Goth Vampirella Has A GWG Question...

Discus and support Goth Vampirella Has A GWG Question... in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; The most galactic of geeks approves of this thread. :) Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by ZTROOPER16, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. Goth Vampirella Has A GWG Question...

    The most galactic of geeks approves of this thread. Goth Vampirella Has A GWG Question... :)
    Galactic Geek, Jun 6, 2014
    ZTROOPER16 Guest
    ZTROOPER is happy to take free games no matter how bad they are cause there free.
    ZTROOPER16, Jun 6, 2014
  3. xenomorph v1
    xenomorph v1 Guest
    is wondering what in Goth's name we've started here...
    xenomorph v1, Jun 6, 2014
  4. Goth Vampirella Has A GWG Question...

    Digital loves this community.
    DigitalAssassin, Jun 6, 2014
  5. Cloud loves everyone too Goth Vampirella Has A GWG Question... :D
    Mark Sherwood, Jun 7, 2014
  6. *Hugs everyone all around except for that Goth Vampire chick - been told she bites from time to time*
    Galactic Geek, Jun 7, 2014
  7. bstn617
    bstn617 Guest
    This thread is kinda disturbing. Just saying.
    bstn617, Jun 7, 2014
  8. Goth Vampirella Has A GWG Question...

    wants to know if this thread has the power of the cloud since "Cloud" posted here.
    Goth Vampirella Has A GWG Question... :p
    Goth Vampirella, Jun 8, 2014
  9. I wasn't going to say anything, but I am really a cortana-like version of the cloud. Just a forum AI that floats around Goth Vampirella Has A GWG Question... :p

    bstn, you have a problem with hugs? Goth Vampirella Has A GWG Question... :)

    One question I do have. Im curious about something with GwG. Is this going to be like this each month for X1? You can download both games at the start of the month or did we only get it this month due to the slight delay?
    Mark Sherwood, Jun 9, 2014
  10. bstn617
    bstn617 Guest
    Yes I don't want anybody hugging me unless there family or they pass my smell test.

    But me being disturbed by these( yes with a s since there is no more then one ) threads is because of the whole talking in the third person aspect. Very strange but to each there own I guess.
    bstn617, Jun 10, 2014
  11. xXCamhawkXx
    xXCamhawkXx Guest
    <hugs bstn617> Just try and stop my big fella!!! BTW I eat a lot of cheese. Goth Vampirella Has A GWG Question... :)
    xXCamhawkXx, Jun 10, 2014
  12. bstn617
    bstn617 Guest
    @Camhawk I will just crop dust you with Febreze on your way in so you smell like a cool ocean breeze.
    bstn617, Jun 10, 2014
  13. Goth Vampirella Has A GWG Question...

    Don't worry, bstn, we know YOU have issues with body odor. ;P

    *snaps clothespin onto nose and gives bstn a hug*
    Galactic Geek, Jun 10, 2014
  14. bstn617
    bstn617 Guest
    @GG You don't even no how tempted I am to flag your post and get you banned like you always do to other posters but... I will let it slide.

    In the future practice what you preach and don't insult other forum users. LOL.
    bstn617, Jun 10, 2014
  15. I was just messing with you because of the way you phrased it, it left you open for a good jab ("unless they pass MY smell test") - hence why I had the smiley with a winking eye and tongue sticking out; I meant no harm. Goth Vampirella Has A GWG Question... :)
    Galactic Geek, Jun 10, 2014

Goth Vampirella Has A GWG Question...