Ideas for xCloud (Transmission from XCLOUD to other live streaming platform and...

Discus and support Ideas for xCloud (Transmission from XCLOUD to other live streaming platform and... in XboX Insiders to solve the problem; english version: Hello good afternoon I'm isaias alberto xbox player from the xbox 360 and I would like to give some ideas on account of the games in... Discussion in 'XboX Insiders' started by /u/UnableStatement1979, Aug 9, 2023.

  1. Ideas for xCloud (Transmission from XCLOUD to other live streaming platform and...

    english version:

    Hello good afternoon I'm isaias alberto xbox player from the xbox 360 and I would like to give some ideas on account of the games in the cloud and xcloud.

    1. I would like to implement streaming service for streamer as I example from xcloud transmit to twitch or so

    2. I would like to be subscribed to Xbox Gamepass give us a subscription for a streaming platform example if you have a month or more of Gamepass Ultimate you daje subscribe to a platform.

    version española:

    hola buenas tardes soy isaias alberto jugador de xbox desde la xbox 360 y me gustaria dar unas ideas a cuenta de el juegos en la nube y xcloud

    1. me gustaria que implementaran servicio de transmision via streaming para streamer como yo ejemplo desde xcloud transmitir a twitch o asi

    2. me gustaria que al estar suscrito a xbox gamepass nos regalen un suscripcion por en alguna plataforma de streaming ejemplo si tienes un mes o mas de gamepass ultimate te daje suscribirte a una plataforma

    Version française:

    Bonjour bonjour je suis isaias alberto xbox player de la xbox 360 et je voudrais donner quelques idées sur le compte des jeux dans le cloud et xcloud

    1. Je voudrais implémenter un service de streaming pour streamer comme je l’ai exemple de xcloud transmit to twitch ou so

    2. Je souhaite être abonné à Xbox Gamepass nous donner un abonnement pour une plateforme de streaming Exemple si vous avez un mois ou plus de Gamepass Ultimate vous devez vous abonner à une plateforme.

    english: This post was originally written in Spanish and translated by Google Translate for everyone's convenience.This post was originally written in Spanish and translated by Google Translate for everyone's convenience.

    español: este post a sido escrito originalmente escrito en español y traduccido por google translate para la comodidad de cada uno

    Français: Cet article a été écrit à l’origine en espagnol et traduit par Google Translate pour la commodité de tous.

    submitted by /u/UnableStatement1979
    [link] [comments]
    /u/UnableStatement1979, Aug 9, 2023
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Ideas for xCloud (Transmission from XCLOUD to other live streaming platform and...