I Love Drivatars... I Hate Drivatars

Discus and support I Love Drivatars... I Hate Drivatars in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; [quote user="DTW Dirty Harry"]Yeah, but it's "artificially" unbeatable. I say this because the drivatar's are not unbeatable on "unbeatable" at all.... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by Azrael008uk, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. I Love Drivatars... I Hate Drivatars

    [quote user="DTW Dirty Harry"]Yeah, but it's "artificially" unbeatable. I say this because the drivatar's are not unbeatable on "unbeatable" at all. It's starting off in 14th place and only having 2 laps to pass everyone [/quote]

    Now it sounds like were getting into semantics. Apparently your definition of unbeatable does not account for starting position where Turn10's definition of unbeatable does. I Love Drivatars... I Hate Drivatars ;)

    I've done quite a bit of research on the different difficulty levels and the main difference I've noticed is that the most significant difference between difficulty levels is speed through the corners. As you go up in difficulty the drivatars get much faster
    through the turns. That's what really makes it harder to catch the unbeatable drivatars.

    [quote user="DTW Dirty Harry"]By the way, I did notice starting off in 8th place at some point in a race or two but I have no idea how that happened. Anyone know?[/quote]

    It seems like some tracks automatically put you in a little better starting position. I'm not sure why. Bathurst immediately comes to mind.
    Patrick M. Martin, Mar 7, 2014
  2. So, it's track related re: starting position? Interesting. I hadn't made that connection. Thanks.

    Concerning the difficulty levels, this is known as it's always been that way in Forza, even since FM1 on the old Xbox. And, it makes sense. The cars aren't suddenly faster in higher difficulty settings. The drivers of the cars are better. I've played every
    single Forza game, starting with FM1 but other than Horizon extensively.

    My only point on the artificially unbeatable notion is that the drivatars are not at all unbeatable. The situation is "unbeatable". Give me more laps and I'll beat them all, every time. haha
    DTW Dirty Harry, Mar 7, 2014
  3. PhDPeddler
    PhDPeddler Guest
    I think you two need to race this out...just saying *crooked grin*
    PhDPeddler, Mar 7, 2014
  4. I Love Drivatars... I Hate Drivatars

    This isn't what was on my mind but I'm always game for some friendly competition. My spirit in things like this is, win, lose or draw, it's just a video game. I Love Drivatars... I Hate Drivatars :)
    DTW Dirty Harry, Mar 10, 2014
  5. I actually just picked up FM5 2 weeks ago. I've not had any online races in FM5 yet as I'm just now starting build my garage and, moreover, have been knocking the rust off. I'm just now hitting top 1% times again and occasionally breaking into top 500 lap
    times. There was a time, a few years ago, when I was in the top 1/10th of the top 1% on the FM leader boards. I remember getting a 12th position lap time in Forza 1 on the OG Xbox.
    DTW Dirty Harry, Mar 10, 2014
  6. Scrtch
    Scrtch Guest
    Crunch is a good dude, Harry. You should hop on with us sometime. I'll play so no one else has to come in last.
    Scrtch, Mar 11, 2014
  7. I'm always up for a race!!! You'll probably find me playing Titanfall but send me an invite and I'll always pop over for a few races!
    Patrick M. Martin, Mar 12, 2014
  8. I Love Drivatars... I Hate Drivatars

    That sounds fun, guys. I think you'll find me "less than serious" when I game. For all I know, you guys might smoke me, which is fine. lol At my age video games aren't something I perceive to be very important other than the entertainment value they provide.
    And, I'm sure I could learn a thing or two from you guys as well so it's a win, win. One thing, when I play online, which isn't often, it's because I'm drinking beer so, you'll see me swerving. hahaha

    Crunchy, I sent a friend request to ya. I Love Drivatars... I Hate Drivatars :)
    DTW Dirty Harry, Mar 12, 2014
  9. Got it - and added you! See you on the track!!! I Love Drivatars... I Hate Drivatars :)

