How to customize homepage groups/sections order?

Discus and support How to customize homepage groups/sections order? in XBoX Accessibility to solve the problem; The latest Xbox update has removed the ability to reorder the homepage. As a result, I am now required to navigate through the Game Pass tiles before... Discussion in 'XBoX Accessibility' started by Raaa1, Aug 2, 2023.

  1. Raaa1
    Raaa1 Guest

    How to customize homepage groups/sections order?

    The latest Xbox update has removed the ability to reorder the homepage. As a result, I am now required to navigate through the Game Pass tiles before accessing my groups. Is there a way to customize the homepage and move my preferred content to the top for quicker access? I have no interest in the Game Pass lists and do not want them to be prominently displayed on my page.

    Raaa1, Aug 2, 2023
  2. Zahir_Ramathula Win User

    How to customize homepage groups/sections order?

    Thank you, have a nice day.
  3. Zahir_Ramathula Win User

    How to customize homepage groups/sections order?
  4. Zahir_Ramathula Win User

    How to customize homepage groups/sections order?

    Hello Raaa1, my name is zahir.

    Unfortunately i dont think it can me moved as of yet. You can still customise your pins, i think gamepasd is like a ad from xbox.
  5. Zahir_Ramathula Win User

    How to customize homepage groups/sections order?

    Please check out this youtube link for xbox official youtube channel for all the features of the new dashboard update
  6. Hadley T Win User

    How to remove the default homepage groups.

    Yeah, it's beyond disappointing that they've still made no moves to address this issue.
    (And now they're locking all these community pages chats, where people are asking them to actually fix it. Really not cool.)

    Like, no one benefits from this Home Screen change.
    Not Microsoft. Not Xbox Gamers.
    We're now just not going to bother scrolling down through all that rubbish on the Home Screen at all, so that whole lower area of the Xbox Home Screen has become just a waste of space.
    So, what was even the point?

    Previously, we could scroll through 15-20 of our custom-curated Groups in that lower part of the Xbox Home Screen, so what was actually useful space has been taken away from us.
    It's wasted space that we would very much like to be able to make use of.
    And it makes it painfully apparent how much worse it is to have to dig through menus and sub-menus to engage with your games, when you're used to just being able to scroll through them right there on the Home Screen, with the full screen-width to array them across, and with them organised into Groups that suit your needs/preferences.
    We had an elegant way to engage with our game libraries, and it's been taken away from us, in exchange for zero benefit.

    It's especially an imposition for long-term, loyal Xbox fans, who have amassed large digital game libraries.
    What the heck is the benefit of alienating your long-term, loyal fans?

    Personally, every intrusive ad that pops up now just makes me less inclined to buy the promoted game.
    Games I would have been hyped for are now tainted; like, literally: "I don't want to play that game at all, because it's associated with the crappy Home Screen now."
    This has just been an exercise in negative marketing, driving consumers away from purchases they might otherwise have made.
    Unless the goal was just to annoy loyal Xbox gamers, this change has been an abject failure.

    Xbox, you don't need to be like this.
    It would be so easy to fix this, and restore an enjoyable Home Screen experience to Xbox gamers.
    It's a really small ask; just give us back what we had.
    We already had it, so you already know how to provide it.

    Let us display all our custom-curated Groups on our Home Screen, if that's what we want.
    Let us have a clean, tidy Xbox Home Screen, if that's what we want.
    Let us remove (or at least bury at the very bottom of the screen) all the irrelevant guff that's taking up the Home Screen real-estate that we're wanting to actually customise, if that's the experience we want from our Xbox Home Screen.

    This would be such an easy win for Xbox to deliver, so what is the hold-up?
    Xbox - be better. Put this right, already.

    All Xbox Gamers win, when we're all free to customise our Xbox Home Screen experience to suit our needs (like we used to be able to do).


    As 'SerotoninAFK' said on another page:
    "I called and I got human to discuss this with. The only solution is to report a problem. In order to do that I have instructions, the more that report it the more likely they will fix it.

    To report a problem:

    Put your screen on the stuff you wanna remove and hold the Xbox button, this will create a screen shot of what you were on before holding the button

    At the bottom of the “shut off console” screen there is a report a problem button, if not go to the store and search “report a problem” and install the app.

    Report a new problem, then other for the category and other for the subcategory. Then you’ll see your screen shot and hit next. And chose to continue on another device (like your phone so it’s easier to type) or continue on the console.

    Then fill out the title and next you’ll get a big box to describe the problem. Here’s your chance to tell Xbox what you want. Keep it clean or it will probably never be taken seriously.

    Then we just have to hope they listen. Good luck. Hope this helps in the long run."

    So, please, everyone; keep providing them with this feedback, regularly.
    We're certainly not going to get change if we don't ask for it, and the more voices asking, the better shot we've got.

How to customize homepage groups/sections order?

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