I was just com banned for defending myself after being harassed and called a slur over my...

Discus and support I was just com banned for defending myself after being harassed and called a slur over my... in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; I dont know how to post screenshots here, and since i dont meet the reddit point requirements on the xbox forum there ill just have to go with this in... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by GambinoLando, Sep 4, 2023.

  1. GambinoLando
    GambinoLando Guest

    I was just com banned for defending myself after being harassed and called a slur over my...

    I dont know how to post screenshots here, and since i dont meet the reddit point requirements on the xbox forum there ill just have to go with this in hopes that some sort of change can be made. After finishing a game of for honor, a guy on the other team named [mod removed] messaged me telling me to delete my emblem (a simple rainbow). I responded by making fun of him for getting so pressed, and he proceeded to call me a slur [mod removed], and then got his friend to message me and continue to harass me. God forbid in one of the messages i slipped up and said [mod removed], which promptly got me banned from messages and parties, whereas when i reported the literal slur that he used on me, nothing happened. Thank you, microsoft!

    GambinoLando, Sep 4, 2023
  2. ngocphi Win User

    I was just com banned for defending myself after being harassed and called a slur over my pride emblem in for honor.

    Reddit doesn't handle enforcement issues

    And in those type.of situations it's best to block ignore and report

    Don't retaliate

    And fyi all.enforcement issues have to be.taken up with enforcement.xbox.com and yes feedback is possible there

    However it doesn't matter who starts the fight everyone who breaks thr rules get punished if reported

    Keep in mind since you dont get feedback for yoir repots you don't know if they were suspended or not

    If you had blocked or deleted then the msg disappears not.after reports
  3. icepick4000 Win User


    also I was the one being harassed defending myself
  4. KILL3z2JVLARIN3 Win User

    Recently Harassed AND chat banned for no reason.

    are you guys always so bias when you ban people? im just curious because I find it funny that when I report people for bullying and harassment your enforcement team does absolutely nothing about my report and no ban is issued yet you ban me for defending
    myself. bias much?
  5. StepBruh Win User

    Enforcement Action you cant view...

    It has been well over 72 hours since I was com banned on the 18th this month. I have no idea when they will be done, but I am really closed to just changing over to PlayStation if I can be com banned for saying something that isn't remotely inappropriate (No slurs, no profanity, no illicit content, and no unjust behavior). I was com banned for a week and I have near perfect Xbox live reputation (7). if this is how they treat the higher rep people on Xbox, I'm scared to know what they do to those of lower rep...
  6. FoamyBell518183 Win User

    Case Review

    My sons xbox com ban was supposeed to be over yesterday and is active. Plus he was defending himself against

    trash talkers.

I was just com banned for defending myself after being harassed and called a slur over my...

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