I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months

Discus and support I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; [quote user="Rat3strdm"]That's a bit shady. Ice storm I don't believe any company should put a hold on your credit, debit, blood bank, or first born... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by IceStorm III, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. IceStorm III
    IceStorm III Guest

    I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months

    [quote user="Rat3strdm"]That's a bit shady. Ice storm I don't believe any company should put a hold on your credit, debit, blood bank, or first born for a defective product.[/quote]Placing a hold on a credit card is standard practice for advance exchange.
    It's how they ensure that they aren't out a replacement product should you decide not to return your defective one. If companies didn't, people would call up left and right requesting advance exchanges and never return their "defective" products.

    I don't recall an advance exchange where the company didn't place a hold on my CC.

    By the way, Sony does the exact same thing if you advance exchange a defective console from them. Went through that with my launch PS3.

    IceStorm III, Sep 28, 2014
  2. BritishGirlx
    BritishGirlx Guest
    Xbox one making a noise

    Ive only just notice this, but after about 30mins of turning my xbox one on i hear like a cricket sound coming from the xbox, i think its the fan, should i sent it in for a repair or could it be dust .. i think it started after the this months update ...
    BritishGirlx, Sep 28, 2014
  3. Loaded New Game - Now nothing else plays


    I loaded a new game on xbox 360 - Dragons Dogma (about eight months ago actually). It made me do some upgrades of things. But after loading it none of my other games ran - that includes Skyrim and Fable III. The discs go in, I hit play, and then a few seconds
    later I get the front menu again.

    Any ideas?

    Cheers, Greg.
    SmarmySpade8357, Sep 28, 2014
  4. Rat3strdm
    Rat3strdm Guest

    I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months

    How's this for a thought? I take the defective product back to Gamestop, where they simply give me another and let the two companies sort it out. Or even better: How about a product that works? I think the general mindset I have seen so far is: "That's the
    way it's done". Therefore, companies will continue to act accordingly, because we have all accepted the practice without question. We do not expect to receive a good product or even a working product. We are "ok" with junk, because it is the latest and supposedly
    "greatest". You say new and innovative, I say buggy and unstable x2 so far. I cannot believe the overwhelming amount of apathy I have experienced so far. Microsoft does not have to act responsibly there for it will not. Glad you guys are ok with it.
    Rat3strdm, Sep 28, 2014
  5. Rat3strdm
    Rat3strdm Guest
    Also Ice Storm, I believe you've quoted my earlier post out of context. When I stated, "That's a bit shady," I was speaking of their endowment of free games for my troubles. Games that are already free to download. I was not referencing to the practice of
    the advance exchange. Now that is also shady.
    Rat3strdm, Sep 28, 2014
  6. I find it hilarious that they referred the OP to a section of the forum that is completely locked.
    NonSportsGirl, Sep 28, 2014
  7. Rat3strdm
    Rat3strdm Guest
    Round two with tech support, this time by phone, progressed to the support guy asking me to define the word option. This was of course in reference to my pointing out the blatant disregard to user of their product. He stated we have only two options A. send
    it in or B. send it in. I could not help but point out that these "options" are the same other than requiring a credit card. At that time I was asked to define options for him. A+ on the customer service. Soon followed an exchange involving the idea that
    perhaps a product made by a company should work. I received no smart comments about that. Perhaps Microsoft would like to define "usable" for the audience.
    Rat3strdm, Sep 28, 2014
  8. fuelldbyhate
    fuelldbyhate Guest

    I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months

    I just did an advanced exchange, 9 days in since I swapped my defective console, they say you have 14 days after you sign for the advanced one, before the $400 is charged on your Visa, I hope mine gets to them in 5 days, lol , but I was given an opportunity
    to jus send it back an wait, they are fast an they use UPS or Fed Ex Air Delivery so waiting shouldn't be to bad 10 days at the most Id say.Hope you get yours shipped to you soon, don't worry allot of people got defective xbox's an they are doing a pretty
    good job exchanging them in.
    fuelldbyhate, Sep 28, 2014
  9. Back in my youth I recall the ad from an electronics company which went. "The quality goes in before the name goes on." ~ Zenith.

