2014
  7. He's a friend and he literally lives 90 miles from me. It just wouldn't work unless I waited a month or two for him to visit otherwise. I'd like to clear this up before then and I don't see how setting it up with a kinect would have any bearing on the IR
    cable working.

    Is there anything I may be overlooking or something I could check?
    Michael Staggs, Nov 13, 2014
  8. Mister Beep
    Mister Beep Guest

    IR Blaster Xbox One - Please help. Spent 3 hours with tech support and they couldn't even ...

    Hey there Tannhaus93!

    The purpose would be to verify if the console is accepting those signals in general since you are on your second IR blaster. If we can't try that, I unfortunately have to suggest submitting a repair request.
    Mister Beep, Nov 13, 2014
  9. Ok thanks. They'll still give my white one back, won't they? If I send it back, I want a white one back...else I can just send it back to Amazon for a new console
    Michael Staggs, Nov 13, 2014
  10. alexde roeck
    alexde roeck Guest
    Just got my xbox one yesterday and it did not come with a kinect - didn't want one, but now it says I need the IR extension cable so I can control TV (cable) through the controller. They (microsoft) billed this xbox one as a huge control everything device
    but it's turning out to just be a fancy PS4. Can't even have PANDORA as an app. No youtube either. The smartest thing I can do is return it and stick with my xbox 360. They have no support and no IR ext. cables-even though that's what they say you need at
    set up. SMDH
    alexde roeck, Nov 13, 2014
  11. Mister Beep
    Mister Beep Guest

    We will use best efforts to return the same or similar special edition Xbox One console to you; this will depend on its availability at the time of service (special or custom editions may be out of production or inventory). If you are within the return policy
    of the retailer you originally purchased from, you always have that option as well!
    Mister Beep, Nov 13, 2014
  12. One last question.... I noticed the advance exchange program. I'm willing to pay the fee and everything... Can I get a sunset overdrive bundle through that? If so, I'll start the process.

    Thanks very much for all your help.
    Michael Staggs, Nov 1, 2018
  13. Mister Beep Win User

    IR Blaster Xbox One - Please help. Spent 3 hours with tech support and they couldn't even understand


    We will use best efforts to return the same or similar special edition Xbox One console to you; this will depend on its availability at the time of service (special or custom editions may be out of production or inventory). If you are within the return policy
    of the retailer you originally purchased from, you always have that option as well!
  14. Michael Staggs Win User

    IR Blaster Xbox One - Please help. Spent 3 hours with tech support and they couldn't even understand

    Ok thanks. They'll still give my white one back, won't they? If I send it back, I want a white one back...else I can just send it back to Amazon for a new console
  15. Michael Staggs Win User

    IR Blaster Xbox One - Please help. Spent 3 hours with tech support and they couldn't even understand

    One last question.... I noticed the advance exchange program. I'm willing to pay the fee and everything... Can I get a sunset overdrive bundle through that? If so, I'll start the process.

    Thanks very much for all your help.
  16. Mister Beep Win User

    IR Blaster Xbox One - Please help. Spent 3 hours with tech support and they couldn't even understand

    Hey there Tannhaus93!

    The purpose would be to verify if the console is accepting those signals in general since you are on your second IR blaster. If we can't try that, I unfortunately have to suggest submitting a repair request.
  17. Michael Staggs Win User

    IR Blaster Xbox One - Please help. Spent 3 hours with tech support and they couldn't even understand

    He's a friend and he literally lives 90 miles from me. It just wouldn't work unless I waited a month or two for him to visit otherwise. I'd like to clear this up before then and I don't see how setting it up with a kinect would have any bearing on the IR
    cable working.

    Is there anything I may be overlooking or something I could check?

IR Blaster Xbox One - Please help. Spent 3 hours with tech support and they couldn't even ...

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