I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months

Discus and support I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; "That is the new American way." you nailed it right there Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by IceStorm III, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. jaihawk
    jaihawk Guest

    I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months

    "That is the new American way."

    you nailed it right there
    jaihawk, Sep 29, 2014
  2. Rat3strdm
    Rat3strdm Guest
    I believe you guys are a bit construed on my point of contention. You have focused on my dislike of sending in my xbox and having to wait, when I would prefer to take it straight back to the retailer and exchange. Through Microsoft's current policies that
    is not possible. I understand the $400-$500 holding fee and it's purpose. To keep every Tom, ***, and Harry from simply cashing in on a new xbox after claiming false repair. With that said I still say the retailer and the company should hash it out. This
    might actually create an air of responsibility to the company that issues said product. My main point of contention is the failure of one product, two times in eight months. This is unacceptable. Icestorm you say I should return to previous generation gaming
    systems because it's not for my generatin. I distinctly remember many complaints that Microsoft, on announcement of the Xbox one, spoke to much the features on the one other than gaming. Microsoft had targeted their initial release to guys like me. Players
    that grew up with gaming systems, that had moved on to develop families and favorite TV shows. They offer xbox gold on the one that covers my entire family. If they targeted guys like me thye should have worked to meet our expectations. We played games on
    systems where upon insertion of a cartridge the system let you immediately play a game. Most importantly it worked. I see I am spitting I into the wind. We are being over run with complacency and substandard practices.
    Rat3strdm, Sep 29, 2014
  3. Rat3strdm
    Rat3strdm Guest
    Including my English in that last post. Big thumbs good for gaming, bad for typing on a phone
    Rat3strdm, Sep 29, 2014
  4. smileskybird
    smileskybird Guest

    I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months

    In New Zealand and Australia when a product is still under it's 12 month warranty, under our consumer guarantees act we do not have to deal with the manufacturer the retailer does no $500 credit card hold thing and here we can exchange, refund, or send for
    repair which legally must be repaired in a reasonable time. I understand things are different in the US. Maybe the faulty X1 consoles were made by foxconn the other manufacturer Microsoft uses is Flextronics for Xbox 1. Foxconn is notorious of slave labour
    poor working conditions and their workers work like slaves according to certain legit articles on Wikipedia. If a company isn't functioning healthily it isn't going to pull out reliable products.
    smileskybird, Sep 29, 2014
  5. IceStorm III
    IceStorm III Guest
    [quote user="Rat3strdm"]You have focused on my dislike of sending in my xbox and having to wait, when I would prefer to take it straight back to the retailer and exchange. Through Microsoft's current policies that is not possible.[/quote]Through Microsoft's

    No, that's US law (or lack thereof). Retailers aren't held accountable for squat. If you want that level of consumer protection, move to the EU. Enjoy the up-to-50% income tax and 15-20% VAT while you're there.
    IceStorm III, Sep 30, 2014
  6. Also enjoy the free health care and minimum wage (here in the UK at least).
    NonSportsGirl, Sep 30, 2014
  7. Rat3strdm
    Rat3strdm Guest
    Still avoiding the 2 Xbox One's in 8 months, are we?
    Rat3strdm, Oct 1, 2014
  8. I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months

    Hello "Rat3strdm" I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months :)

    The first Xbox 360 almost made it to the one year mark before it RROD'd on me. I know how it feels to have to constantly send your console in for repairs.

    Have a nice day or afternoon or night I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months :)
    Lei Fang DOAX3, Oct 1, 2014
  9. vikingland1
    vikingland1 Guest
    It's a sad day when a persons gaming system malfunctions / breaks. 2 systems in 8 months is sad. However if it happend to me I would still do what I had to so I could keep gaming. I know it would suck though.

    As for getting a ps4 , that's your call. I have a ps4 and I visit their forums every day and I see the same type of posts as the OP . Which is sad because it happens with all consoles . Some people never have a console break while others can't keep one playing
    no matter what they do. They're plenty of unsatisfied ps4 owners just as xb1 owners . And there are many satisfied owners of both.

    Good luck in the future OP.
    vikingland1, Oct 1, 2014
  10. Rat3strdm
    Rat3strdm Guest
    Now that I have completed my rant: I will wait for my Xbox One to return. I may have continued this useless banter for the simple reason of boredom (nothing to play). After much consideration, or maybe not that much, I will continue to use my One. Why? Halo.
    Perhaps my next repair will yield better results. However, if they do not, I will become bored and have to rant again. So Microsoft, keep me playing, so I do not become bored and began to rant. It has been fun. Thank you, IceStorm III for being a valid debater.
    It is mentally stimulating to blow off steam and then have to answer logical rebuttal. Game on my friends I will join you in two-three weeks.
    Rat3strdm, Oct 1, 2014
  11. jaihawk
    jaihawk Guest
    From it's release, I've been nothing but turned off from buying one. Now I'm going to have to *shakes fist at MCC*
    jaihawk, Oct 1, 2014
  12. Phillips are not known to be at the high end of the electronics market. They never have, at the end of the day you get what you pay for.
    WildChameleon, Oct 1, 2014
  13. John Dowding
    John Dowding Guest

    I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months

    ^ not actually true,. Back in the day they were a leading brand and has been pointed out they were one of the developers of Blu Ray.
    John Dowding, Oct 1, 2014
  14. Hello everyone I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months :)

    I love the Xbox Brand I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months :)

    Even after going through two Original Xbox consoles (2 Defective DVD Drives) and six Xbox 360 consoles (4 RROD and 2 Defective DVD Drives); I am still here I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months :)

    I understand that these things happend, so it doesn't bother me at all I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months :)

    Have a nice day or afternoon or night everyone I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months :)
    Lei Fang DOAX3, Oct 1, 2014
  15. @ Genchy actually you wrong Phillips was a leading brand in the 70's they was overtook in the 80's by Japan. Sony, Santo, Panasonic, Aiwa, Tashiba, and now LG and Samsung. If you applying that Phillips are a leading Tech company then I gotta laugh. Phillips
    was a cheap option for MS nothing more.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but One has suffered with Blu Ray problems just like it's younger sibling the 360. 8 years on I still get unrecognized disk error pop up on my 360. That only happens on my 360 not my PS3 in fact it never happened. Don't big up
    Phillips because the one uses a Phillips Blu Ray, it's wrong to do that to make your console look good.

    There's a reason why Samsung are global and Phillips are not, no brainer!
    WildChameleon, Oct 1, 2014

I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months