I need some serious HELP HERE!!!! XBOX SERVICE!!!

Discus and support I need some serious HELP HERE!!!! XBOX SERVICE!!! in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Okay, here is the picture... I have my membership suspended because of my payment method... when i try to sign in on xbox live, it aks me to update my... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by ultimatenoble17, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. I need some serious HELP HERE!!!! XBOX SERVICE!!!

    Okay, here is the picture... I have my membership suspended because of my payment method... when i try to sign in on xbox live, it aks me to update my payment method, okay, i select 'update my payment method' and then I select 'manage my payment options'
    but it does not me UPDATE OR DELETE my previous payment option, okay (i choose to be optimistic) and then i select add new paypal (I use paypal btw)(*and this new one that i'm about to create is also the previous one I think*) I fill in the information and

    ultimatenoble17, Feb 16, 2014
  2. Smwutches
    Smwutches Guest
    I need some serious help.

    The only thing anyone (including support) can tell you, is what you've already been told and what is posted on the enforcement site. The only other advice I can give is to leave feedback on
    Xbox Ideas, powered by UserVoice about the rep system.
    Smwutches, Feb 16, 2014
  3. I need some serious help.

    Alright, I've already posted this before but the Mods ended up locking my post and I can't reply to anything any of them said which is fairly irritating. Let me go into as much detail about my problem as I can, and if a Mod or Ambassador ends up seeing this
    I would like legit answer do not try to send me to the enforcement website I've been there many times and I know about everything it says. So the main game I used to play when I was able to was Overwatch. Now there's a game mode called competitive on there.
    People like to take it really serious and if you pick a character that doesn't match the team comp they want they'll all yell and do all this unnecessary stuff that really ruins any sense of fun for the game and end up having them and all the people their
    partied up with report you. Now I've checked and I have about 60 reports against me for "unsporting behavior". I talked to an Ambassador and told them about the incident and they told me I should not be reported for playing a certain character in a game. Now
    I've been stuck in avoid me for about 3 months now. I missed out on getting any Christmas special content in many of the games I like to play for example Destiny and Overwatch are the main two. I've already tried getting into contact with the enforcement team
    by reporting anyone who's told me they were reporting me and adding a really long comment telling them about the situation and I'm still stuck here three months later. I'm going to link to the tweet I sent to xbox support because I don't feel like adding the
    images but the images are in the tweet of some guy saying he's going to report me for obviously no reason. Lavell on Twitter.

    If anyone from enforcement ends up seeing this or anyone with any kind of power over at Xbox if you guys could please fix this issue that would be great I've been on Xbox for about 6+ years and I don't really want to end up switching consoles and having
    to buy all those games over again for no reason. For any of the fixes on the enforcement site I have been playing multiple games online everyday since I've been stuck here and I've been checking all of the reports made against me and haven't gotten a single
    one since been off of Overwatch. The system is deeply flawed and there's no real fix. Once again if anyone with any kind of power over at Xbox could please fix this issue for me that would be great thank you.
    Punyama Punpun, Feb 16, 2014
  4. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest

    I need some serious HELP HERE!!!! XBOX SERVICE!!!

    Contact support via chat or phone

    As they deal with billing issues

    If you are suspended for payment info you have to update the payment method. .

    You cannot delete the payment method to get rid of the suspension

    It has to be paid first
    ngocphi, Feb 16, 2014
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

I need some serious HELP HERE!!!! XBOX SERVICE!!!