Having Issues Completing Xbox Fitness Being Interrupted Suddenly by, "Xbox Fitness Not ...

Discus and support Having Issues Completing Xbox Fitness Being Interrupted Suddenly by, "Xbox Fitness Not ... in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; First off I love this app and have lost 8 lbs in the past 2 weeks with this app. Pretty amazing when you consider how much fast food and cake I have... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by Booradley18, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Booradley18
    Booradley18 Guest

    Having Issues Completing Xbox Fitness Being Interrupted Suddenly by, "Xbox Fitness Not ...

    First off I love this app and have lost 8 lbs in the past 2 weeks with this app. Pretty amazing when you consider how much fast food and cake I have had in the past 2 weeks, lol. I occasionally have connection issues but none that have booted me out completely
    like Azyndawl has experienced. This does not seem to be a typical issue so I will give some details that may or may not be relevant and keep it as simple as possible. I appreciate any help or feedback.

    • My girlfriend (Azyndawl) and I (Bradley420) used to have the Xbox Family account with B420 as primary. It was converted and now she is just part of the profiles under my live account (Most likely not relevant, but I recently renewed my own account with
      hers as an extension of mine now if that makes any sense. Only mention it if her status as my guest or part of my xbox live accounts or possibly even it being converted to a guest accont, could effect her service with Xbox Fitness)
    • I have had connection issues on my Bradley420 account but none like the one that has occured while Azyndawl is using Xbox Fitness on the same XB1 console I am using under my live account.
    • It doesn't always happen but when it does it usually occurs during the 2nd or 3rd workout of mulitple consecutive workouts.
    • I believe it has occured when she has signed in before accessing Xbox Fitness, and also when she has switched profiles to her profile within the application.
    • We have both experienced lag issues where it will pause for a second and then regain itself.
    • We have both experiened the error message, "Xbox Fitness Not Available" - Click "Try Again" or "Exit Workout" losing all progress.
    • Typically we both click on the "try again" then say "xbox play" and with a very slight delay jumps right back into the workout.
    • Twice now in the past week, Azyndawl will engage a workout or jump on right after I have completed over an hour of working out. She will get 1/2 to 3/4 of the way and it will abruptly interrupt her workout with the error message, "Xbox Fitness Not Available"
      - with the 2 options. Every time we click on "Try Again" the error message immediately pops up again. We've even tried hitting "A" twice real fast so that it will engage the program before the error message pops back up but all you get is an extra noise
      that sounds like it is going to play and then goes back to the error message "Xbox Fitness Not Available."
    • You are left with only choosing "exit workout losing all of your progress, points, and goals.
    We are competitive so the points and scoring have been a HUGE motivator. We have insanity on DVD and prefer it on Xbox 1 for the scoring and to keep track of our progress. This has been pretty disappointing as it happened last night 40 minutes into her
    60 minute P90X workout. It has left my girlfriend rather annoyed. Has anyone experienced this or could shed some light on how to save your progress or prevent this from happening?

    Steps taken:

    • Completely powered down xbox 1, disconnecting it from the power source, waiting for 30 seconds and then turning it back on.
    • While powering down the xbox I also disconnected the power from my UVerse gateway router/modem, waited 30 seconds and turned it back on.
    • Troubleshooted with my service provider to run tests and check for any issues. None existed, they advised to restart router and pc.
    Again, it's been pretty good so far. But losing your points is really frustrating and highly demotivating. If this is a bug being worked out, please advise I am patient. But get on it! I love this thing and I would hate to have to stop using it out of
    frustration. When it works, IT WORKS!

    Booradley18, Aug 5, 2014
  2. sionetix
    sionetix Guest
    Xbox fitness won't load ???

    Error Code 1000 and other issues with streaming being interrupted are a different issue than Xbox Fitness not loading. Insufficient capacity fort streaming on peak times is more suited for the streaming issues than this topic.
    sionetix, Aug 5, 2014
  3. erinnadeau
    erinnadeau Guest
    Xbox Fitness updated--lost all my progress

    I should also add that this morning when I logged in, after not having been on since yesterday (with no issues), i was being asked to input info regarding my fitness profile. like whether or not I wanted it public, and then it went to the screen where it
    asked for my personal stats, but they were already filled in.

    What gives, Xbox? Why is Fitness such a crappy, neglected pile? I've lost days of progress with workouts, getting booted, I've had error messages saying that Xbox wasn't connected to the internet when it was, and this morning, see my progress has pretty
    much become non-existent.

    I'm starting to hate XBox Fitness.
    erinnadeau, Aug 5, 2014
  4. Having Issues Completing Xbox Fitness Being Interrupted Suddenly by, "Xbox Fitness Not ...

    Wow, Bradley! First, I want to say thank you for the amazingly detailed post you've handed us. I love that you've tracked everything that is happening, when it happens, and what you've done to try to remedy this odd issue. We are currently working on some
    other issues with Xbox Fitness, but yours seems to be unique. I am terribly sorry to see that you've run into this error which keeps causing you to lose your progress. I'm pretty competitive myself when it comes to the fitness games.

    There are a few things that I would like to try. The first thing is let's uninstall the game app from the console. After that, I'd like you do to a hard reboot on the console, which is just simply holding the power button for about 10 seconds. Then install
    the game again and see if it keeps happening. Out of everything you've done so far, I think this is the only thing I can think of doing right now to troubleshoot the console itself.

    If that doesn't end up working for us, please post back your UVerse gateway's model and make information! I want to make sure that we aren't aware of any issues with that particular device. Are you connected to it wired or wireless?

    We'll see if we can get to the bottom of this!
    Misses Quinzel, Aug 6, 2014
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Having Issues Completing Xbox Fitness Being Interrupted Suddenly by, "Xbox Fitness Not ...