i need help updating to the build

Discus and support i need help updating to the build in XboX Insiders to solve the problem; i joined the program a week ago and still haven’t received an software update i only see the omega build not the delta submitted by /u/Drezden909... Discussion in 'XboX Insiders' started by /u/Drezden909, Jul 25, 2023.

  1. i need help updating to the build

    i joined the program a week ago and still haven’t received an software update i only see the omega build not the delta

    submitted by /u/Drezden909
    [link] [comments]
    /u/Drezden909, Jul 25, 2023
  2. AdventSoul05 Win User

    Need Help For A VL Build

    @Jameser78 If I had to describe it that would probably be it. Straight up Archer type that uses magic basically. I could go with Conjuration for bound weapons/bow. Not sure how else to plan it out though.

    @Tr0lldem0rt Your post is EXACTLY the kind of post I have been looking for. Why can't people be more like you when describing things? Also since I want to do a Necromancer VL type of build going the Necro route could be beneficial wouldn't it? I'm not
    sure if I want to take 1h and bow since I prefer to kill at range but getting sneak attack 1 shots via backstab is just too tempting. Any advice on that?


    Also in concerns to the Necromage build, aside from Restoration and Conjuration what other skills should I put points into to make the Necromage work? Would 1h and Archery still benefit the bound weapon/bow? Should I take Illusion? Should I take Blacksmithing
    to get Arcane Blacksmithing?
  3. AdventSoul05 Win User

    Need Help For A VL Build

    I've thought about it but I find alchemy to be more of a bother than it's worth. If everything dies in one shot there's no point in making poisons and in terms of potions I never use anything other than healing/magic or stamina potions. I occasionally
    use Invisibility potions but finding the ice wraiths proves a hassle half the time as they aren't always where I last found them. Although I do come across a TON of ingredients while venturing and usually just turn everything into random potions anyways.
    Maybe I might try it to get the 100,000 gold achievement.


    I think I will split one handed to increase it's damage 5/5, Restoration to get the regeneration and magic regen perks and put points into Blacksmithing to get Arcane Blacksmith so I can upgrade already enchanted gear I find like the NIghtingale set or the
    Bow from the DLC. Although I am still open to suggestions. Also adding that so far this build is a blast. At low levels I conjure stuff to fight giants and mammoths while I shoot them at a distance and have been leveling both rather quickly that way using
    no boosting methods. Feels satisfying ^.^ Also my ratio is 3 in Magic 2 in Stamina and 1 in Health until I have done each twice. After that I plan on going 3 in Stamina 2 in Magic and 1 in Health.
  4. Tr0lldem0rt Win User

    Need Help For A VL Build

    What about Alchemy for your last tre? poisons for your weapons and potions make good profit for a small weight cost.
  5. AdventSoul05 Win User

    Need Help For A VL Build

    The character I just started, named Illirea who is a Dunmer, will basically be like a Nightblade. There are a few things I changed about the build to benefit it more to my own playstyle and make it alot different from your generic Nightblade. Think of
    it as sort of a mix between WitchHunter and Nightblade. Also wall of text ahead, you've been warned >.<


    I plan on going Conjuration/Sneak/Archery/Illusion/One Handed. Restoration or Alteration. Now with all of those I don't plan on spending every single point on every perk in each one.


    In Stealth I plan on taking 1/5 Stealth because maxing it out will only give me 20% more sneak and as certain posts I found stated you don't necessarily need 5/5 if you plan on taking other perks in Illusion or the left side of the Stealth perk tree. I
    also plan on taking Backstab, Deadly Aim, Assassin's Blade, Muffled Movement and Light Foot. I am still unsure whether Silent Roll and Silence would prove to be very beneficial for my build or not. Still pondering that.


