Insider update/setting option not showing up

Discus and support Insider update/setting option not showing up in XboX Insiders to solve the problem; Recently I have activated the the xbox update preview as ive read online that i would receive the new HUD of the main screen/other apps. After a few... Discussion in 'XboX Insiders' started by /u/Early_Classic_9760, Aug 7, 2023.

  1. Insider update/setting option not showing up

    Recently I have activated the the xbox update preview as ive read online that i would receive the new HUD of the main screen/other apps. After a few weeks/months i still have not received anything, i have contacted support and there i have been told to contact official insider professionals to apply the update remotely, any help please?

    submitted by /u/Early_Classic_9760
    [link] [comments]
    /u/Early_Classic_9760, Aug 7, 2023
  2. Weronika01 Win User

    New to Xbox One S/X, Differences in OSU files from Xbox Site?

    Okay, I want to ask other thing. I thought that, when I was first setting up the Xbox, it showed me "Optional Data will be collected", something like that, it's like on Windows, when you're Insider, then the Optional Data has to be collected. I don't know how to check if Xbox has an Insider in it. All I know is that during setting up the Xbox, I had no choice, no allowance to change "No Optional Data collected" and something like that.

    How to figure out if Xbox has Insider? If so, how to remove Insider from Xbox?
  3. BookishFlunky90 Win User

    Update all games and apps?

    As I discovered it:

    Option "keep games and apps up to date" unchecked - still make possible updates show up in Updates under Games & Apps.

    So you can manually start either one showing up.

    But for system updates there is a button in settings to activate to check for updates.
  4. oOUTSIDERo62 Win User

    insider dashboard not showing up

    It sounds like you just have not gotten it yet. I am in the program as well and have not gotten the new dash yet. They send it out in rounds, some get it right away, some the second round, and so on.
  5. JosephTrevathan Win User

    insider dashboard not showing up

    Hey I really need to have you guys get in contact with me because it's affecting the whole Xbox it's trying to download it but it's not letting it download for the new version that is out that you guys have for the Xbox One and it's very irritating me because
    it might become foot having issues with the other stuff that is going on to
  6. JosephTrevathan Win User

    insider dashboard not showing up

    It sounds like you just have not gotten it yet. I am in the program as well and have not gotten the new dash yet. They send it out in rounds, some get it right away, some the second round, and so on. There Is one out

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