How much time per day do you spend playing Xbox? Do you make sure you drink water? Do you move ...

Discus and support How much time per day do you spend playing Xbox? Do you make sure you drink water? Do you move ... in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Really good advices, should exist some kind of healty guide for streamers, for they will be able to know how to take care well of themselves Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by SUPERSOAKERx69, Aug 27, 2018.

  1. JhonSnow777
    JhonSnow777 Guest

    How much time per day do you spend playing Xbox? Do you make sure you drink water? Do you move ...

    Really good advices, should exist some kind of healty guide for streamers, for they will be able to know how to take care well of themselves
    JhonSnow777, Aug 27, 2018
  2. x AngeILan x
    x AngeILan x Guest
    I probably spend about 4 hours gaming, but mostly I’m just being a mum
    x AngeILan x, Aug 27, 2018
  3. DAZZA 433
    DAZZA 433 Guest
    About 5 years ago i would have been on for 6+ hours a day, Now i do maybe 3 hours on an evening and thats not all gaming time either anymore.
    DAZZA 433, Aug 27, 2018
  4. Geth
    Geth Guest

    How much time per day do you spend playing Xbox? Do you make sure you drink water? Do you move ...

    I don't really have a set time. It's usually just when I have time or have nothing else to do.
  5. I game both on Xbox and PC, I spend about 4 hours daily and about 8 hours in weekends or when I have enough free time. I do stretch, drink water and lay down for a bit every 2 hours. Gaming for 4 hours straight is dangerous to your health and I had to learn
    that the hard way, I'm suffering from nerve damage in my right hand's thumb as I'm constantly using it on the controller and on my phone.
    GreyStormGaming, Aug 28, 2018
  6. I always eat and drink but exercise isn't that often for me. How much time per day do you spend playing Xbox? Do you make sure you drink water? Do you move ... :D Overall, I still balance my life between my family/friends, work and gaming without any issue. Do I miss out on some achievements or in game content since I can't dedicate a lot of time to
    games, absolutely. In the end, I regret nothing!
    Ambassador Kingz, Aug 28, 2018
  7. I agree, new games turn streams into 12 to 24 hour streams for us. lol but... we still make sure to drink and eat. we usually just say hey we are gonna eat a quick 15 mins and mute our mics. What is coming out in October that you are getting?
    SUPERSOAKERx69, Aug 28, 2018
  8. How much time per day do you spend playing Xbox? Do you make sure you drink water? Do you move ...

    Yeah I did not include the time my xbox is on netflix, mixer, or twitch lol
    SUPERSOAKERx69, Aug 28, 2018
  9. Oh no very sorry to hear that. This is why I started to make sure I do take breaks and do other things.
    SUPERSOAKERx69, Aug 28, 2018
  10. Yes, I am a mom mostly as well. Although my kids are teens and are at the stage of doing their own things now. As much as I still want to be a cuddly, hang out with mom type of mom. They do not want that since they are teens lol
    SUPERSOAKERx69, Aug 28, 2018
  11. Oh that is a really good Idea actually. I think I may also use this.
    SUPERSOAKERx69, Aug 28, 2018
  12. I hardly ever play "off-stream" lately but I usually do it in 2 hour blocks with a rest in-between. I make sure that I have hydration right next to me.

    Important to walk every day too!
    ZombieJesterCOE, Aug 28, 2018
  13. Ezzn
    Ezzn Guest

    How much time per day do you spend playing Xbox? Do you make sure you drink water? Do you move ...

    It is very important to listen to your body and take care of it.. We are surrounded by technology and what I use to limit my game time or making sure I remember to take care of my body is, setting up alarms, countdown times, and etc on my phone. If you are
    streaming, just make sure its on vibrate and not on a hard surface.. This way the viewers will not know.
  14. cbander0918
    cbander0918 Guest
    I would say that there is an emphasis for gamers to be healthier in general. In fact with my exercise and fitness background I've thought about starting an online venture dedicated to fitness and gaming. Not too sure how to go about it though. I play roughly
    an hour or two a day casually
    cbander0918, Aug 28, 2018
  15. I've seen several successful streams that are almost dedicated to fitness in general. If there was still a big push for Kinect and other exercise games on the xbox it would have been a bit easier of a venture. I was sad to see the Xbox Fitness app go away.
    Ambassador Kingz, Nov 2, 2018
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How much time per day do you spend playing Xbox? Do you make sure you drink water? Do you move ...