Innoband: My ban!

Discus and support Innoband: My ban! in XboX Networking Hardware to solve the problem; Innoband (Modems/Gateways): My ban! This IS a screen shot of my ban ok!! It was meant to be lifted on the 20-7-17 so to be told by Microsoft I'm banned... Discussion in 'XboX Networking Hardware' started by Vxrtu HD, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. Vxrtu HD
    Vxrtu HD Guest

    Innoband: My ban!

    Innoband (Modems/Gateways): My ban!
    This IS a screen shot of my ban ok!! It was meant to be lifted on the 20-7-17 so to be told by Microsoft I'm banned till the 13-10-17 I think your wrong and miss printed anything you can do please?
    Innoband: My ban! [​IMG]

    Vxrtu HD, Jul 20, 2017
  2. XBR Dionysus
    XBR Dionysus Guest
    Innoband: Overview

    Innoband (Modems/Gateways): Overview
    Login Information

    • Gateway:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin

    How to Find SSID (Network Name)

    This feature is not available

    How To Find Wireless Passphrase (WPA/WEP)

    This feature is not available

    Changing Wireless Security Type/ Disabling Wireless Security

    This feature is not available

    MAC Filtering

    1. Open a webpage on a computer connected to your network
    2. Type in “” into the web address bar.
    3. When prompted for a password type in “admin” for both username and password.
    4. Click on the “Services” on the left hand side menu.
    5. Click on the “MAC Filtering” in the subcategory.
    6. Click the “Allow” options for both “Outgoing Default Action” and “Incoming Default Action”
    7. Click the “Allow” option for “Rule Action”
    8. Add the “Source MAC Address” and “Destination MAC Address” (which will be the same numbers)
    9. Click the “Add” button.
    10. Click the “Apply Changes” button.

    Disable MAC Filtering

    1. Open a webpage on a computer connected to your network
    2. Type in “” into the web address bar.
    3. When prompted for a password type in “admin” for both username and password.
    4. Click on the “Services” on the left hand side menu.
    5. Click on the “MAC Filtering” in the subcategory.
    6. Click the “Allow” options for both “Outgoing Default Action” and “Incoming Default Action”
    7. Click the “Allow” option for “Rule Action”
    8. Add the “Source MAC Address” and “Destination MAC Address” (which will be the same numbers)
    9. Check the devices you would like to remove from the MAC filter.
    10. Click the “Delete Selected” button.
    11. Click the “Apply Changes” button.

    Change Wireless Channel

    This feature is not available

    Change Wireless Mode

    This feature is not available.

    DHCP Reservation

    Some of the following instructions have been omitted from the user manual. We have provided best effort instruction to fill in missing information.

    1. Open a webpage on a computer connected to your network
    2. Type in “” into the web address bar.
    3. When prompted for a password type in “admin” for both username and password.
    4. Click on the “Services” on the left hand side menu.
    5. Click on the “DHCP Settings” in the subcategory.
    6. Click on the “MAC-Base Assignment” button.
    7. Add the MAC address of the device you would like to add.
    8. Add the IP address you would like to assign.
    9. Click the “Save” button.


    1. Open a webpage on a computer connected to your network
    2. Type in “” into the web address bar.
    3. When prompted for a password type in “admin” for both username and password.
    4. Click on the “Services” on the left hand side menu.
    5. Click on the “UPnP” in the subcategory.
    6. Click on the “Enable” option.
    7. Choose the interface option. (Select the WAN interface (upstream) that will use the UPnP.
    8. Click the “Apply Changes” button.


    1. Open a webpage on a computer connected to your network
    2. Type in “” into the web address bar.
    3. When prompted for a password type in “admin” for both username and password.
    4. Click on the “Services” on the left hand side menu.
    5. Click on “Firewall” in the subcategory.
    6. Click on “DMZ”
    7. Click the “Enable” button.
    8. Type in the Xbox’s IP address into the “DMZ host IP address”
    9. Click the “Apply Changes” button.

    Disable DMZ

    1. Open a webpage on a computer connected to your network
    2. Type in “” into the web address bar.
    3. When prompted for a password type in “admin” for both username and password.
    4. Click on the “Services” on the left hand side menu.
    5. Click on “Firewall” in the subcategory.
    6. Click on “DMZ”
    7. Click the “Disable” button.
    8. Click the “Apply Changes” button.

