High Def. DVD player, works/doesn't work-communication problem

Discus and support High Def. DVD player, works/doesn't work-communication problem in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I have one of the old HD dvd players. It has worked well, till august, when the LED on the eject button went out. Sometimes it would flash, as if... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by KNines-C566581E-FBCB-45AD-B89B-4F1ED6038E0F, Sep 22, 2014.

  1. High Def. DVD player, works/doesn't work-communication problem

    I have one of the old HD dvd players.

    It has worked well, till august, when the LED on the eject button went out.

    Sometimes it would flash, as if reading, then go solid. THEN you could watch a HD movie.

    For the last week, I have been trying to find out several things!

    1. Is it my 360?

    2. Is it the Updates from August?

    3. Should I buy a used one?

    4. Can a patch be added if it is indeed the updates.

    Over the course of the last week, I have spent hours on the phone with X-Box live service. Most operators have been nice, & try to be very helpfull.

    We have tried clearing the system Cache. We have changed cables,(usb to mini), I have even tried re-installing the instalation disk!,(the x-box asks' me to check my connections, because it is not seeing the HD player),.

    What I can tell you is this.

    After un-hooking every cable to my player, & the 360,(halo 4 edition), the green LED would flash. After anywhere from 2 to 5 to 20 minutes, it would go Solid, & you could then play a movie! I watched Blade runner, Blazzing saddles,&
    King Kong, & Bat Man Begins (twice!),over the weekend this way.

    But other times,(like yesterday & today),(sept-21st-22nd), it would/will continue to flash, & go nowhere.

    The DVD player is there. If you click on the blade, it will open the HD dvd player door. & Close it as well. So I know it is "talking", back-n-forth. It reads my flash drive that is attatched to the HD dvd drive.

    But it will not play.

    I even hooked it up to my launch 360, that I replaced. (That is how I think it decided to work over the weekend,on either console),.,(my launch 360 developed 'Altimerz' and couldn't remember anything anymore!),.

    I have again called support, and have received sympathy, but little in the way of help! (many operators aren't even aware it was ever made!),(Yes I feel old!),.

    I've tried to keep a good attitude about it! But I admit I'm nearing my wits end on this. I hate to lose all that money I spent on this product,($179.99!), & the exspensive movies I bought (Harry potter colection thru Order of
    Ph., the Matrix trilogy, Blade Runner 5 dvd set, Ect!),.

    The hardest one is Happy Feet which my 2 year old loves. My biggest loss is CasaBlanca!

    So I post this in hope that someone can help an old man make his 11-11-11 baby happy too! (sorry for the Melodrama!),.

    Please HELP! Thanks! KNines!

    KNines-C566581E-FBCB-45AD-B89B-4F1ED6038E0F, Sep 22, 2014
  2. gamesgalore
    gamesgalore Guest
    Playstation 3, Blu-Ray and High Definition

    I know that the Playstation 3 has a Blu-Ray player. Is it HD ready/compatible, too? I hate to ask a "dumb question", but I'm still using a regular DVD player here at the house, so I don't know if all Blu-Ray players are also high-def or not.
    gamesgalore, Sep 22, 2014
  3. justoreo420
    justoreo420 Guest
    blank screen when hdmi is connected

    so i recently bought a brand new hdmi cable from gamestop for my xbox 360. i get a blank screen from the tv when i connected the hdmi to the xbox. the hdmi cable works perfectly fine with the my dvd player but can't seem to work with my 360. and i've tried
    it on another 360 and still no luck. plus i also tried the y and rt thing and still nothing and also the blind test thing that doesn't seem to be working either. i'm frustrated and don't know what else to do. all i want to do is play my games in high def,
    so please help. Thank you
    justoreo420, Sep 22, 2014
  4. High Def. DVD player, works/doesn't work-communication problem

    Hey there KNines!

    Sorry to hear about the DVD player issues, I can definitely understand how frustrating that could be. I recommend trying a few additional troubleshooting steps if you haven't already, to see if we can get this issue sorted.

    Please give the following steps a try:

    • Try plugging the DVD player into a different port on the Xbox 360 console.
    • If possible, try plugging the DVD player into a friends console to see if the issue continues. This way we can determine if the issue is with the DVD player or the console.

