Discus and support HOTMAIL ACCOUNT LOST PLEASE HELP in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Good afternoon, Upon signing into to my XBOX Live account on my Xbox 360 about a week ago I was greeted with an error message and prompted to input my... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by ExposedFire9, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. ExposedFire9
    ExposedFire9 Guest


    Good afternoon,

    Upon signing into to my XBOX Live account on my Xbox 360 about a week ago I was greeted with an error message and prompted to input my email + password. However I was unable to log in and was directed to go to the live website to resolve some problems with
    my hotmail account.

    When I attempted to log in to my hotmail account I was told something along the lines of 'It looks like some else may have been using your account', and then was directed to attempt at verifying my account, either by phone or through filling out a security

    The telephone number they have on file is now years old and no longer used, so my only option was to fill out their security form. I was able to supply my name, DOB, postcode, security question answer, a couple of old passwords, the last 4 digits and exp.
    date of my filed credit card. However there were other boxes on the form that I had to largely leave empty (subjects of recently sent emails, contacts etc), due to this account being now solely for the purpose of my XBOX live account and not sending email.
    And perhaps as a consequence of this; everytime I have attempted to recover the account using the form it has come back saying I have 'not provided enough information', even though I have provided the data as listed above.

    This is very frustrating to me as I have been an XBOX live customer for around 6-7 years and held the same account from the outset. Also the hotmail account that it is tied to and currently locked, I have held for over a decade. I have tried and tried to
    provide as much info as I can to retrieve my hotmail account but to no avail. I even contacted microsoft about the email account who came back with the stock response of 'try to fill out more detail on the security form...'.

    Now, what is not important to me is the hotmail account, I can deal with losing that. But what is, is my Live account. I have 6-7 years worth of downloads, hundreds of £s spent on games + add-ons.

    What I would like to know is; is there anyway of retrieving my Live account? Or maybe moving my account over to a new email address seeing as it looks like I may have lost this hotmail forever. Also if there is any body who has been in a similar position that
    could give me any advice on this, I'd be grateful.

    ExposedFire9, Oct 1, 2014
  2. helpaavloo
    helpaavloo Guest
    Can't Access my Account

    i am in the same situation and one drive in action but not for me. and i lost my account hotmail 3 times .please help . my tag paavlo and my adress [Mod Removed] and i need it .bye
    helpaavloo, Oct 1, 2014
  3. davenoon
    davenoon Guest

    Hi can anyone help had an account and linked to email (microsoft live account) , i have new account linked with hotmail had i for 8 years now and xbl sent code to old account (now silver status) as it is registered in the US.........I need 24 hr code to
    access the account to see the message !!!!!! please help ive lost my 48hr code that came with halo 4 gutted please help

    davenoon, Oct 1, 2014
  4. WPAK
    WPAK Guest


    Hi there,

    There is only one option left to try, please follow the steps on this trouble shooting page, at the end if all options fail, like filling out the recovery form it will show another step you can try.

    It will show what information you need and after that you need to contact Xbox Support via

    Link to the troubleshooting page:
    WPAK, Oct 1, 2014
  5. Hello,

    I think when filling out a form to recover your password, and when some information is incorrect it will be automatically rejected by the system. What I do recomend is filling out the form again and trying this method:

    • Full Name:
    • Date of Birth:
    • Postcode:
    • Security Answer:
    • 1 Password (One that has been previously used, with certainty)
    While it may not seem like enough information, anything incorrect may just prevent it from being accepted by the system to recover. I recovered a profile through the same process just a few days ago, my first attempt was failed even though I entered in as
    much information as I could even though the Security Answer was correct.I think guesisng additional information may impact your success in recovering your account.

    Please let me know how you get on and reply back to me. If this didn't work can you please confirm if you have the Console ID/Serial number to hand that first created the Account for Xbox LIVE associated with the affected E-mail address? (I do not want that
    information, and should not be posted on here, it'll be for my next step for resolution advice)

    Something else that you can try is to submitting a form to the Microsoft Windows - Accounts Team:

    Click here to submit your online form.

    Please include the following in this support request form:

    • A brief description of the problem (Verification issues)
    • The affected MicrosoftAccount
    • Contact E-mail (For them to get back to you)
    • Detailed description of the problem
    • Send message
    Looking foward to your reply!


    DanielGabriel2, Oct 1, 2014
  6. ExposedFire9
    ExposedFire9 Guest
    Hi thanks for your replies. WPAK: I am now in contact with XBOX support, and have a ticket raised on their system. I have to contact them once I have my XBOX 360 ID number to hand at which time it will be raised to the advocacy team.