    Port Forwarding

    1. Open a webpage on a computer connected to your network
    2. Type in “” into the web address bar.
    3. When prompted for a password type in “admin” for both username and password.
    4. Click on the “Services” on the left hand side menu.
    5. Click on “Firewall” in the subcategory.
    6. Click on the “Port Forwarding” option.
    7. Click the “Enable” radio button.
    8. Next to “Protocol” select “Both”
    9. Next to “Comment” type in “Xbox live”
    10. Check the “Enable” box.
    11. Type in the Xbox’s current IP address into the “Local IP address” and “Remote IP address”
    12. Type in “3074” into the two “Local Port” options.
    13. Type in “3074” into the two “Public Port” options
    14. Click the “Add” button.
    15. Click the “Apply Changes” button.

    Disable Port Forwarding

    1. Open a webpage on a computer connected to your network
    2. Type in “” into the web address bar.
    3. When prompted for a password type in “admin” for both username and password.
    4. Click on the “Services” on the left hand side menu.
    5. Click on “Firewall” in the subcategory.
    6. Click on the “Port Forwarding” option.
    7. Click the “Enable” radio button.
    8. Next to “Protocol” select “Both”
    9. Next to “Comment” type in “Xbox live”
    10. Check the “Disable” box.


    This device has firewall settings but none that apply to the Xbox.

    How to Find Firmware Version

    1. Open a webpage on a computer connected to your network
    2. Type in “” into the web address bar.
    3. When prompted for a password type in “admin” for both username and password.
    4. Click on the “WAN” on the left hand side menu.
    5. Click on “ADSL Settings” option.
    6. The firmware version will be shown on this page.

    Firmware Update

    Note: You will need to download the firmware from the ISP website or the manufacturer’s webpage.

    1. Connect a computer to the gateway using an Ethernet cable.
    2. Open a webpage on a computer connected to your network
    3. Type in “” into the web address bar.
    4. When prompted for a password type in “admin” for both username and password.
    5. Click on the “Admin” on the left hand side menu.
    6. Click on the “Upgrade Firmware” option
    7. Click the “Browse…” button.
    8. Locate the firmware saved on your computer.
    9. Once you have selected the firmware, click on the “Upload” option.
    10. Wait for the update to finish uploading.
    11. The router may reboot after it’s finished.

    Restore Factory Defaults

    From Hardware:

    1. Locate the back of the device, where the Ethernet ports are located.
    2. Hold the reset button on the back for 30 seconds. You will need a paperclip, toothpick or pen to hold down the reset button.
    3. Let go of the reset button and wait about 1 min for the device to reboot.

    From Firmware:

    1. Connect a computer to the gateway using an Ethernet cable.
    2. Open a web browser on a computer.
    3. Type the gateway address “” into the web address bar.
    4. When prompted for a password type in “admin” for both username and password.
    5. Click on the “Admin” on the left hand side menu.
    6. Click on the “Backup/Restore” option.
    7. Click on the “Reset” button.

    Bridging Guide

    1. Connect a computer to the gateway using an Ethernet cable.
    2. Open a web browser on a computer.
    3. Type the gateway address “” into the web address bar.
    4. Type “admin” for both the username and password.
    5. Click on “Submit” to login
    6. On the left hand side, click on “Setup Wizard”
    7. Click on the “Bridge” subcategory option.
    8. Leave the Bridge configuration set to the default settings unless specified by the ISP.
    9. Click on the “Submit” button.

    Known Issues

    There are no currently known issues with this device.

    Multiple Console Support

    We have confirmed that this network device is unable to support more than one console with an Open NAT.

    Device Manual

    XBR Dionysus, Jul 20, 2017
  3. XBR Dionysus
    XBR Dionysus Guest
    Innoband: UPnP

    Innoband (Modems/Gateways): UPnP
    Login Information

    • Gateway:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin


    1. Open a webpage on a computer connected to your network
    2. Type in “” into the web address bar.
    3. When prompted for a password type in “admin” for both username and password.
    4. Click on the “Services” on the left hand side menu.
    5. Click on the “UPnP” in the subcategory.
    6. Click on the “Enable” option.
    7. Choose the interface option. (Select the WAN interface (upstream) that will use the UPnP.
    8. Click the “Apply Changes” button.
    XBR Dionysus, Jul 20, 2017
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Innoband: My ban!