    Give the steps above a try and let us know the results, and we will go from there!
    Mister Quimby, Sep 23, 2014
  5. I have tried the three ports on back. I will try a front port in a while. But as I said, I used my old 360. It did work for that saturday. I then re plugged it into my H4 edition slim. Worked all night.(sat),.

    I guess I should ask, Does anyone have a HD dvd drive that IS working right now?

    But thanks for any and all help I get!
    KNines-C566581E-FBCB-45AD-B89B-4F1ED6038E0F, Sep 23, 2014
  6. No change... Plugged player into front usb port. Goto apps, push 'button', and the door opens. Insert disk push button again closes. LED continues to flash, dvd spins, but nothing else.

    That is the wierd thing though. If there is no disk inserted 'Button' will open & close. As mant times as you push 'button'.

    But if you put dvd in, it will not reopen, except by pushing eject button.

    Also LED goes from a fast blink to the slow steady blink of opening door.
    KNines-C566581E-FBCB-45AD-B89B-4F1ED6038E0F, Sep 23, 2014
  7. Hey KNines!

    Sorry to hear that changing the ports did not solve the issue. Just to clarify, does the issue occur randomly? You said the the DVD player worked on both consoles on Saturday, but did it stop working shortly after that?

    Mister Quimby, Sep 24, 2014
  8. High Def. DVD player, works/doesn't work-communication problem

    That is correct, I've tried every port(in a storm, sorry!),.

    No it hasn't worked on either console since saturday night.

    The Green LED does flash, but never goes solid. (it only slows down when the door opens),.

    The "Button" in the Apps section will open & Close the door.(It will not open the door,however, when there is a disk in the drive. & yes you can hear the disk spinning.),.The Flash Drive is still working as well.

    And If I put the instalation disk in the drive (either machine),it tells me to check my connections, because it isn't reading that the drive is there.

    I have been trying to find a USB to USB cord, to see if it is the "Mini" port.,(I've switched the cords (USB to MINI), to no avail.

    also I do not have anyone close by that I can plug my DVD drive into their console.,(I'm out in the country!),.
    KNines-C566581E-FBCB-45AD-B89B-4F1ED6038E0F, Sep 24, 2014
  9. I'm not getting my hopes up, just yet!

    But my son has been playing Lego Star Wars.

    The LED on the HiDef Drive just went solid again!

    We'll see if it plays......& then in the morning we'll see if it comes back on!

    (Crossing one set of fingers! (Two is bad(if your superstitious!),),.

    (watching seabiscut!!!!!!),.
    KNines-C566581E-FBCB-45AD-B89B-4F1ED6038E0F, Sep 24, 2014
  10. Well, this is what I was afraid would happen....

    Last night it started working (Light was solid, so we watched 'Seabiscut'),. Then I put the children to bed.

    I watched 'We Were soldiers' W/Mel Gibson & Sam Elliot.

    & then I watched a good chunk of the 'Matrix Reloaded'. ,(had to watch the Freeway chase sceene w/ the Key maker!(I love Trinity's bike ride!),),.

    But I had to get some sleep so we powered down......

    Now just four hours later, nothing..... pull the power cord, & the LED flashes...Right back where we were......

    I'm so *** disappointed that I can't get a simple straight answer... Is it your *** code, or is my player a piece of junk?

    I guess it's a piece of junk....

    I have a floppy disk drive for my Atari 800 xl that still works.....

    Decades later.........

    This HD drive barely has a few days of operation on it all told. And I payed more for the *** thing!

    I guess I'll call that I guy I talked to, & buy the used stand alone home HD player.

    Boy I'd like to use some colorfull metaphors right now..................

    THIS is one of the reasons I haven't bought a X-box One yet.

    My old black X-box still works....

    My old Ataris' (2600,800xl), still work

    My Segas' still work (even the add on piece.(last time I tried it anyway),),

    Yet my 360 I had the red ring, then the second wave of it, then the Memory went on it, now with a new slim, this F'ing happens.......

    I thank those of the support team that have tried to help. (sure wish I could get those HOURS on the phone back!),.

    But I'll seriously consider going else where from now on. Three of the old X-box four already have gone with the P.S.s'. I guess I should make it a clean sweep.............
    KNines-C566581E-FBCB-45AD-B89B-4F1ED6038E0F, Sep 24, 2014
  11. You can't say *** or " *** on this forum?

