I'm almost certain that some of this recent update tomfoolery has completely destroyed my...

Discus and support I'm almost certain that some of this recent update tomfoolery has completely destroyed my... in XboX Insiders to solve the problem; I've been in the insider program for years now, never had a single major issue, sure some annoyances but NOTHING like this out-of-the-blue bullshit.... Discussion in 'XboX Insiders' started by /u/TravNoff, Apr 25, 2020.

  1. /u/TravNoff
    /u/TravNoff Guest

    I'm almost certain that some of this recent update tomfoolery has completely destroyed my...

    I've been in the insider program for years now, never had a single major issue, sure some annoyances but NOTHING like this out-of-the-blue bullshit. While playing Doom around 3 am, which is typically around the time auto-updates kick in, my console shuts off so abruptly it left me dazed and confused, I mean for as long as I've been in the program not ONCE has anything gone sideways.

    No matter what I'm doing the 'time for an update' screen has never failed to stop what I was doing so I can then choose whether to stay offline or download right then, there's been no troubles, no warning signs, not a damn thing that would lead to instant complete brick status.

    So let's see here, I've attempted most if not all usual troubleshooting actions, removed as much dust as possible during the hours of being unplugged, been on the phone with support for over an hour learning the potential cost for repairs and, more or less, have exhausted any remedying actions that I know of.

    All roads seem to lead to just replacing what was a perfectly good XB1x about 28 hours ago and while I definitely welcome any and all ideas that maybe able to help, I'm sure this will just be an attempt at a long-winded heads up seeing as how Microsoft gives zero shits and takes zero responsibility for abruptly rendering a longtime user's console completely fucking useless and if anyone who made it this far could explain to me how none of us have ANY form of restitution or attaining at least some sort of reparations, even in the form of discount repairs as well as any other light that can be shed on this, well...well that'd be just groovy. Get out while you can folks.

    submitted by /u/TravNoff
    [link] [comments]
    /u/TravNoff, Apr 25, 2020
    1 person likes this.
  2. Tooniies Win User

    FHJ-18 AA Camo Help

    I got most of my player destroys off higher streaks like Lodestars and VTOL's. Took some time, but you see them as often as you do Dragonfires and they're easier to destroy.


    I'm pretty sure the AGR only takes one rocket to destroy. If you EMP it and can get the rocket off you should get the destroy. I didn't use EMP nades, and I'm almost certain it only took the one rocket, it's just a matter of staying alive while it locks
  3. Hylander034 Win User

    DVR- Xbox One record that won't record error 0x82323012

    Ever since the April update my DVR has been acting up. Right now it's really temperamental, sometimes it records other times I get the notification its recorded (usually with a fairly large delay on battlefield 4) but when I check it's not in the 'my clips'
    section at all. I'm almost certain this is down to the recent update as I had no issue at all with it before hand.
  4. JohnnyVonRotten Win User

    Head Set Included

    Yeah. This and the DRM thing, both I'm willing to chalk up to Mattrick's tomfoolery. What a dumbass.
  5. Hawkeye1691 Win User

    May Firmware update. Add Paypal and Allow 1 more gigabyte of data on game discs

    I'm convinced I got some sort of massive update today. It took almost 10 minutes to complete, and it restarted my Xbox and everything. Also, I've been on almost everyday for the last week and there was nothing, until earlier this afternoon.
  6. Andreas_212 Win User

    Metro 3?

    I don't feel bad. Once I hit a certain age, time for gaming has almost completely disappeared

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