    In Illusion I plan on taking pretty much the entire perk tree. I've never created a character who actually used Illusion based spells before and am finding it actually fun in the current playthrough I am doing. Illusion is something I always wanted to
    try but never went with because I felt every build needed BS and Enchanting. Now I make characters who don't take many perks from either of those so I don't make myself TOO OP. Another reason behind doing Illusion is for Quiet Casting. I plan on doing a
    100% playthrough with this character using only the Bound Bow and the Nightingale Bow when I aquire them. I've always liked the BBow but never used it due to thinking it wasn't strong. After reading numbers about it that changed my mind quickly ^.^


    Next up is Archery. I plan on getting 5/5 in Overdraw, 3/3 in Critical Shot, Eagle Eye, 1/2 in Steady Hand, Power Shot, Hunter's Disciple (even though it's not really necessary since I plan to mainly use Bound Bow although when I use a regular bow it could
    still come in handy), Quick Shot, Ranger and Bullseye. As you can see I definitely plan on taking the whole tree since my main focus is killing via ranged.


    In Conjuration I plan on taking perks that benefit my Bound Bow. Although I am still considering taking a few extra like the Atronarch stuff just in case I get into a situation where escape isn't an option and I am more than likely to die. With that said
    the perks are as follows. Novice Conjuration, Mystic Binding, Soul Stealer (because I find myself having tons of enchanting crystals but never filled ones) and Oblivion Binding when I reach a point where Mages will summon the crap out of their minions. Other
    perks I am considering are Apprentice Conjuration and Expert Conjuration. If I feel like I will want Atronarchs then I will get all the perks beneficial to those as well. Like I said though, it all depends on how many perk points I have available and how
    my playsyle will evolve as I get going.


    Now for my final perk tree I am still unsure on it. I don't know if I want to take One Handed just to get 5.5 in the first perk to increase One Handed damage. In Restoration I would just take Novice Restoration, Regeneration and the perk that increases
    Magicka regen by 50%. Alteration I am still figuring out. The main reason I would get it is basically to use Paralyze so I am not 100% on board with this tree just yet.


    That is basically my plan with this character. I plan on making her a Werewolf, having her join the Companions, Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild and I plan to side with the Dawnguard. If anyone has any suggestions I plan on taking consideration in changing
    up anything that might be unnecessary. If something suggested works better than what I suggested I might change it up. Thanks for reading and hope this helps you understand what I want in my Assassin character. Also my Mage is still in the works. But so
    far I plan on doing a possible Necromancer, WitchHunter or a Necromage to benefit the VL form.
  6. Tr0lldem0rt Win User

    Need Help For A VL Build

    Your levelin ratio sounds good. Although I might switch to the stanima 3 magic 2 and health 1 first purely because of the perks that come with archery will require more use of stamina and you can get long with low level spells just fine for now. Aside from
    that you have a good build on the go!


    I started my necromage vl build tonight. Playing on master dificulty I decided I need a base of operations so after the intro I got on the good side of the wood elf in Riverwood and started my walk to Marketh. I dont fast travel and rarely use carrages.
    I have fury in one hand and raise zombie in th other. My casing set up is as follows

    Main type of attack - Conjure for raise zombie and bound sword when I can afford it.

    Defence - Alteration because of the different skin spells and the perks are useful since casters carry no main defence

    Suuport - Illusion. I like the trickster way of playing.

    Sneaking around forsworn hideouts today with my archer bodyguard just furying the forsworn to take down eachother and let my acher finish off surviviors just for me to raise zombies in the middle of the figh ment I was happily sat at the back causing 3 different
    flows of the fight. Even took down a Brier-Heart at level 4 which is impressive on is own, let alone the fact im playing playing master.

    Restoration will be getting worked up as I go along, just not enough gold to buy the right spells but one it hits 70 I wont be goig out of my way to use it unless im nearly dead. But if this build evolves right, nothing will get close enough to hit me.

    I will also be leveling up (but not perticually getting perks for) sneak and 1 handed. The most effective way for you to utilise illusion is to sneak so that makes sence. Once I have the neromage perk I will be going vamp lord.

i need help updating to the build

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