    Glad I didn't REALLY swear.....!
    KNines-C566581E-FBCB-45AD-B89B-4F1ED6038E0F, Sep 24, 2014
  12. Just a brief update....

    I have spoken with others. It is my player.

    Over the weekend I recieved an E-mail offering to put me in a raffle for MSpoints to take a survey about THIS forum.

    I didn't take it. I did however send an E-mail back to support. No it wasn't a happy joyfull occasion.

    Thanks for the support...............(Walks away. closes door. Car starts in background & drives away.......),.
    KNines-C566581E-FBCB-45AD-B89B-4F1ED6038E0F, Oct 31, 2018
  13. KNines-C566581E-FBCB Win User

    High Def. DVD player, works/doesn't work-communication problem

    You can't say *** or " *** on this forum?

    Glad I didn't REALLY swear.....!
  14. KNines-C566581E-FBCB Win User

    High Def. DVD player, works/doesn't work-communication problem

    That is correct, I've tried every port(in a storm, sorry!),.

    No it hasn't worked on either console since saturday night.

    The Green LED does flash, but never goes solid. (it only slows down when the door opens),.

    The "Button" in the Apps section will open & Close the door.(It will not open the door,however, when there is a disk in the drive. & yes you can hear the disk spinning.),.The Flash Drive is still working as well.

    And If I put the instalation disk in the drive (either machine),it tells me to check my connections, because it isn't reading that the drive is there.

    I have been trying to find a USB to USB cord, to see if it is the "Mini" port.,(I've switched the cords (USB to MINI), to no avail.

    also I do not have anyone close by that I can plug my DVD drive into their console.,(I'm out in the country!),.
  15. KNines-C566581E-FBCB Win User

    High Def. DVD player, works/doesn't work-communication problem

    No change... Plugged player into front usb port. Goto apps, push 'button', and the door opens. Insert disk push button again closes. LED continues to flash, dvd spins, but nothing else.

    That is the wierd thing though. If there is no disk inserted 'Button' will open & close. As mant times as you push 'button'.

    But if you put dvd in, it will not reopen, except by pushing eject button.

    Also LED goes from a fast blink to the slow steady blink of opening door.
  16. KNines-C566581E-FBCB Win User

    High Def. DVD player, works/doesn't work-communication problem

    Just a brief update....

    I have spoken with others. It is my player.

    Over the weekend I recieved an E-mail offering to put me in a raffle for MSpoints to take a survey about THIS forum.

    I didn't take it. I did however send an E-mail back to support. No it wasn't a happy joyfull occasion.

    Thanks for the support...............(Walks away. closes door. Car starts in background & drives away.......),.
  17. KNines-C566581E-FBCB Win User

    High Def. DVD player, works/doesn't work-communication problem

    Well, this is what I was afraid would happen....

    Last night it started working (Light was solid, so we watched 'Seabiscut'),. Then I put the children to bed.

    I watched 'We Were soldiers' W/Mel Gibson & Sam Elliot.

    & then I watched a good chunk of the 'Matrix Reloaded'. ,(had to watch the Freeway chase sceene w/ the Key maker!(I love Trinity's bike ride!),),.

    But I had to get some sleep so we powered down......

    Now just four hours later, nothing..... pull the power cord, & the LED flashes...Right back where we were......

    I'm so *** disappointed that I can't get a simple straight answer... Is it your *** code, or is my player a piece of junk?

    I guess it's a piece of junk....

    I have a floppy disk drive for my Atari 800 xl that still works.....

    Decades later.........

    This HD drive barely has a few days of operation on it all told. And I payed more for the *** thing!

    I guess I'll call that I guy I talked to, & buy the used stand alone home HD player.

    Boy I'd like to use some colorfull metaphors right now..................

    THIS is one of the reasons I haven't bought a X-box One yet.

    My old black X-box still works....

    My old Ataris' (2600,800xl), still work

    My Segas' still work (even the add on piece.(last time I tried it anyway),),

    Yet my 360 I had the red ring, then the second wave of it, then the Memory went on it, now with a new slim, this F'ing happens.......

    I thank those of the support team that have tried to help. (sure wish I could get those HOURS on the phone back!),.

    But I'll seriously consider going else where from now on. Three of the old X-box four already have gone with the P.S.s'. I guess I should make it a clean sweep.............

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