    After going through what I went through with Xbox back between 02 -04 (I bought 4 xbox's for System Link play - with 2 year extended warranty) that I decided to stay away from Xbox until such time as I was comfortable that all hardware/software bugs were
    worked out before ever buying a xbox again.

    Knowing what I know. I am sure MS teams meets with say, AMD, and various other suppliers and during those meetings informs say, an optics supplier what problems they are having etc, and that if said supplier can't get their products to perform/last like
    they should. They're out, and another supplier is brought in. Supplier Contracts usually last 2 years. Unless said supplier is performing well enough to then demand a new contract.

    It's that knowledge which kept me, and mine away from the Xbox 360 until some 5 years after launch. (Slim model) And it's that same knowledge which keeps me, and mine away from the X1.

    How long will it be this time before they "get it together'? Personally, as was alluded to earlier. I don't think they will, for electronic consumers these days have come to expect, not only failures, but the headaches which comes with it.
    ElectroFlying, Sep 28, 2014
  10. Rat3strdm
    Rat3strdm Guest
    As evidenced by the previous poster electro.
    Rat3strdm, Sep 29, 2014
  11. Hello "Rat3strdm" I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months :)

    Sorry to hear about your issues regarding your Xbox One console, I hope that you will be back gaming soon.

    I can relate to you becuase at the moment, I am at my 8th Xbox 360 console. I am currently using the " Falcon Chipset " Xbox 360 and my " Jasper Chipset " Xbox 360 is in storage. I still have the model design that launched with the 20 GB HDD.

    I have gone through 4 Red Rings Of Death and 2 defective DVD Drives.

    I am not mad / angry in any way shape or form because the Xbox Brand has the games that I want and as far as my hardware issues are concerned; stuff happends. Just get it fixed and it is all good I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months :)

    Have a nice day or afternoon or night I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months :)
    Lei Fang DOAX3, Sep 29, 2014
  12. Rat3strdm
    Rat3strdm Guest
    You guys are right. I should never expect objects under $1000 to work properly. Gosh I was just lost in the moment. Sometimes I forget that money is no longer a valuable object. Do I'm have the price range correct? Or what range should I accept broken goods?
    I'm unclear on the matter. Perhaps some light could be shined on it. I see 50000 is a good starting point.
    Rat3strdm, Sep 29, 2014
  13. IceStorm III
    IceStorm III Guest

    I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months

    [quote user="Rat3strdm"]You guys are right. I should never expect objects under $1000 to work properly.[/quote]There's a difference between expectation and irrational levels of anger. You ranting only reveals how little you've had to deal with defective
    products well past the 30 day retailer window of responsibility.

    A $400 hold on a CC is not a hardship or inconvenience for the target market of a next gen console. If you truly feel that way, you're probably not the target market for a next gen console. Best to return it and stick with the previous generation.
    IceStorm III, Sep 29, 2014
  14. Hello "Rat3strdm" and "IceBoom4200" I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months :)

    I'm sorry to hear of the defective batches of console that you guys received. I know how it feels to send your console in for repairs and it is beyond our control on whether or not we get a console that isn't from the defective batch.

    Have a nice day or afternoon or night I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months :)
    Lei Fang DOAX3, Sep 29, 2014
  15. fuelldbyhate
    fuelldbyhate Guest
    We have received your non-working Xbox One console.

    Since you have already received your Microsoft Certified Replacement console, no further action is required by you. Your credit card will not be charged, and the hold will be removed from your account.

    We look forward to seeing you back in the game!
    fuelldbyhate, Sep 29, 2014

I'm on my second Xbox one repair after only eight months