How do I recover my account?

Discus and support How do I recover my account? in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; Hello. My Microsoft account, *** Die E-Mail-Adresse wurde aus Datenschutzgründen entfernt. ***, recently got stolen. I tried to reset it before, but... Discussion in 'XBoX on Windows' started by Daniel Iliev_553, Feb 11, 2024.

  1. How do I recover my account?

    Hello. My Microsoft account, *** Die E-Mail-Adresse wurde aus Datenschutzgründen entfernt. ***, recently got stolen. I tried to reset it before, but said hacker got the account again. What should I do before it's too late? (I have too many things on there.)

    Daniel Iliev_553, Feb 11, 2024
  2. Phloaties Win User

    How do i recover my account?

    Hey Mason, I have been having the same issue with my account but instead of 4-5 days its been around 2 and a half weeks for me. Microsoft sent me the emails for recovering the account after verifying that I was the rightful owner however, my account has continued to stay locked. Its ridiculous cause for a situation like this you can't even speak with anybody to help fix it.

    To try to help you out with verifying your info for the account let me tell you this:

    - Only put the info that you know is currently present on the account

    - If any info has been deleted from the account(like a phone number or a debit card), don't put it in the form just leave it out

    Overall, just try to put only the info that currently resides on the account and DON'T give up because from personal experience it took me about 6 times before they finally verified me as the account owner.

    Nonetheless, if I am able to find a solution to get my account unlocked and regain access to it, I will come back to this post to see if I can help you to gain access to your account again.
  3. KindGryphon Win User

    how do i recover my account?

    Both the links are not found 404
    If you try the second link but take the dot out of the end of the url then it works.
  4. phua yb Win User

    how do i recover my account?

    Both the links are not found 404
  5. Darhyl Amizola Win User

    How do i recover my account?

    Hi Jax! My name is Darhyl and I’d be more than happy to help you with your query.

    I'm sorry you're experiencing this problem. I understand how important recovering your account is to you.

    Just a gentle reminder that we are only Xbox gamers here in the community. We are not Microsoft employees and we do not have tools to access any Microsoft System.

    I just want to confirm when did you last successfully sign in to your Microsoft account? If you have not logged into your account for more than two years and it has been closed due to inactivity, you will not be able to use the Account Recovery Form to recover your account. Reference:

    Did you have two-factor authentication (2FA) active on the account? If you do have the 2FA active, are you able to access the second factor of authentication? If so, please try resetting your password. Detailed steps on resetting your password can be found in the following support article:

    Important: The account recovery form can only be used if two-step verification isn't turned on. If the feature is enabled, the only way to recover the account is to regain access to your two-step verification phone number.

    If you did not have 2FA active on the account, and the account was not deleted due to inactivity, you will need to try the Account Recovery Form:

    Detailed steps on how to use the Account Recovery Form can be found here:

    Microsoft takes account security very seriously, that's why Account Recovery is an automated process with no human influence. If you don't have the correct information, you may not be able to get through account verification using the Recovery Form.

    The Account Recovery Form requires adequate information to prove that you are the owner of the account. The Account Recovery Process can be a time-consuming process, but providing as much info as possible from the start of the process will increase the possibility of being verified by the automated process. You'll need to keep trying until you're verified by Microsoft.

    Remember to use a familiar device from which you've frequently accessed your Microsoft account, as well as a familiar location. Microsoft will review your responses and respond within 24 hours. If you are verified, instructions on how to log back into your account will be sent to you, and if you are not verified, you will need to submit the Account Recovery form again. You can do this up to 2 times every 24 hours.

    It's important to note that Microsoft Support will not be able to grant you access to your account, you will be sent back to the Account Recovery pages that have been linked above.

    If your Microsoft account recovery request was not granted or was unsuccessful, please click the attached link for more information:

    While it might not be the outcome you are looking for, if you’re unsuccessful in recovering your account, then you will need to create a new Microsoft account. You can do that by clicking this link:

    Thank you for your kindness and understanding! Please feel free to let me know if you need anything else.

    Best regards,
  6. Phloaties Win User

    How do i recover my account?

    When the person that tried to take my account got access to it, they deleted my phone number and changed my backup email to theirs. When I completed the form I just put my basic information like name and the email the account was connected to. Nothing more. I had my debit card linked to the account which I used to buy multiple products on the account however I had it removed to avoid possible charges from the person using my account. When asked if I had purchased anything on the account in the past I put no instead of yes since the card was no longer linked to the account. That is when I was verified as the owner.

    Other than that I can't help you with much since I'm still trying to fix the problem myself. I've verified everything for the account and reset the password multiple times but my account has remained locked. The whole system for this is dumb and they need to change it as a whole or make it easier for us to get in contact with someone who can fix this issue.

    Hopefully this helps somewhat. Like I said I am still going through this problem myself so there isn't much I can help with.

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