I can not see the friend list on the console (Xbox360)

Discus and support I can not see the friend list on the console (Xbox360) in XBoX Accessibility to solve the problem; (xbox 360) I can not see my friends from the console. The console does not get friendship requests. I can not see the users registered in the friends... Discussion in 'XBoX Accessibility' started by Gr3yW0Lf, Jun 4, 2018.

  1. Gr3yW0Lf
    Gr3yW0Lf Guest

    I can not see the friend list on the console (Xbox360)

    Gr3yW0Lf, Jun 4, 2018
  2. Darth Painn
    Darth Painn Guest
    I can not see the Friend list of my contacts

    Sometime i check the Friend List of my contact for new or old friend to play with. But now each time i check someone Friend List it says this person doesnt follow anyone or the operation failed.

    Don't know what the issue is but it's annoying. It's suppose to be a community, share friends, achievements, games, etc. but we can't see anything.
    Darth Painn, Jun 4, 2018
  3. I can not see the Friend list of my contacts

    HI, it's an issue that has crept up, but some users are reporting that their friend list has come back, if yours hasn't, then try power cycling the console, that might help with the issue.
    StuartATrueRed, Jun 4, 2018
  4. MystoganSnake Win User

    I can´t see friends in game

    Good afternoon. Finally I followed his steps and it was partially solved. In the games of Xbox One there is no problem. In the games of XBOX360 we do not see ourselves in the friends list but we can
    play when creating public games. Thanks for your attention.
  5. StuartATrueRed Win User

    I can not see the Friend list of my contacts

    HI, it's an issue that has crept up, but some users are reporting that their friend list has come back, if yours hasn't, then try power cycling the console, that might help with the issue.
  6. STIZZ-05FA9D13-5785- Win User

    Add me ^^ imma gamer girl

    Can add me if you want. If you have xbox360 I think my friend list is full but on xbox one it's infinite s if anyone tries to add me on the xbox360 and it doesn't go through just send me a message saying "add me" and I will do so on xbox one.
  7. Rpgsforever123 Win User

    Crash Bandicoot

    Actually yes I do have a friend with a console I can try that on. I'm not sure if it's exactly the same console though, i just know that he has an Xbox360.
  8. CHORAS DEN Win User

    will gta 5 be for the xbox one?

    On xbox one, you can look at the games your friends are playing. when you see games that are dual gen, like ghost, minecraft, Lego Marvel... youll see the words "Xbox360 verson" or " Xboxone version", with games that are last gen, they show up as (xbox360)
    next to the name. unfortunately, GTAV i showing up as xbox360, and not "version". this isnt a science, just an observation.

I can not see the friend list on the console (Xbox360)

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