
Discus and support Hmmm..... in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Well Hey There! I have a question that may either be answered with relentless face-palming.....or an influx of "You lucky S.O.B.!", but my thinking is... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by M c S w i g g s, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. Hmmm.....

    Well Hey There! I have a question that may either be answered with relentless face-palming.....or an influx of "You lucky S.O.B.!", but my thinking is the former. So my Fiancé bought me the One for my birthday (which includes Forza 5, non-day one edition
    mind you) and upon cracking this beast open, I found the redeem code casually thrown on top of the well as identical redeem sheet practically perfectly aligned and stuck to the back of it. I peeled the front sheet off, redeemed the code and
    DL'ed Forza.....but this second code....what gives? It shows no mention of additional game content, it bears the exact writing/pictures/instructions as the first, yet the codes are different and the bar code is in sequential order from the other, ending in
    say "101,102". Did they include two copies by mistake or have I inhaled too many fumes from the GT-R? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks and happy racing.

    M c S w i g g s, Jun 13, 2014
  2. Hmmm.....

    Yeah it's a beta...but it's a pretty damn terrible beta.
    Ser Ricky Bobby, Jun 13, 2014
    GRAW2ROBZ Guest

    Fan boys chiming in. Cant make a old turd smell nice.
    GRAW2ROBZ, Jun 13, 2014
  4. Hmmm.....

    Sounds like you just got lucky. Hopefully you have a friend that can make use of the code.
    Patrick M. Martin, Jun 13, 2014
  5. Thanks for the feedback. A cage fight to the death shall ensue amongst them, of that I am sure.
    M c S w i g g s, Jun 13, 2014
  6. Yep . that's a packaging mistake . I recommend a " jump ball " - type approach .
    GODofH3LLfire 2, Jun 14, 2014
  7. xXCamhawkXx
    xXCamhawkXx Guest
    Cage fight all the way... Maybe Don King can give pointers on PPV.
    xXCamhawkXx, Nov 1, 2018
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