I have proof that Xbox live enforcement did not take action against mutiple individuals,...

Discus and support I have proof that Xbox live enforcement did not take action against mutiple individuals,... in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I have filed several reports about the same few individuals harassing me and ganging up on my clips to write innapropriate comments and bullying me.... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by OneSHOTx1KiLLx, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. I have proof that Xbox live enforcement did not take action against mutiple individuals,...

    I have filed several reports about the same few individuals harassing me and ganging up on my clips to write innapropriate comments and bullying me. Nothing has been done by xbox live enforcement to stop or correct the problem. Furthermore, i have
    been suspended for 7 days due to the same individuals getting other friends to report me multiple times. Who can i speak to about this? It is a clear violation of the xbox live code of conduct. I have reported these same few "trolls" because not only are they
    constantly harassing me and my clips. They ADMIT to doing so in the comments AND have put offensive language in said comments. Yet they go uninterrupted. I got a 7 day suspension yesterday. 7 days. And it won't even tell me why?! This is clearly neglect or
    favoritism on Xbox live's end, if not illegal. Can anyone get someone to review this?? Or at least reach out to me? I'll gladly explain and prove my case. Also i blocked the first few and painstakingly reported them. However, they just rally more people or
    switch accounts(i can also prove these statements) and they continue to harass and cyber bully me and they keep getting away with it. I can't enjoy anything on my xbox, but they get to play without anything being done so, please someone check my reports
    and my case??

    OneSHOTx1KiLLx, Nov 18, 2019
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

I have proof that Xbox live enforcement did not take action against mutiple individuals,...