How to change gamertag from a duplicate to the original on all Xbox platforms?

Discus and support How to change gamertag from a duplicate to the original on all Xbox platforms? in XBoX Accessibility to solve the problem; I want to change my gamertag on my main account from a duplicate to the original after it became available since I changed the gamertag which had the... Discussion in 'XBoX Accessibility' started by Mico Chan Almonte, May 13, 2023.

  1. How to change gamertag from a duplicate to the original on all Xbox platforms?

    I want to change my gamertag on my main account from a duplicate to the original after it became available since I changed the gamertag which had the original gamertag on my other account that had it before. The gamertag is now available but still, it won't let me change the gamertag on my main account since Xbox cannot detect that my name is just a duplicate and not the original and it thinks that it is the same gamertag even though technically isn't as it still has a suffix at the end that marks it as a duplicate.

    So far I'm only able to get the option to change my classic gamertag but I want it to be the same as the original without the suffix throughout all the Xbox One console and Xbox apps & Xbox games that don't support the new gamertag system* and all Xbox 360 experiences as it did before.

    Is there any way to obtain the original gamertag for all Xbox platforms?

    Screenshots are linked below since my images kept failing to upload in this question.

    Mico Chan Almonte, May 13, 2023
  2. KaijuPlaysGames Win User

    How do I keep my classic gamertag and make my modern gamertag match it?

    Hi David,

    The Xbox Gamertag FAQ from Microsoft support's page states:
    "Q: I have more than 12 characters in my gamertag! Do I need to change it?
    "A: Nope. If you like your gamertag the way it is, you keep it."

    Well, I like my gamertag the way my classic gamertag is. Why am I forced to change it for the modern gamertag?

    Re: My statement about cloning or duplicating:
    I dont want to clone or duplicate a gamertag from one account to another. I want to clone or duplicate the name that already exists in my classic gamertag to my modern gamertag.

    There HAS to exist an employee at Microsoft that is able to manage account details from the backend. How do I get in contact with them to resolve this issue?

    "However, you can choose not to use or display the modern gamertag and primarily use your classic gamertag instead."
    Great. How?
  3. 痛 ‎ Win User

    When are Xbox going to take action against dupe gamer tags

    Yes, this was normally the case. However, a couple of years ago, an old Android Xbox app version allowed people to create duplicate gamertags of existing tags. For example, if you search for the gamertag "C o m" and "Com" without spaces on your Xbox, you'll find two completely different accounts - the original being "C o m" and the duplicate being "Com". In this scenario, I can't change my gamertag and change back because the dupe gamertag would essentially become the original, and I wouldn’t be able to switch back to it unless I added numbers, which is what I want to avoid.
  4. NeoDan123 Win User

    Gamertag from inactive account

    Gamertags is linked to all Microsoft accounts, even if they are not used on Xbox.

    Unfortunatly there is nothing we can do to change your gamertag as the system prevents the duplication of gamertags.
  5. iMaGeS-8DD2FA1E-8CBD Win User

    Original gamertag is inaccessible & GLITCHED due to a inactive spaced version

    You not understanding. The gamertag is an original tag scheduled for release however once released there is already a duplicate tag on the 360 with spaces in between.

    So 2 same gamertags cannot exist at once forcing the real original to be stuck in the release process.

    The inactive spaced version of the tag is holding its place on the 360 and blocking the release of the actual original tag from the original xbox.

    Does that make sense?
  6. Smwutches Win User

    unable to unlink old ea account

    Please refrain from creating duplicate threads as you were already being assisted in your original thread.

How to change gamertag from a duplicate to the original on all Xbox platforms?

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