How do YOU Justify Paying the Full Retail Price Tag on Video Games?

Discus and support How do YOU Justify Paying the Full Retail Price Tag on Video Games? in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Basically what the title says, how do you justify the full price tag on video games?. For me, it's all about how many hours I think I will put into the... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by BHC Bluez n 2z, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. How do YOU Justify Paying the Full Retail Price Tag on Video Games?

    Basically what the title says, how do you justify the full price tag on video games?. For me, it's all about how many hours I think I will put into the game. Titanfall does not have as much content as other games, but the amount
    of hours I have put into the game has already justified the price tag.

    BHC Bluez n 2z, Jun 29, 2014
  2. Fat Mond
    Fat Mond Guest
    Alice Finds Her Voice

    Looking forward to playing this but not paying more than £15 for it, sounds too frustrating and limited to justify full retail price.
    Fat Mond, Jun 29, 2014
  3. Lactos292
    Lactos292 Guest
    How much is too much?

    With how quickly games go down in price, I can't justify paying more than $30.
    Lactos292, Jun 29, 2014
  4. How do YOU Justify Paying the Full Retail Price Tag on Video Games?

    I've not paid full price for an xbox one game yet and never will, I got FIFA 14 for free with my xbox, got £10 off battlefield 4 when buying with my xbox one and will wait until watch dogs get reduced in price.
    Marwood II 87, Jun 29, 2014
  5. I haven`t paid full price for a game in years.

    The car boot sale every sunday gets me all my games.
    THEOWENKILLER, Jun 29, 2014
  6. Too lazy to wait for the price to drop.
    Beef McLargeBig, Jun 29, 2014
  7. Epic Louie
    Epic Louie Guest
    I buy whatever I think I'll enjoy. I'm too impatient for price drops.
    Epic Louie, Jun 29, 2014
  8. NEWB 720
    NEWB 720 Guest

    How do YOU Justify Paying the Full Retail Price Tag on Video Games?

    I cannot justify paying retail for any game there is only very few exceptions to this rule.


    I usually try to determine the lowest price that the game could possibly reach (most games $5 - $10) and I try and keep my payout as close to that number as possible.


    If I believe the game may become extremely hard to find I may be willing to spend $20 - $30 for it.


    A release day purchase is really difficult for me to make, In order for me to purchase a game that new it needs to be a game that I predict will have a very very few purchases and it will also need to be a collectors edition such
    as Mario all stars for wii.


    I have purchased some games at a higher price point before. I cannot nor will I justify these purchases. They were excellent games however this does not mean it was not a foolish waste of money.
    NEWB 720, Jun 29, 2014
  9. Dead Dweller
    Dead Dweller Guest
    If you make money and love gaming... price means nothing! lol
    Dead Dweller, Jun 29, 2014
  10. Dakrkplayer2
    Dakrkplayer2 Guest
    I paid full prices because I wanted it. I very rear paid below full price. And sinces I can't drive for medical reason. I can't go to the nearest GAMESTOP to me. And it in the next county up from me. And it in my states capital too boot.
    Dakrkplayer2, Jun 29, 2014
  11. why should i or anyone justify how much they pay for video games? it's just a thing, if you have an amount of your countries currency that matches or exceeds the price of a game you want to play, congratulations! you just justified spending that amount for
    games! i personally haven't bought anything new since i think gta 5, and since i'm trying to go all digital i tend to wait for sales and have ps+...but as soon as i have one of the new consoles i'll absolutely pay full price, because i want to play games...and
    i also love getting the very most out of a game, so i'm gonna break my all digital rule for collector editions of some of the bigger titles, just for the statues and tchotchkes...and pre-order bonuses.
    BootstrapGolem, Jun 29, 2014
  12. I rarely pay full price anymore. It just seems silly to me. I've been getting so many games lately for a fraction of the original cost that it just doesn't make economic sense to buy anything at full price. Because I only play maybe 5 hours a week, it
    takes me FOREVER to get through a game. By the time I'm through one game, several of the games I've been wanting are on sale, so I will buy them and they just sit on my hard drive until I get to them. I just got GTAV and Diablo 3 for 50% off, so by the time
    I'm done with those, Wolfenstein will probably be discounted. It's already half price on Steam today.
    BizarroMantis, Jun 29, 2014
  13. How do YOU Justify Paying the Full Retail Price Tag on Video Games?

    The only game we paid full price for was Halo 4. [also why I got XBLG] Then 6-? weeks later regreeted it as we watched the price drop to 39.99 and later to another ediion which inluded almost every DLC aval. (still Sp Ops isnt playable offline. Grrrrrrrr.

    Thus as campaign players, We learned to be patient and just wait it out.
    ElectroFlying, Jun 29, 2014
  14. CODukes4
    CODukes4 Guest
    $60 is well worth any entertainment that will last more than 5 hours. $60 is lunch and a movie. Video games are pound for pound one of the best values in entertainment. Even bad games are worth $60 imo. I would gladly pay $100 for block buster games
    like GTA 6, Red Redemption 2, Borderlands 3, Destiny, Fall out 4...and other games that cost $100 million plus to develop.

    I can't think of many games I've played in the past few years that weren't worth $60.
    CODukes4, Jun 29, 2014
  15. What CODukes4 said. How do you justify eating a donut instead of an apple? The apple's healthier. How do you justify owning a car instead of using public transportation? The bus is cheaper. I could do this all day. When you consider inflation and people
    making more money than they used to in the late '80's/early '90's..........the price is exactly the same as it's always been. If you can afford the console their played IN and the 60 inch TV their played ON. Than you should be willing to pay for the ONE thing
    that completes the circle........the games. That's like saying "I own this toaster.............but there's nooooo way I'm paying that much for bread!!"
    XxNappyDugoutxX, Jun 29, 2014

How do YOU Justify Paying the Full Retail Price Tag on Video Games?