    Feel free to send me an invite to race anytime!
    Patrick M. Martin, Mar 12, 2014
  10. PhDPeddler
    PhDPeddler Guest
    I want in when/if this goes down. DTW and I gamed together 13 or so years ago....I think.
    PhDPeddler, Mar 13, 2014
  11. [quote user="DTW Dirty Harry"]This isn't what was on my mind but I'm always game for some friendly competition.[/quote]

    It's not what I was thinking either. I think Peddler is manufacturing this rivalry for his own enjoyment! I Love Drivatars... I Hate Drivatars ;) LOL

    Either way - let's all try to hook up for some racing this weekend. I'll definitely be on Saturday afternoon/evening/night. I'll most likely be on Sunday afternoon/evening/night. I'll keep an eye out for you guys and try to get us all hooked up!
    Patrick M. Martin, Mar 13, 2014
  12. As far as I'm concerned there's no rivalry. lol I used to race online with Forza 1 like crazy. I was on 5 or 6 nights per week and was in a top 3 car club. I'm a bit older now and my domestic life dictates otherwise. Now days I pretty much only play online
    2 or 3 times per week. Anyway, what I was thinking is it might be cool to race with folks online again since it's been a couple of years or more since I have. I think Crunchy is like me, a no assists driver, even in R class cars and you seem to be on par with
    how I do too. I've no one on my FL who even comes close, until now. Nice!

    PhD is referring to old Playstation days with the original SOCOM. That was my very first online game and was the reason I replaced dialup with DSL. I played with a gaming community called "DTW" which stood for Dead to the World. The founding members are
    a hardcore band in Atlanta who's name is, yep, you guessed it, Dead to the World. Originally on the old PS forums my forum name was "123 Shoot". Weird story. I've been shooting for more than 30 years and am prior military. I used to do a bit of a mental countdown
    while controlling my breathing which is what lead to that user name. hahaha My current GT is a little indicative of me. I tend to be a bit of a rouge and rule breaker but have good intentions and like justice. Oh, I almost forgot. I like long walks on the
    beach and being caught in the rain too. lmao
    DTW Dirty Harry, Mar 14, 2014
  13. Tronder 007
    Tronder 007 Guest

    I Love Drivatars... I Hate Drivatars

    Despite the Drivatar system bringing with it som negstive issues from online multiplayer racing I like it.. I generally dont paticipate a lot in online multiplayer racing (a bit shy I guess), but I will give it a shot once in a while I Love Drivatars... I Hate Drivatars :) the thing is when
    I do go racing online I'm perhaps a bit too carefull and considderate... but when I play offline singelplayer on either Xb or Ps consoles (previously to FM5's drivatar) i a bit to often have found myself beeing a bit to ruthless towards the AI drivers.. now
    what drivatar does for me is making me get my act together, as I do not want my drivatar beeing a ruthless bully tearing around the track(s) terrorising other gamers I Love Drivatars... I Hate Drivatars :)
    Tronder 007, Mar 15, 2014
  14. If you want a good laugh, DTW Dirty Harry, check out a video I posted to my feed of my horrific racing in FM5 after just playing a few races for the first time. Your Drivatar plays a big role in it lol. (I have vowed to battle your drivatar to the end in
    any race. He's a beast and always manages to work his way from last to pole position most races. My palms get sweaty just SEEING him in the rear-view lol)

    BTW that's not my real voice haha...I just spoke like that for the video as I was goofing around with the upload creator as well at the time.
    PANdaRUS-B7999C02-2213-4F07-B849-6BF5117D6D21, Mar 20, 2014
  15. Odd...just noticed my level is 4 when I was last a six or seven. I guess not visiting in so many months takes it's toll around here lol.
    PANdaRUS-B7999C02-2213-4F07-B849-6BF5117D6D21, Mar 20, 2014

I Love Drivatars... I Hate Drivatars