"Happening Now" tab is bad design and should be removed.

Discus and support "Happening Now" tab is bad design and should be removed. in XboX Insiders to solve the problem; This change provide NO extra information, functionality, engagement, or usefulness. It's just a duplicate of what is already on the left side of my... Discussion in 'XboX Insiders' started by /u/Extroverted_Recluse, Apr 20, 2024.

  1. "Happening Now" tab is bad design and should be removed.

    This change provide NO extra information, functionality, engagement, or usefulness. It's just a duplicate of what is already on the left side of my screen and is completely superfluous. The only thing it does it block the majority of my screen from view with an almost completely empty and blank tab. I don't care about what is being displayed there and I don't want to see it.

    Get rid of it.

    And while you're at it, remove all the ads from the dashboard.

    submitted by /u/Extroverted_Recluse
    [link] [comments]
    /u/Extroverted_Recluse, Apr 20, 2024
  2. onyxishere Win User

    Need help please !!

    Check the connect site. The preview is now over and the tab should have been removed.
  3. ps360 Win User

    So... MS Confrence... That's it? Just the one new game I could care less about?

    Ok my bad they would now have changed it 2 times. That imo is still too much, they should just stick to 1 design.
  4. victor7676 Win User


    Yes ty but Xbox told me that they removed it from ondemand on dashboard on Xbox but it's still in market place they should remove it because same thing is going to happen to everyone who buys the game but the download will always bad
  5. Jaymo1978 Win User

    895-system 32.exe

    Hey Michael! What is happening is, it sounds like your Edge is starting on the most recently-opened tab. Often, on a site which probably would give a virus on the computer itself (one of those that pop open a specific window and refuse to close, or tell
    you to click something to get rid of a virus but it turns out to be a virus itself) these will open the tab, and then when closing Edge, the next time you open it, that same tab is already there.

    There are a couple of things you can do. Try opening your browser on your Xbox, then on your controller, press the "view" button (this looks like two interlocking squares to the left of the Xbox Logo.) This will open the "new tab" and "address bar" window.
    From here you should be able to close existing tabs by highlighting the tab you wish to close, pressing menu, and choosing "Close Tab. Then you will start fresh with a new tab.

    If that doesn't work, you can also search for any item in the game store, then scroll all the way to the right and choose "Web Results." This will force Edge to re-open on a new tab showing Bing Search results, and the "bad" tab will be in the background.
    Now you SHOULD be able to use the "view button method" listed above to close the offending tabs.

    Oh, and don't worry about Viruses - that won't happen with Xbox One, so no virus-scan program is required.

    Let me know!
  6. JC is da bomb Win User

    MS please include an uninstaller for XB1 owners who do not want Mixer.

    Yes I agree with you 100%. And now they have included it as a tab on the dashboard! And worst of all its in front of the community tab! At least if they won't remove the mixer tab but it behind the oneguide tab. It is clunky to put it in front of the community
    tab, especially to someone like me who doesn't care for livestreaming.

"Happening Now" tab is bad design and should be removed.

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