    Thanks Daniel for your suggestions. I suspected your esplanation of the system throwing back any attempts at account recovery containing incorrect details may of been the case. I did enter some passwords that I wasn't 100% certain were associated with the
    account. Also I tried using my new address, as well as my own and 2 different credit card details so maybe this is where I am going wrong.

    I have already reached my limit of account recovery attempts for today so unfortunately I cannot attempt your suggestion.

    Hopefully having my ticket raised to the 'advocacy' team may be fruitful.

    I have one quick question about the process though: I had to provide the agent with my last account recovery attempt code, which I suspect may contain incorrect details, (eg. a different postcode as that on file) will this impact my prospect of recovering
    my account, or will I get an opportunity to explain my situation to whoever after the ticket has been escalated?

    As you may understand, I feel lost as the Microsoft customer support structure to me seems like a gigantic autonomous labyrinth.
    ExposedFire9, Oct 1, 2014
  7. You should get an e-mail back from Global Escalations, and what they normally ask to process this validation is:

    Account information:

    First Name:

    Last Name:




    Postal Code:

    Constituent Country:

    The secret answer to your security question:

    Any Prepaid Code redeemed on the account:

    For the following questions please provide as many correct answers as possible:

    They will probably ask you to provide your Xbox 360 console ID or your Xbox One Live device ID for any and all consoles this account has signed into.

    Xbox 360

    To find your Console ID: Sign into the Xbox Dashboard:

    1. Go to the Settings hub, and choose System.

    2. Select Console Settings.

    3. Select System Info.

    4. The console ID is displayed on the screen, below the console serial number.

    Xbox One

    To find your Device ID: Sign into the Xbox Dashboard:

    1. Go to the Settings hub, and choose System.

    2. Select Console Info.

    3. Xbox Live Device ID is displayed on the screen.

    Locate your computer's IP Address of the last successful login:

    For the IP Address, please use the computer that was last able to login to the account and go to
    What Is My IP? Shows your real IP - IPv4 - IPv6 -®.

    The secret to passing the validation process is to provide as much detail as possible on every question

    After they receive the additional information from you, they will review and make the final decision on Microsoft account ownership validation. they will update you once this has been completed.

    Goodluck, hope it goes well! - Additionally the escalating agent who is dealing with your case you will be able to respond that upon getitng a response from him in regards to this.


    DanielGabriel2, Oct 1, 2014
  8. ExposedFire9
    ExposedFire9 Guest


    Thanks very much for your help. I will update this with information of how things go.
    ExposedFire9, Oct 1, 2014
  9. You are most welcome ExposedFire9. Looking foward to the outcome.


    DanielGabriel2, Oct 1, 2014
  10. WPAK
    WPAK Guest
    Looking forward for the hopefully good news in the end HOTMAIL ACCOUNT LOST PLEASE HELP :)
  11. ExposedFire9
    ExposedFire9 Guest
    Hi thanks guys, my call has now been escalated to the advocacy team and I have supplied the console ID so hopefully there will be a resolution very soon HOTMAIL ACCOUNT LOST PLEASE HELP :)
    ExposedFire9, Oct 1, 2014
  12. WPAK
    WPAK Guest
    Thanks for the update, hoping for a positive outcome
  13. ExposedFire9
    ExposedFire9 Guest


    Not good news so far I'm afraid.

    I was originally told that someone from the advocacy team would contact me within 72 hours, that was on 1st Ocbober, it is now 8th October and still no reply.

    I did re-contact support via chat to get an update on the weekend and they told me that the advocacy team had infact tried to contact me, but didn't get a response. Upon enquiry of the email address to which they responded, I was told a completely different
    address to my own. D-:

    I wasn't explained to the reasoning behind this error, but anyway, mistakes happen so I gave them the benefit of the doubt. I was told that I'd *definitely* be contacted by the advocacy team within 24 hours to have my account unlocked.

    24 hours goes by, and still no email as promised. Yesterday, I once again contacted support. I was told that my case would be dealt with on 7-8th October.

    As of time of writing this message my case has still not been dealt with. Today I conacted support again for an update, still it is 'being worked on'. I am not holding out hope that they are going to be sticking to there own deadlines.

    I am very disappointed with the quality of Microsoft customer service so far.

    Very disappointed :-(
    ExposedFire9, Oct 8, 2014
  14. WPAK
    WPAK Guest
    I can understand the disappointment, just let's hope it will still have a good outcome to take away some of the current disappointment.

    Keep us updated.
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